It actually was.

Because the prince’s skills couldn’t be compared with Rapel’s.

Even with this body, it’s not that difficult to crush the immature fruit.

After that, the victory naturally came to me.

But it didn’t feel good at all.

Things got worse.

Because the Crown Prince who was glaring at me as if he was going to kill me, and Vin gave me a gloomy look with his eyes saying,

‘You told me not to bother you after I was chasing you to spar. But now you are doing it with someone else?’

It’s only natural that the prince expressed more anger because of Vin’s reaction.

“How did you get good all of a sudden? What kind of training did you do? Why did you do something different during sparring? Did you secretly train? With who, Vin?! Why did you sneak up on me like that? Do you want to die?!”

Ah……just kill me.

Lately, the prince’s hatred has risen sharply.

So, during the next sparring session, I tried to lose on purpose, but in the end, I won and the same process continued.

Without finding a way to do anything, the prince started to argue more with me as the days went by.

Words threatening life became morning greetings between me and the prince.

At this rate, even if the crown prince doesn’t officially order the death penalty, he can stab me with a sword ‘accidentally’ and kill me….I felt a sense of danger.

Wanting to live somehow, I recklessly headed to a swordsmanship shop in the Marquis’ territory.

The difficulty of lifting a sword does not matter in the face of life and death, so I will carry a sword for self-defence.

“Is there a sword I can carry around for self-defense?”

“Here’s something for you to carry.”

The shop owner, who seemed to have a much lower status than Irillin at first glance, said so very informally.

The place he pointed to was lined with beautiful swords studded with precious jewels.

Even to me who had never bout a sword, these swords seemed more decorative than practical.

“Uh, are there any swords other than these that can be really used for self defense?”

“What is a pretty girl going to do with such a rough thing? You just have to ask a reliable knight to protect you.”

“Would you stop talking bullsh*t and just show me something?”

I spat.

I never though I would hear the sounds I often heard as Hayan(?).

After all there are crazy people everywhere.

However there are other crazy people in this world, and an even crazier being…

Is me, Irillin Heather.

“Don’t you know me?”

I asked, gently combing my hair.

The shop owner’s complexion turned blue when he saw the blue hair that was the symbol of the Heather family.

In was only then that he remembered the notoriety of the marquise’s young lady, who often abused even the locals.

Hmm, possessing a villain is good at times like this.

“Ah, sorry! I will bring you the most powerful weapon right away!”

“Okay, bring it quickly.”

I gave the command in a informal manner, just he did in the beginning.

After that, I was laughing happily at the back of the store, while the owner disappeared in a hurry when I felt a hand poking my hand.

Looking down, I saw a small child looking up at me.

“…What is it, kid?”

“The Marquis Lady, Please do not buy from this store as the quality of the swords are not good. I like the store called ‘Marche’, which is only three blocks away from here. Also, for self-defense, rapiers that the lady is more familiar with will the better than daggers.”

“Huh? How do you know that?”

“I don’t know, but a gege gave me this and asked me to pass it on to the lady.”

The child was holding a gold coin in his hand.

Who is it? I immediately looked around.

I guess I didn’t notice that there were eyes on me because there were so many people….I recognized it immediately.

Even in the midst of such a large crowd, a clear presence, a presence that I have become accustomed to.

Vin Ortega.

Gears have meddled in my affairs.

He acted like he would never associate with me again.

Should I pretend not to know him or should I confront him and tell him not to meddle? I’m hesitating…

“That the gege.”[T/N: gege is older brother]

Suddenly the child pointed at a human figure wearing a black robe.

Perhaps because of that, I grabbed the person who was about to disappear in a haste.

It was a rather impulsive action, like a beast instinctively chasing a fleeing prey.




I couldn’t come up with anything to say.

Meanwhile, Vin took off his robe and spoke first.

“I did it because I was worried. You can’t afford to buy a bad sword. As you know, I have a lot of interest in swords. Not you, but swords.”

It was a very indifferent voice.

I also responded in a nonchalant voice.

“I see.”

Hearing those words, which I uttered in a way that was neither curious about the reason or interested, Vin’s expression turned rather confused.

Even if I said it without hesitation. Why are you looking at me like that?

“Do not misunderstand.”.


“I am not interested in you.”

“I know.”

“It’s good for you to know.”

Vin wore the robe again.

I tried to walk away but paused and glanced back when I heard.

“Did I ever bother you?”

Was there ever a time when those deep blue eyes that could be seen under the robe looked as pitiful as they do now?

When those eyes looked at me, they contained a myriad of emotions.

Where did this emotions come from?

What’s certain it doesn’t seemed to be hate.

Maybe it’s my mistake, but it’s like… it’s looking for affection.


I should answer yes and walk away.

But, I couldn’t bear to say it so coldly in front of those eyes.

A young boy like that, and even more so, my bias is making such an expression. What kind of cold-blooded person could ignore that?

Even if my life was at stake, my judgement was still clouded.

“Then I’m glad.”

After saying this in a nonchalant voice, Vin turneed his head again and walked forward.

But I saw.

Right before he turned his head, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.


After that day, Vin’s cold attitude strangely softened.

I still didn’t talk to him, but anytime I felt gaze, Vin was always looking at me.

Seeing Vin like that, the prince stared at me and made a silent death threat with his eyes.

Oh…I shouldn’t have grabbed Vin that day. I should have said he bothered me.

However, even if I regretted it, it was already spilled milk.

No matter how much I struggle, I still end up at the edge of death. At least I bought the sword.

Ahh. He looks like he’s going to kill me again! It’s like he’s going to snap my neck right now.

…In the midst of feeling the crisis of death every day, another incident broke out.

“I hate you from the bottom of my heart, Irillin Heather.”

It is said that Sith’s secret reached the ears of the Marquis and the Marchioness.

The fact that Sith likes men.

I never said it, and it’s an incident that doesn’t exist in the original work so of course I don’t know who said it.

Sith, who had no way of knowing my circumstances, was suspicious and came to question me.

“You said you won’t! That it’s only natural for people to like people!”

“Calm down, Sith. I didn’t tell them.”

“You didn’t tell, but why do our parents know?! Now they’re looking at me like…I’m some sort of nasty insect and are trying to put me in Dr. Saint’s hospital!”

“I don’t know either. I really didn’t say anything.”

“You! You’re the only one that knows.”

He’s(?) the one who knows your secrets, not me…

It reminds me of a boy with silver hair who is ignoring me.

However, I’m sure he’s not a guy who spreads other people’s secrets just because he has a grudge.

Is he my bias for nothing? A person without conscience can’t be my bias.

If it is not Vin, who the hell is it? Someone who knows Sith’s secret that is not me or Vin….

There is one more.

‘I like men.’

The person who heard this directly.

Sith’s handmaiden Anna.

“Your lady-in-waiting was there too.”

“Anna couldn’t have done that.”

“What do you think and what do you believe in? People are three dimensional, even good people can do bad things.”

In this case, where the person isn’t a character in my sister’s novel, it safe to believe she doesn’t have a heart like unnie. [T/N: unnie is older sister]

I think something like this has happened before.

I confided in a friend I trusted that I was a BL novel writer, and rumors spread…[T/N: I’m not sure if she’s talking about her sister or herself the mtl is confusing]

“I’ll ask our parents who they heard it from? Until then don’t think of anything else.”

“How do I know that you’re not lying? You can say that they heard it from Anna after you ask.”

Sit’s face was full of doubt.

He believes in Anna unconditionally, but is very cold to me.

Even if it was something ‘Irillin Heather’ would have done…

‘I trust you though.’

I couldn’t help but feel sad. A cynical tone came out of nowhere.

“Sith, why don’t you ask our paren ts?”

“When I try to talk to them, they cover their noses and walk backwards. I should try to talk to them?!”

“Then what do you want me to do? Why don’t you believe it’s not me?”

“Why? I don’t know much about Anna, but I know very well about you. You are very vicious and cunning. You were born to bully others. Even if you know my shame….”

I interrupted Sith.

“Be careful with your words, Sith. Why is it a shame that people like people? Why are you putting yourself down…”

But this time, Sith cut off the horse’s waist and ate it.[T/N: This is probably some idiom of some sort but I have no idea what it means.]

“Stop talking. okay?! You’re not the kind of person who would just leave it alone if you knew someone’s weakness, not my shame. But why can’t you just move on and tickle(?) me so that it doesn’t suit you?”

“Tickle you, when did I? I just said what I thought.”

“Irillin Heather is not a person who thinks that way.”

To be honest, I didn’t know what to say.

If ‘Irillin’ had found out Sith’s secret instead of me, it would have been the norm for her to tell her parents and wave a flag with the words ‘Sith cannot reproduce!’