Then the carriage will run madly towards my destination, when the men from the Marquis of Heather arrive much later than the carriage…….

I should have already gotten off the carriage and gone to Serom, the Northern Kingdom.

By that time, the war with Serom will break out and the border will be closed.

Seven years will pass before the end of the war against Serom.

During that time, even if I try to run into the Crown Prince and Vin, I won’t be able to run into them.

What a perfect plan! You have to come up with a plan like this before you can say you’ve been possessed into a novel.

“Let’s get out of here.”

“I’m really looking forward to it.”

Oh, I see people going out of the banquet hall over there.

Shall I go out for the carriage ride now?

“Why don’t you cause trouble today?”

“Oh, you scared me!”

As I was walking toward the door, my shoulder was suddenly grabbed, and when I looked back, Sith was standing there.

Somehow, with a face that looks very different from usual.

“You would normally stick to Vin and interfere with his relationship with His Highness, why not?”

That’s right, it should have been like that according to the original.

However, no matter how much I decided to run away, I didn’t want to follow the original story and get caught up in the hassle.

Sith seemed to have felt a sense of alienation from this “normal’ judgment.



“Yes. It was just so. Can you let go of me, if you understand? I have to get out soon, too.”

I was lazy to make excuses when I was about to run away.

Sith, who couldn’t have thought of being considerate of my feelings, naturally didn’t give in at all.

“There’s no such thing as just because. Tell me straight.”

“Why is it so important? You didn’t pay much attention to my work. What’s wrong with you?”

“Because you keep doing weird things. Because you’re acting like you’re not…”

“Why is it so important? “You didn’t pay much attention to my work. What’s wrong with you?”


You’re such a sharp guy.

Until now, although people suspected that it was mental illness, no one thought that I wasn’t Irillin herself……

If it were me, would I have suspected someone else inside my sister when she suddenly became weird?

No. I definitely couldn’t have thought that. He must have thought that I had gone crazy, just like Irillin’s parents did.

“You’re not Irillin, are you?”

It was a confident utterance.

It is not a doubt, but a conclusion that has been reached after being carefully gathered from all the circumstances.

“Did you drink without the adults knowing? What are you talking about?”

The conclusion was correct, but I had no intention of accepting it.

I’m not Irillin.

I knew what kind of ripples those words would create, it would shake the foundations of this world .

No matter how close the relationship is, it won’t be easy to spit it out.

“There are more than one or two strange things. A sudden change in attitude, behavior…… and sword skills. You’ve never beaten His Highness, the Crown Prince.”

“It must have been like that until before.”

“Never before, and never in the future will you defeat His Majesty the Crown Prince of Yeongyeong(?)”

“How do you know that? Who do you think you are?”

“Who are you, then. Tell me that first.”

“What do you mean, it’s me, Irillin Heather. Someone who’s not nice enough to listen to your nonsense. If you understand, I can go now, right?”

I shook Sith’s hand from my shoulder and stood in front of the banquet hall door.

Sith’s words continued behind my back.

“Please tell me tomorrow. Please.”

I didn’t answer that.

Not only was I not going to answer, but there will be no tomorrow with us together.

“I found it!”

In the novel, the place where the carriage flies was described only as ‘the hill with the tallest tree in the imperial palace’, so it took longer than expected to find the place.

It’s fortunate that there’s still time left until the carriage is blown away, and if I was late, my life would be ruined forever.

Piyung-! Bang-! The fireworks that exploded in the sky to make it easier to escape and hid my footsteps.

When the guards who guarded the carriage neglected their duties in excitement and stared blankly at the sky, I whispered behind them.

“All that Melhona.”

Now they’ll go to the melon field a long way from here without even realizing that you met me.

Turning away from the guards rushing down the hill, I went on to approach the carriage.

And I said.

“Taekbae What Smee.”

This was a spell on myself.

There can be no one in the carriage, so I have no choice but to be a courier myself.

The door of the carriage broke more easily than expected with the sound of a rattle-

It was made only for decoration, so the inside didn’t seem to be very solid.


“……What is that noise?”

Someone seemed to have heard it and was coming this way.

And that someone had a very familiar voice and presence……

Well, I think it was the same situation last time.

Why do I keep bumping into him like this.


I turned my back on the broken carriage and rushed out to Vin.

Damn it. I thought it was one of the slowest guards, but was it Vin……!

Come to think of it, there was a scene where Ortega’s people found out about his relationship with the crown prince and he squatted on a hill and shook the sighed alone, and that hill must have been this hill.

“Irillin……? What are you doing here?’

“Boo, I want to see the fireworks from a high place……! It looks high over there. Let’s go over there and watch it together!”

I was afraid that Vin would see the carriage behind me, so I dragged him by the arm and moved to a position where the carriage was out of sight.

Vin’s expression looked dazed the whole time he was being dragged by me, probably because he did something he wouldn’t normally do these days.

It would be simple to use ‘All That Melhona’ on this guy, but that isn’t the case.

When Vin, who will later learn the secret spell, gets this spell, he’ll realize what he’s been through.

I can’t do anything that completely twists the course of the novel.

I’ll have to somehow calm him down and get him off the hill.

“By the way, are you okay?”

I asked, pointing to Vin’s swollen cheek.

I just brought it up to change the subject, but I was genuinely worried after seeing the bruise.

I think the original said Duke Ortega hit him. How painful it must have been for a grown man to hit him with all his might…….

I was so busy trying to live that I pretended not to know, even though I knew the pain this child would suffer.

The way he talks and thinks is mature, but his skin is as delicate as a slender 13-year-old child, just like any other.

“It’s all right.”

Normally, he would have replied, ‘It’s none of your business.’

The guy who used to act like a hedgehog with a lot of thorns seems to have all the thorns pulled out today.

He thinks the world will end if he doesn’t get his parents’ approval, he must have been hurt.

“It’s not all right. You don’t have to lie.”

I know the depth of the pain that my parents have inflicted on me, and it is my last meeting with Vin, so I decided to be nosy.

Not as Irillin Heather, but as Baek Mo-na.

“… It’s snowing.”

It was what Vin said while looking at the sky out of the blue.

Are you trying to change the subject? I didn’t have a hobby of digging into other people’s wounds, so I sympathized with Vin.

“That’s true. It’s still autumn and it’s already snowing.”

“I heard it snows in Serom from early autumn. There must be a snowstorm in Serom by now.”

“Oh, wow…! Serom citizens will be happy…….”

Damn it! I’m about to be the Serom citizens, so what’s good about it!

I didn’t think there would be a snowstorm this season…….

I’m not going to freeze to death before I even get to Serom, right……?

“Don’t say immature things. It’s cold enough to snow in autumn. How exasperated they must be.”


I get cold easily. What should I do……. Irillin is smaller than me, so I think I’ll feel the cold more than when I was in my original body… … !

Ugh, I don’t know. I’m sure Irillin’s accessories from home will be quite expensive, so I can buy thick clothes and layer up as soon as I arrive.

Let’s only think of good things for now.

You don’t have to feel the anxiety of death anymore, I can live my own life as Mona White, not as lrillin.

After thinking about it, I felt much more at ease. Even those snow falling pine mushrooms looked pretty as they were.(?)

“Still, it’s pretty.”

I smiled softly with (?)my eyes in my hands.

At that time, Vin’s eyes, which were staring at me blankly, turned to the other side.

Perhaps because it was cold, his swollen cheeks and ears were the same color.

A murmur came from his hidden face.

“……Yes, I didn’t know until now.”

“Why didn’t you know you had pretty eyes?”

“I wasn’t interested.”

“Are you interested now?”

“Yeah. I guess so.”

Vin’s head turned towards me again.

Vin’s eyes, which I saw again, had softened deeply.

As if the boredom and contempt that were always reflected in it didn’t even exist.

… … Was the shock of being hit by Duke Ortega that great?

“……You’re right.”

Vin, who had paused for a while, sighed and sat down on the ground.

I sat down next to him and asked.

“Me? What do you mean?”

“Actually, it’s not okay.”


“It hurts, it’s hard. I feel like I’m going to be eaten by guilt.”

Do you feel guilty for disappointing your parents?

It’s not Vin who should feel guilty, but the Duke of Ortega. What’s wrong with a person liking a person?

My fists were clenched involuntarily. As a result, the copy in hand was slightly crumpled.

Oops, I pressed the crumpled part to straighten it out, and looked at Vin.

Vin’s blue eyes, which had been looking down at the copy, rose softly as he faced me.

“Don’t feel guilty. You did nothing wrong.”

“You don’t even know why I feel guilty.”

Poking my nose with the tip of his index finger, Vin smiled faintly.

…… What is it? Why do I feel like I’m being teased?