The Crown Prince’s lips closed tightly as if he were extremely dissatisfied with the scene.

Soon he opened his mouth again and said in a firm tone.

“I’ll take care of the convoy.”

The Crown Prince grabbed me by the shoulder and led me as if he had snatched me from Vin.

Nevertheless, Vin, who did not let go of the rope until the end, finally relaxed when the Crown Prince looked at him with a ferocious gaze.

However, he was transfixed on me until the end as if he had no intention of letting go of my gaze.

After that, I was taken by the crown prince and did not fall off until he climbed a horse.

All the work of moving the tribute was completed, and the order for the return of the Crown Prince was issued.

I sniffled in a different sense, as I heard sniffles everywhere, saying that I could finally go back home after seven years

This is because to me, this road was not considered a return road, but a road to the afterlife.

It was even more so because of the Crown Prince who tightened the rope more with a frightening force every time Vin glanced at me.

Except when he went to the bathroom, he always stuck with me and blocked other people’s access.

Because of that, I had to leave without saying goodbye to the leader who raised me and fed me so far.

Except for the crown prince, Sith was the only one who was allowed access to me.

“Aren’t you thirsty?”


“Aren’t you hungry?”


“That dress looks thin, do you want some thick clothes?”

“Why aren’t you answering?”

“……I was wondering if you were possessed by a ghost.”

He was so sweet to me that I doubted whether he was sane.

“No matter how bad the relationship was, I ended up being born and raised in the same house, is it so strange to be worried?”

“Yeah. It’s weird. You and I weren’t just on bad terms. You obviously wanted to kill me.”

“When did I?”

There was nothing to say about it. Because Sith never wanted to kill me like the original him wanted to kill me.

Sith’s hatred was too deep to break up and feel dramatic longing before it became a deeper hate relationship.

I couldn’t understand Sith’s attitude, which was suddenly reversed like a card game flip.

Rather than liking me, isn’t it more convincing to plot to kill me behind my back while I’m off guard?

I asked Sith why he had changed so much, but the answer was always the same.

“Let’s talk at home later.”

I felt like I was conscious of the Crown Prince who was stuck to me.

Therefore, I felt like I had to give up the question “Why did you try to make me run away?”

No one likes to be talked about(?) in front of me.

Of course, the Crown Prince would, but to his surprise, he didn’t look offended at all.

I could see the reason in the conversation between the two that followed soon.

“Sir Heather. Vin doesn’t look well, what should I do?”

“It seems to me so, too. If you enter the border of Abert soon, why don’t you take a break for a while?”

“Is there anything there to relieve Vin’s mood?”

“I’ve heard rumors that the night view is amazing. If you enjoy the beautiful scenery together there, you will be able to relieve the fatigue of war.”

“That’s a good idea. It is also good to ask Sir Heather for advice.”

……Unknowingly, Sith seemed to have become a love counselor to the crown prince.

This is why the crown prince trusted Sith.

Helping the gong and the shou with the sub-gong theme!

What the hell happened?

All the characters have changed for seven years, but the biggest change among them seemed to be Sith.

I want to question Sith as soon as possible, but I couldn’t because of the Crown Prince, so I was worn out.

However, days later, when I reached the capital of Abert, I finally had a chance to separate from the Crown Prince!

“Let the sinner, Irillin Heather, be confined to the palace’s underground prison.”

……the problem is that not only the prince but also other people.

Under the laws of the Abed Empire, crossing the border without permission constitutes a high treason, and high treason is a felony that can be sentenced to death.

I ran away to avoid the death penalty, but I could be executed for it…….

But it’s still too early to be frustrated.

Depending on what sentence you get in the trial, you may get hopeful results.

The problem is that it doesn’t seem very hopeful…….

This is because these humans are the jurors chosen by random draws among the imperial people.

Callie Hant, Sith Heather, Vin Ortega, and the Crown Prince!

How could only the people I know who would hate me be selected.

This, don’t you think there’s no need for a trial?

I will, too, before the trial, there was a chance to meet with the jury, and everyone responded very well.

“Do you know my favorite tea leaf?”


“You don’t know. As if it’s always natural, I’m the only one knows the car that likes, and I’ve heard all kinds of things.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t remember well because I was so young…….”

“Oh, what should I do? It’s so funny that Young-ae, who always couldn’t even see me as a foot warmer, now has to be my foot cleaner to live. I’ll laugh a little bit. Hahahaha!”

Callie, who was eaten like a bell by Irillin, couldn’t have a proper conversation because she was just laughing,

“There’s no one here now. Answer me, Sith. What the hell are you up to?”

“Even if there’s no one, I can’t because their listening through all the wiretapping.”

“Nonsense! Then when are you going to tell me. Will you tell me after I’m executed? Be honest. You’re just messing with me, right?”

“No. More than that, are you having a hard time? Why did you look so pale.”

Sith seemed to be just pretending to care for me and conspiring to get behind me,

“Do you want to get out of here?”

“Of course it is.”

“Well, then, see me well.”


“Well, that’s for you to think about.”

“… Why do you want me to see you well when you don’t even want to get me out?”

“Why do you think there isn’t?”

“Isn’t it that you want to keep me tied here for fear of doing something without you? Then prison is the best place, and there’s no way you want to get me out.”

“I didn’t think of anything, but now that I hear it, it right. All right. You’ll just stay here.”

“Now, wait!”

“No? If you don’t like it, what should I do.”

“…You can see me well, right?”

“Take a good look.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do! Do you want me to shake your arm?”

“Well, that’s nice, too.”

Vin was busy teasing me without the slightest intention of talking seriously,


The Crown Prince didn’t even show up for the interview.

How can I have hope when everyone seems to have no intention of cooperating with me.

Now there seemed to be nothing I could do but sit down and wait for death.

……But why.

This must be a prison. Why is the meal so delicious, and why is there always a hot bath in the big bathtub, and the bed so soft?

Are you trying to make me happy at least for the last time on death row?

Like Santa Claus’s gift every day, various snacks and flowers at the bedside must be the same purpose.

The more I do this, the more miserable I feel…It wasn’t that, and it was honestly a lot of comfort.

So my face was not very dark, unlike the sinner, when I entered the courtroom a few days later.

“The trial begins. Please take your seats, sinners and jurors.”

The trial began at the judge’s sentencing.

After a brief oath, the jury began to express its opinion.

Callie was the first to get the floor.

“My esteemed Presiding Judge. The sinner fled his country without permission and has cooperated with Serom, an enemy country for seven years. This can be seen as a crime of rebellion, so I demand a life sentence.”

You’ve been cooperating with Serum! What did I, a mercenary, do to get the word “cooperation”?

All I did was guard the nobles and wipe out the bandits.

If that’s the case, everyone who works abroad must be a rebel!

I was frustrated by the injustice.

However, I couldn’t express this feeling.

For the sinner dared not speak during the trial.

“Isn’t life imprisonment a punishment that is fed with imperial taxes while the prisoner is alive. You can’t let the imperial people feed those who betrayed the empire. Therefore, I seek the death penalty for a sinner.”

Rather than presenting his status as a crown prince, he was simply humbly presented as one of the representatives of the imperial people.

But it was visible to me.

His corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

You’re trying to kill me as soon as you get a chance.

As expected, the threats that have been made since seven years ago were not empty words.

“Your Honor, may I speak?”

Vin raised his hand and asked.

The presiding judge nodded his permission.

“The guilty person was only thirteen when she fled. Isn’t she at an age where rational judgment is not possible yet. I think it’s too much to sentence anyone to death or life imprisonment for their childhood mistakes. Therefore, I demand a seven-year stay-at-home punishment for the sinner.”

“What’s the purpose of that time being 7 years?”

“No matter how young you were, it is true that she committed a crime for seven years, so I intend to punish during that time.”

I gave you a good reason, but you just want to lock me up!

Let’s see, it seems that everyone is not interested in a fair judgment of the trial, but only focuses on personal desires…….

Is there any way I can live here?