“She must be in Serom now.”

It was a judgment made by Sith, who was listening to the story of the night when Irillin disappeared from Vin.

The guards who came to their senses while holding a melon, and the preparatory staff’s testimony that the door of the carriage was ruptured…

Based on these, Vin also agreed that Irillin had fled toward the north.

However, no matter how many times Vin asked Sith, why she headed to the cold and dangerous Serom, he did not answer.

Still, Vin believed Sith’s words and wanted to go to Serom.

Because she was nervous and was always in my sight. She suddenly stepped out of the way and now ran away to a place that was completely invisible.

Vin was worried. He thought she was going to do something in a place she didn’t know…… It’s only been like that in the past,

‘Are you alive now, are you being attacked by someone when you can’t even hold a sword, and how are you eating with a body that you’ve never cooked a meal before’.

I had such a common worry.

It was because of these feelings that made Vin move despite uncertain grounds.


“Why do you want to do what the pursuers will do?” Wake up. You’re the heir of the Duke of Ortega. You should stay here and protect your family no matter what.”

As expected, there was a series of opposition.

“All the things that bother you. Don’t just hit it timidly, turn it upside down and don’t let them mess with you again.”

At that moment the words crossed his mind.

As if possessed by something, Vin turned around without listening to all the nagging that followed and recklessly ran toward Serom.

But on the way, the war broke out, the border was closed when there was not much time left until he reached Serom.

‘What should I do to cross over that?’

Because Serom’s side continued to invade, the border was constantly coming down.

In this situation, crossing the border alone was nothing short of suicide.

Even if his reason was out enough to do the rebel, which he had never done before, his judgment did not become clouded.

Vin turned his horse like a hawk hiding his claws and returned to Abert.

When he returned, there was a movement to regain his territory again.

‘That’s it!’

The surest way to cross the border, it was to go to the war.

Of course, there was a stir on Ortega’s side, but Vin dismissed their opposition in a word.

“I’ve already applied for it and I’m on my way.”

Ortega knew best that each and every one of them couldn’t apply for war in this urgent situation where every second was needed.

It was because what Ortega did from generation to generation was to recruit veterans when a war broke out.

It was their own rule that applications for participation in the war could not be withdrawn.

In a situation like this, for a member of the family to withdraw from participation in the war would be tantamount to staining the face of the family.

Because of that, Ortega had no choice but to let Vin go.

Of course, there were several verbal abuse and assault, but as Irillin said, nothing was lost.

To them, Vin was the only descendant, escaping from their expectations would be alright, but escaping from their clutches would not be what they wanted.

“Since you decided to participate in the war, raise Ortega’s honor and come. Don’t let me only guard the family.”

In the first place, they seemed to put another expectation on Vin, even if he was out of expectation.

I heard it’s easier to be forgiven for committing a crime than to ask for permission.

The words were true. When he turned everything upside down, Ortega was rather cautious of Vin.

No one expected or forced Vin to do anything.

‘That easy?’

The most difficult thing was to dampen one’s fear of adults rather than the will of adults.

After overcoming it, the other things were actually nothing.

“Like Irillin.”

Vin looked in the mirror and uttered his determination like a spell.

For the past seven years, he kept this habit every single day.

It was ironic that finding the person who made everything easy was the most difficult thing for him.

For a week since I disappeared, there has been no pursuer following me here to Serom.

However, more than a week later, things changed. The pursuers who were looking for me were infested as if they had noticed that I was here.

Casting a spell on the wagon and running away from them was the end of it only once or twice.

This is because the decorative carriage, which is useful for nothing but being pretty, was completely ruptured.

The border was closed because the war with Serom broke out, otherwise I would have been caught and locked up in a mental hospital forever or executed as scheduled.

Like that, it’s been seven years since I left and I’m grateful that I’m still alive and not dead.

In the meantime, Irillin’s body, who was 13 years old, turned 20 years old and became the same age as me, and in the meantime, changes have occured to me.

I was able to hold a sword. Even though I didn’t try hard, I naturally drew it because I was struggling to live.

“Promise to hold a sword, not a tree branch. And when the day comes when we both get over it…….”

Sometimes I remembered the promise I made with a little boy.

At the same time, my conscience was poked at the fact that I made a promise that I couldn’t keep, but I tried to shake it off.

He would’ve probably forgotten that we made that promise by now anyway.

Come to think of it, if I am 20 years old, is it time for Vin and the Crown Prince, who had been separated, to reunite when they are 20 years old.

The war between Serom and Abert has just ended.

It’s about time the Crown Prince who participated in the war came back.

I must be careful not to run into the Crown Prince coming down from the north……. As soon as I thought that, a crisis came to me.

A crisis that I have firmly believed for seven years that will never come again.

“It’s a mission. Mo-na.”

“What mission?”

“Protecting the tribute to Abert.”

Seven years ago, it was the head of my current mercenary team who saved me from being buried in a pile of snow while fighting my pursuers.

He was a Seromite with a rough and blunt disposition, but soft as a child.

He had a daughter my age at the time, but she was attacked by a band of bandits and died.

I thoroughly used him, who was tied to my story and moistened his eyes whenever he looked at me.

I acted like a real daughter and asked for learning.

He taught me with all his heart because he thought his daughter wouldn’t have lost her life easily if she was as good at swordsmanship as I was.

Because of that, my skills have improved so much that it can’t even compare to my original skills.

I was almost buried in a snow pile, but the place where the I was buried was where the leader was, and the leader of the team was running the strongest mercenary team in Serom.

I met my worst misfortune by possessing by Irillin Heather, but I met my best fortune as soon as I ran away from Irillin Heather’s life.

I liked the life I have now, where I can be entirely ‘Baek Mo-na’.

The leader and the members of the mercenary group are having a hard time because of the cold, but Serum, who has become attached to them, was also good.

“Where is it located?”

I asked the leader, melting my frozen hands in the cold.

“The Pinder Mountains.”

“……The Pinder Mountains? Isn’t it a little dangerous there? It’s Abert’s garrison.”

“The war is over. If you pay tribute politely, the red dog won’t rip us off.”

Abert’s “Red Dog” is the title given to the Crown Prince after the war.

As soon as the red eyes are directed at Serom’s soldiers, the soldiers want to abandon their weapons and run away without even realizing it…….

Damn it. I thought I’d go through it for seven years, but this is how we’re going to meet……!

No, no. It’s too early to jump to conclusions.

It’s been seven years since then, so it’s time he forgot me.

Above all, Irillin’s body has grown a lot, so there is a possibility that he won’t recognize it even if he remembers it.

But… … I can’t just relax.

It’s not like there’s no possibility at all.

“Well, sir. Can you exclude me from this mission?”

“What’s the matter, sister? Is it because you’re scared? Oh! Are you scared of the red and blue dogs?”

The youngest, Naburang, who had just joined the mercenary group, pretended to be a dog with his hands and teased me.

‘Blue Dog’ was another war hero on Abert’s side.

I knew that the Crown Prince was called a “Red dog” because it was mentioned in the novel, but I had never heard of the title “Blue dog.”

War was only mentioned in the past, so it’s probably one of the crown prince’s minions I don’t know.

“You’re annoying. It’s just that I’m not feeling well.”

“No way. How could the person who was fighting with the leader for 5 hours in a row tell such a lie?”

“It could have been bad because you overworked like that. Mo-na. Are you really not feeling well?”

The leader asked with a worried look.

My father never had that look on his face towards me……. I’m getting weak.

But I have to get your act together. Because the leader wouldn’t want me to die.

“Yes. I think I have a cold. I want to take a break.”

“You’re talking because you barely have a cold?” Who told me not to talk before I really got a fever…….”

“It’s alright. Don’t worry about the mission and try to rest.”

The leader, who blocked the youngest Naburangi’s mouth, left with a smile.

If another member had said this, he would have pressed him not to sound weak…….

My conscience poked at me again.

‘Forgive me, sir. For I, who you care about so much, is trying to survive.’

I paid the price of selling his conscience by asking the leader for forgiveness.

I was wondering if I could get out of the woods with that…….

I didn’t expect this damn little brat to bring me the crisis again.

“Why do you discriminate against people? I slipped on the stairs. Stop……. He(?) dislocated his shoulder.”

“I’ll go.”

I asked if I could withdraw in the mission because I was sick, and I felt guilty because of the leader who couldn’t bring it up and just looked at me, so I said so.

I don’t remember my elementary school classmates, So don’t tell me you remember. You should forget my face.

It was the bravado of such an idea.

It’s a bit harsh to say that I’ll pay for my bravado……. What can we do about this.

Anyway, so now I’m on a carriage loaded with tributes.

As the leader said, Abert never bit us. Rather, the band of bandits I met on the way here to the Pinder Mountains were fiercer.

My duty was to keep the carriage in good order while I moved the tribute from the carriage on Serom’s side to the other side.

It was thanks to the consideration of the leader who knew I was sick.

It was an infinitely calm day, except that every time I heard an Abert’s accent outside at first glance, my heart was pounding.

That’s all I thought.

“I belong to the Knights of the Albert Empire. Let me check the quantity for a moment.”

Until I heard the voice of a man who sounds familia