“I guess you don’t know anything, but my temper is not the same as the Deputy head. Because I’m much worse.”


“In that sense, I order. At the upcoming National Founding Festival, you are excluded from the mission.”

“Your Highness! It’s my first mission since I joined the Knights. Would you please reconsider?”

“No. I have a foul temper.”

“Your Highness!”

“Now go train. If you keep bothering me, my foul temper will not know what to do with you, so you’d better disappear quickly.”

At the words, the two knights cried but left without saying anything.

It’s understandable that the first time they saw their boss, and the opportunity to get paid has been lost.

What a pity…….

Wait, come to think of it, I’m much more pathetic than them!

I’m on the verge of losing my life, not just some opportunities.

Moreover, the depth of hatred is incomparably deep.

“I think you know I’m behind you.”

Oh no!

Since I helped those who cursed Vin, his chilling(?) glare dug into my flesh.

I should’ve just stayed still and shut up. Damn it.

“How did you know it was me without looking at me?”

It’s just that I don’t think I should answer that it’s because I have developed a sense of presence like you.

I can’t reveal all my abilities to someone who wants to kill me.

So I spewed out a lie.

“I can smell your highness.”


Ttuk. I felt a strange atmosphere.

For some reason, it was very hostile, but that seemed to have faded a little.

At that time, the bell rang to announce the start of the training.

I somehow called the frozen prince.

“Your Highness? It’s training time.”


“Your Highness.”


“May I go?”


I took a creeping step after receiving permission.

Then, as I was heading for Yeonmu-gun , I suddenly thought about it and looked back.


There was a prince sniffing his body.

“I heard you were dismissed”

Vin, who was about to sleep in after a long time, had a guest from early in the morning.

It was Sith, who had been searching for Irillin alongside him on the battlefield for the past seven years.

“Isn’t it working hours? What are you doing here?”

“It’s something wrong?”

“Don’t you need to train?”

“If someone who can judge the enemy’s behavior patterns more accurately than I do, that will happen. But unfortunately, there’s no one yet.”

Sith’s physical ability was never superior.

Nevertheless, he climbed to the position of commander because he could accurately read the enemy’s behavior patterns.

As if he had been given information straight from the enemy.

“I left my work hours behind and came to see you, aren’t you going to let me in?”

Vin often wondered if Sith was too reckless.

He thought he was just timid and gloomy, but sometimes he was so naïve.

Like Irillin.

At times like this, I thought they were siblings.

“But what’s the matter-”

“Don’t mess with my sister.”

Even before he finished speaking, Sith spat out.

The suddenness took his breath away. If he was drinking tea, he’d definitely spit it out.

“What do you mean?”

Vin asked, pretending to be calm.

……The countless conversation flew in Vin’s head, but he acted as if he was not bothered at all.

“You know what I mean. Don’t mess with her.”

“Is there any reason why a fiancé shouldn’t do that to his fiancée?”

Vin chose to stop pretending not to know and faced Sith head-on.

It’s not a place to be embarrassed just because you’re finally pulling on the topic you’ve pushed out.

“Irillin is burdened by you.”

Helplessly, Vin’s head, which had been looking straight ahead, shrank at those words.

There was no room for refutation.

If the other person is burdened, it is only natural to keep a distance.

Besides, Irillin had expressed her feelings a long time ago.

She don’t like it…….

I should have done as Sith said earlier.

“……I understand well.”

“Really? That’s a relief.”

Sith left Vin’s accommodation with a dry farewell, ‘I believe you understand me well.’

Recalling Sith’s words, Vin remained motionless, staring at the spot where Sith had been standing.

However, he suddenly noticed a strange object in his sight.

It was a notebook. It seemed that Sith had dropped it.


Vin belatedly opened the door and went out to find Sith, but he had already disappeared.

“Should I go to the commander’s office?”

However, going to the commander’s office from Vin’s quarters would take quite a while.

It would have been faster to stop by the training grounds ask Irillin to deliver the notebook instead.


Sith’s words echoed in Vin’s mind, making him feel dizzy.

It’s not right to make her feel pressured again under the pretext of returning his notes.

……but that’s if his words are true.

Trusting and judging others’ words without even checking the facts with Irillin would be wrong as well.

Vin headed for the grounds with his notebook.

It was to confirm what was right and wrong.

After meeting Vin, Sith arrived at the commander’s office and composed a letter with reverence.

┎ May this note reveal all the hidden truths.

Come to me and shine through the pitch darkness.

May we go through many thorny paths for your life together.

I sincerely hope.

Dear… No, just my little sister who likes it. ┙

The letter infused wit into a beautiful style as a writer.

Since she is not a very bright younger sister, it was likely that she would read this letter in the distant future.

Or perhaps never find it out.

Unfortunately, as long as the magic was around her neck, there was nothing Sith could do but wait without any promises.

Please find it as soon as possible.

Sith prayed earnestly.

Then, I searched my arms for the notebook to put the letter in.


She couldn’t find the note she had brought out of the room to hide in the commander’s office.

If someone other than herself or Mo-na were to find the note, she couldn’t anticipate the repercussions that would befall the world.

“It’s ruined.”

The truth that Mo-na would find out was now further away… or so Sith thought.

In fact, the truth was getting closer to Mo-na much faster than he thought.

Through Vin’s hands.

Contrary to expectations, the crown prince didn’t show any evil treatment or excitement towards me. He treated me just like any other member.

……Just like that, Yes!

“That’s all for today’s training. Don’t let your guard down if you want to safely carry out the escort mission at the National Foundation Festival.”

With the Crown Prince’s declaration, all the knights hurriedly left the camp.

I was at the end of the line and was the last to enter the dressing room.

I had been pushed around by the larger male knights.


When I came out after changing my clothes, Vin, who had been put on probation, was waiting for me.

For a moment, my heart sank, and I reflexively looked around.

Fortunately, the crown prince had already left.

“What? You’re on probation. Why are you here?”

“It’s not a problem to be outside the coalition. Give this to Sith.”

Vin handed me a notebook he had come across somewhere.

It’s Sith’s notebook!

Why does Vin have this?

“Sith left it in my room.”

“In your room? Why?”

“But more importantly, I have a question.”

The note must have been in my room while I was sleeping, but how did it end up with Sith?

Does Sith know that I searched through his notes? He didn’t seem to know that in the morning… or did he?

No, he’s trying to change the subject!

For some reason, Vin’s expression was serious, as if urging me not to change the subject.

I sighed heavily and stared at Vin.

I need to move on, so tell me.

“By any chance, do I make you feel pressured?”

It’s not particularly burdensome, but to avoid the prince’s jealousy, I should say yes.

But answering ‘yes’ here doesn’t seem appropriate either.

After all, he’s my boss.

We’re bound to keep running into each other, so what’s the point of making things awkward?

There’s a better answer.

“No way. You are my good…… um my boss!”

An answer that wouldn’t make things awkward while maintaining a proper line… It’s not good enough, ‥.

But Bin’s strangely puffed-up chest burst out at that moment, indicating that my response was inappropriate.

No, if I say “good friend,” he’ll only cling to me even more!

What should I say?

Either way, it’s going to be awkward.

Well, it’s better than dying anyway.

“You’re my good… I mean, I’m your boss!”

“I’m your boss!”

The words echoed in Vin’s mind.

Irillin’s figure disappeared from his eyes, leaving behind a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

It was a complicated feeling, not knowing whether he should be glad that he wasn’t burdensome or disappointed by the mere consideration of their relationship as boss and subordinate.

…However, not a friend, just a boss at work.

I thought this was too much.

Nevertheless, since becoming something from nothing, he didn’t dare complain. Truly, he could become burdensome.

So Vin mustered the most beautiful smile he could manage, as if he were giddy with happiness.

Just like Irillin1 used to be.

“That’s a relief.”


Then, for some reason, Irillin’s breathing, which had been steady, suddenly hitched.