Chapter 790:

The girl smiled when she heard the words, and did not respond positively, but said: "These are all trivial things, you are fine."

Cheng Dongyuan: "..."

The eyes flickered slightly, so she was the one who gave herself artificial respiration...?

It's just that, he couldn't ask.

At that time, he was saving people, so there was nothing wrong with doing so. He was a big man himself, not to mention anything.

He looked at the young and beautiful girl in front of him, and pulled the corner of his lower lip lightly, and said in a gentle voice, "No matter what, thank you."

As he said, he was silent for a moment, and then said: "I want to give you a thank you payment, I hope you can accept it, let me talk about it."

When the girl heard this, her eyes were a little surprised: "This, I'm afraid it's not good... It's not because of money to save you."

Cheng Dongyuan took the wallet beside his bed, took out a card from it, and handed it directly to her:

"There is not much money in it. There is a small one hundred thousand yuan. I know that this kind of thing cannot be measured by money, but it is also my heart. You can take it."


This remark made people tempted, especially since the card was right in front of her. For her, one hundred thousand yuan was a very large sum.

Just looking at the card, the entanglement in my heart is not only because of this, but also because of...

In the end, her eyes flickered, she slowly stretched out her hand, took it, and whispered: "I accept my mind... But saving you is what I should have done, and it has nothing to do with money."

Cheng Dongyuan watched her explain something, and smiled lightly: "It's okay, accept it with peace of mind."

He didn’t want to owe others, just like at the beginning, when he met Wen Xian, it was because of his physical problem that she saved his life, and since then, he has made her one step by step. superstar.

Of course, she is also working hard enough.

And this girl saved his life after many years.


The girl talked to him for a while. In a simple conversation with her, Cheng Dongyuan learned that she was a senior student at a media university in Beijing. Now she is teaching with her classmates in a small village below Sichuan. It took a few months. Will leave here.

I have to say that he didn't expect to come here to teach.

She also looked at her with admiration.

Finally, when the girl left, she seemed to be reluctant to give up, and finally saw that he was still weak and had to leave first.

After all, this man is so elegant and heavy, even if he is injured, he can't resist his gracefulness. When she rushed to the hospital and happened to see him, she looked at Xu Weiran's side and he couldn't help but look at him on the stretcher. .

Not to mention, nowadays he is even more generous, such a high-quality man... it's not ordinary at first sight!

After going out, her hand still stayed on the doorknob, a little thoughtful, not knowing what she was thinking.

And when she adjusted her state, when she turned around abruptly, she saw a figure standing against the wall a few steps away.

There were people sitting in twos and threes chairs in the corridor. She was standing outside a ward next door, with her hands around her chest, her head slightly lowered, and her fisherman's hat revealed a small chin.

Seeing her, the girl's heart trembled.

After that, she still walked over, but when she passed, she calmly put the bank card in her pocket.