Chapter 521 What Lies Beneath That Mask...?!

Chapter 521 What Lies Beneath That Mask...?!

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"From the sea, or from the sky... You just try it!! We're gonna kick your asses good!!"

"All right, men!! To battle---!!!"



Just a few words from Luffy were enough to get most readers around the world excited.

But what followed was a comical battle instead of a real one.

In Ohara, most readers laughed while watching the events of the chapter titled: "You know."

"Hahaha! As expected from Luffy!"

"Hahahaha! Yes, he just wants to ride the flying fish! What a fun captain!"

"Bft- Hahahahaha! Oh, the fish have returned to the sea with their riders... including Luffy!"

"Oh, Luffy got soakedthank goodness he was saved, hah! Hahahaha! Chopper and Brook forgot they were Devil Fruit users too again!"

"Nami gets angered! Hahahaha!"

"Luffy never stops causing trouble!"

"Oh, who would have expected Zoro to save a former enemy? He cut through the steel prison and the ropes that bound Hatchan."

Whether they were archaeologists or doctors, merchants or laborers, ordinary farmers or employees, everyone enjoyed the manga's events and discussed them enthusiastically, without any barriers, even though they didn't know each other personally.

But today was Manga Day, where all barriers were broken, a day when the king becomes an ordinary citizen and enjoys manga with his people.

Not far from the enthusiastic crowd of readers, Professor Clover, who led his team of archaeologists to the art store this morning, the knowledgeable archaeologist Donquixote Homing, and Saul, who had become a new archaeologist in Clover's crew, were waiting for the arrival of Vegapunk, Brook, and some other companions who seemed to be delayed for one reason or another.

"I suppose the events will get better when the crew reaches the archipelago."

Homing spoke at that moment.

"That's reasonable. I hope they deal with those scoundrels riding the flying fish quickly and continue progressing towards Sabaody," added Clover.

"Not before settling the grudge with that iron-masked person named Duval."

"I wonder who he could be? Derishishishi! He seems really angry," Saul laughed, expressing his curiosity about Duval.

"I'm more curious about the cover story. How did CP9 and Rob Lucci end up like this? It seems the World Government is chasing them for their failure in the mission and causing destruction in Enies Lobby," wondered Homing.

"Of course, the World Government will be extremely angry in the manga, unlike in reality where they paid the price for destroying Enies Lobby in order to kill Rob-san, but they failed."

At that moment, Vegapunk, who had been delayed, arrived. He was the one who spoke the previous words, surprising everyone.

"Oh, you've come, partner!"

Clover was happy to see Vegapunk. After all, they were used to meeting like this every month.

"Something happened. Rob found out that I made the weapon they almost killed him with that day, so I had to explain some details to him..." nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

Everyone who saw this scene felt sorry for half of Akainu's fortune, which went like that in his losing bet against Garp.

"Garp, you scoundrel... This is my office! Why are you sitting in my office as if you're the king here!?"

Sengoku couldn't bear Garp anymore.

"Bwahahaha! Here, Sengoku, have this. It's the latest edition of rice crackers sold at the art store. It's much more delicious than anything you've had before."

Garp held out a bag of rice crackers that he gave to Sengoku.


"I think it will be one of Luffy's old acquaintances who hasn't appeared before..."

"Could this masked person be an enemy of Luffy?"

"Bwahahaha! That's unlikely! Who in this world could hate my cute grandson?"

"Your cute grandson can destroy the world and laugh as if nothing happened! He's an expert at causing trouble!"

The more Sengoku spoke, the more he found himself downplaying Luffy's danger.

"You must be joking, Sengoku! Look, he even forgave Hatchan for ruining some Takoyaki. Can my grandson really be that bad?"

"What about a bet? Let's pose this question on the global forum as a poll and see who will prevail, Luffy's fans or his haters... If you win the bet against me, I'll give you half of my fortune... and vice versa."

After hearing this, Sengoku felt the danger and immediately retreated from his position.

"No thanks, go and make a bet with Sakazuki."

"Oh, what a great idea!"


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):








Chapter 512: Linlin Enters the Barn.

Chapter 513: The Tragedy of Duval.

Chapter 514: What's the secret behind Sanji's kicks that can change someone's face?

BlackStar_BH: "I have already begun the process of editing and correcting errors in the initial chapters on my P@treon. So far, I have made significant progress and have revised several chapters. Feel free to review them at your convenience."

Join my P@treon at: /BlackStar_BH ) to support me and read advanced chapters, there are 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel!