Chapter 613 Garp and Ace.


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"One Piece" Events:

"Damn, Jimbe!!!" When Sengoku heard that Jimbe still refused to comply with their request to participate in the war, he couldn't help but curse.

"Reporting, Fleet Admiral!! Regarding the Sabaody Archipelago incident, Admiral Kizaru captured 500 pirates." "Currently, we are unable to complete the paperwork to send them to Impel Down" Before the soldier could finish his report, Sengoku shouted: "That's just busy work!! If it doesn't have anything to do with Whitebeard, I don't want to hear it!"

"Furthermore, the World Noble Saint Rosward" The soldier tried again, but was interrupted once more. "Leave that to the Admirals. What happened to Garp!!?"

"Vice Admiral Garp was heading to Impel Down," the soldier answered.

"What does he intend to do in this situation? He's too damn free-spirited!!" shouted Sengoku.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku!! I have urgent news!! Whitebeard is on the move!! Haa Haa" At that moment, another soldier entered, speaking eagerly.

"Here he comes" Sengoku quickly forgot about Garp. "Are there any reports from the patrol boats!? Connect them here, I want to ask them myself."

"No, all of the ships monitoring Whitebeard's flagship, the Moby Dick 23 ships in all We suddenly lost contact with all of them a short while ago!!!" the soldier said, sweating.

"WHAT!!?" exclaimed Sengoku.

"It appears that the other pirate crews in the new world have been taking suspicious actions as well. But we have no idea of the scope of their plans."

"We have no information at all! We've completely lost sight of them!! New patrol ships are preparing to depart-"

" THEY GOT US!!" Sengoku slammed the table in anger. "They already made their move!!!"

"We don't even know where they'll attack while Ace is being held there." "Alert Impel Down that they might be a target as well!!" Sengoku ordered.

"Yes, sir!!!"

In the depths of the sea, Fish-Man Island:

In the eyes of Fisher Tiger and the rest of the Fishman race, including their king, King Neptune, the dark image of Jimbe, whom Sengoku cursed angrily, was reflected. Who had been sent to Impel Down to soften his stance regarding their request for him to participate in the war?

"This... Jimbe?" Fisher Tiger's pupils widened when this familiar name appeared.

"He's my counterpart for sure..." The current Jimbe has no difficulty recognizing his manga counterpart, even if he hasn't appeared officially yet.

"So, Jimbe, you'll become a Shichibukai too? That's astonishing... a Shichibukai from our Fish-Man Island!" King Neptune couldn't suppress the rising excitement within him.

"These wounds must have been left by Teach..." Dragon said.

"He really called me 'Gramps'... If he considers me his grandfather, that means I consider him my grandson too. Even if he's the son of my enemy, I can't allow the death of my grandson. Family is more important than anything to me. Just... I don't know how this happened..." Garp's frustration was mounting.

Little did he know that worse was yet to come.

Back on Er-Baz Island, the pirate king's territory, the Oro Jackson still stood quietly.

"My child..." The tears that Rouge had held back for years started to fall uncontrollably.

Ace, who hadn't appeared since his battle with Blackbeard, finally showed up... and in a miserable state.

"Ace is strong, don't cry, my dear... Look into his eyes, they are full of life."

Roger embraced his wife and comforted her with a gentle smile on his face.

Even if they were just events drawn on paper, Ace was their child whom they acknowledged deep in their hearts even before he came into this world.

His bright smile, the soft freckles on his face resemble those of his mother, the way he ate and slept during that time, his love for goodness, and his small mischievous acts like eating without paying and escaping! Also, his bright mood his great desire for freedom, and all the good qualities he showed in his first appearance in the Alabasta arc... all of this deeply shaped the image of the son they wanted!

Seeing this son, they wanted, in this condition made them deeply sad in the depths of their hearts.

They didn't want to see him suffer even if it was only in the manga.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 602: Nami's Destination: Weatheria!

Chapter 603: Franky's Destination: Karakuri Island.

Chapter 604: Sanji's Destination: Momoiro Island. (The Hell Island)
