Chapter 788 Episode 1 of AOT S4.


The warship carrying Admiral Akainu came to a halt on the northern coast of Long Ling Long Land Island. The admiral observed numerous anchored ships and even a sea train at the station, disembarking a large number of passengers. The place was bustling with activity, as expected in an area featuring an art store.

Adjusting his hat, the admiral disembarked from the ship. The reason for stopping here instead of rushing to Marineford was to watch the first episode of the fourth season of one of the greatest shows ever, Attack on Titan!

"There it is..." Sakazuki's eyes fell on the art store's screen. Despite the distance, it grabbed attention in a way that made it impossible to ignore unless one was determined not to see it at all.

"Just as depicted in the manga, this island was merely a peculiar geographic spot where travelers occasionally stopped. It resembles an archipelago but is said to have been a single island in the past, most of which sank into the sea," said Vice Admiral Doberman, standing behind the admiral.

"The creatures here are ridiculously tall."

Sakazuki and Doberman walked along the path toward the art store. Watching the episode inside would avoid any potential disturbances.

Even if the legendary hunter caught up to them, he wouldn't be able to do anything inside the art store unless the owner personally intervened, which Akainu deemed unlikely.


Sakazuki recalled Eren's intense gaze toward the sea. It was not an ordinary look; it seemed like that of someone who knew everything.

"The other side of the sea... It seems the fourth season will reveal everything," Vice Admiral Doberman remarked excitedly inside the art store. The atmosphere changed as hundreds of viewers gathered, and the screen lit up, displaying a blue sky.

A bird flew under the sun, and someone began speaking, as if to the bird.

(You... It's dangerous here... You should fly... To a faraway place...)

"A war..."

"So, this place is a battlefield then... Is it on another continent?"

"Who is this boy named Falco?"

The show started with gunfire and bloodshed, leaving viewers confused about what was happening. But Sakazuki remained focused on the screen, his expression unchanged.

This anime had entered its final season, which meant it would unveil everything—the truth about the Titans, the world's size, the fate of Paradise Island, and the real identities of the demons and humans.

"Huh? The heir to the Armored Titan?"

"Here comes Reiner!"

"So, he's returned to the Marley Empire!?"

"These young participants in the war are candidates to succeed Reiner? What does this mean?"

"More importantly, didn't you notice what Falco said about flying with two swords and fighting the Titans? Isn't that exactly what Eren and his partners do?"


Sakazuki ignored the audience's comments and continued watching in silence until the unusually thrilling opening song began.



???? Let's begin a new era from the womb of darkness ????

???? Until the light reveals the end to mankind ????

???? Sinful faces, multiplying calamities ????

???? This is my last freedom ????

????This is my war????



After the opening song titled "My War" ended, viewers were still under its spell. The song felt like a call to war! Even Sakazuki was mesmerized by its impact.

Immediately after the epic opening song, the first episode spotlighted the candidates to succeed the current 'special Titans,' who were also revealed to be Eldians.


*Episode's Events:*


"The Armored Titan..." Falco thought to himself.

"I wonder who they'll choose."

Next to him, a girl spoke with a sarcastic tone.

Falco looked at her and said, "What's up, Gabi? You make it seem like none of us here are your match."

"Let's be realistic, is there anyone else besides me?" The girl appeared confident in her abilities.

"Of course they will because they have the Titans' powers."

"They did all this, and the Armored Titan and Beast Titan haven't even joined the battle yet."

Suddenly, with Zeke's shout, a golden glow appeared on the screen as dozens of people with expressionless faces who jumped from the flying airship began transforming into Titans.

This scene left viewers in awe.


"The Titans are falling from the sky..."

In Ohara, Robin's eyes widened as she watched this astonishing scene.

"They're using ordinary Titans as weapons."

"Daughter... The upcoming scenes will definitely scare you, I don't recommend watching."

"No! I'll watch it for sure! I won't be scared!"

Hearing this, Rob was speechless.

Minutes later, Rob was patting the backs of Robin, Yamato, and Hancock, who were trembling with fear in his arms.

"Didn't I tell you the upcoming scenes were frightening?"

Of course, they were, as the Titans who fell from the sky began devouring enemy soldiers savagely, with blood and limbs flying everywhere.

The enemy's fortress turned into a bloody hell!


"War brings no good, don't you agree?"

After transforming into the Beast Titan, Zeke picked up dozens of shells from the fallen fortress that had already been lined up.

The Whitebeard Pirates watched this scene from their ship. No one spoke; the event's harmonious soundtrack was so wonderful that it drew Whitebeard and his sons deeply into the scene.

Dozens of ships appeared in the nearby sea, and the Beast Titan seemed to be targeting them.

"Thus, the war has finally ended."

With the episode's end, the Whitebeard Pirates felt as if they had just left this world.

"Wars... In any world where humans exist, wars are inevitable. Does this mean we are the source of all evils?"

Whitebeard sighed with regret after the episode ended.


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):


Chapter 770: Akainu Besieged.

Chapter 771: Akainu VS. Bell-mére!

Chapter 772: The First Episode of Demon Slayer Season 2!



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