C335 Dad mom you guys give me a sister?

When Li Qingyu returned home, his father, mother and Gu Tianxing had already woken up. His mother was making breakfast, and smoke was rising from the kitchen.

Dad tidied up the tools, hammers, saws, blanks, pencils, steel tape measure, and so on, methodically placing them in the toolbox.

Gu Tianxing held a hammer and clumsily tried to smash a nail into a piece of bamboo plywood.

The bamboo block used to make the mold was very hard. Without any experience, it would be very difficult to smash the nail in!

It seemed that Gu Tianxing had already worked hard for a long time, but had still not succeeded. This was because there were already more than twenty bent nails under his feet and two bloody bubbles had appeared on his hands, causing him to grimace in pain.

Li Qingyu's heart was immediately filled with warmth. This was the correct way of life. The battle just now had completely gone astray …

Regarding his father's work, Li Qingyu discussed it with his father again last night. Now he had given up trying to persuade his father not to work on the construction site.

He could tell that his father really liked his job! He even treated his work as an art form!

In his words, every time he finished a wooden model, the concrete workers would pour concrete into it. After a few days, they would remove the wooden model and watch all kinds of buildings taking shape in their hands.

This was no longer the attitude of a construction worker towards his work. This was the attitude of an artist towards his work of art!

What made Li Qingyu slightly at ease was that he had already opened up all the meridians in his parents' bodies, and in the next two days, he would be able to hand over the [Unparalleled Everlasting Heart Meridian] to them.

Their physical condition would get better and better, and they wouldn't feel too tired when dealing with physical labor of this intensity.

Li Qingyu helped his mother carry the breakfast over to the table, and the whole family sat together to eat breakfast.

"Son, your dad and I are going to find you a sister, what do you think?" While eating, his mother suddenly asked Li Qingyu.

"Alright, alright! I want to have a lovely sister too! "I'll give you and dad a prescription later. You guys take care of yourselves as well. It'll be safer this way …" Although Li Qingyu was curious about why his parents suddenly thought of having children, he immediately asked.

Ever since he was young, he had always envied his other little friends that had a cute little sister following behind them. As a burden, he was the only one who did not have one. This was his greatest regret!

Now, Mom and Dad actually want children, so I must encourage them!

However, before he could finish his words, his father slapped the back of his head and snappily said, "What are you talking about, you little bastard? Your mother and I mean let the fields be our goddaughters! Who said they wanted to have children?! "

It was only then that Li Qingyu realized that his mother had said "find" him a sister, not "live" him!

"Ah?" Is that so? Oh, of course! However, this does not affect you and mother to give me another sister ah! Father, mother, look, even County Governor Wang wants a child! Why can't you? "The family planning policy has been changed. Both of you are registered rural households, so you can have a second child …"

Li Qingyu was suddenly excited, he started to talk non-stop, trying to encourage his parents to give him a sister. At that time, he would be able to nurture his sister into a moe female hero and lead her everywhere to kill monsters. His sister would definitely worship him and would always follow behind his butt to call him big brother.

Cai Xiaofen was actually a little tempted by her son's coaxing. Actually, when she was young, she had always wanted a daughter! However, the couple had always abided by the law, so they didn't take it.

However, Li Guorui suddenly felt that something wasn't right and he slapped the back of his son's head as he scolded, "You little bastard, your mother and I are hoping for you to work harder so that we can get a grandson as soon as possible. You bastard tricked me and your mother into giving you a sister! What kind of son do you have? Is there a son like you!? "

Gu Tianxing who was grabbing the rice in his mouth was unable to hold back. He turned his head and spat out all his rice.

This guy secretly gave Li Qingyu a thumbs up, and said to himself: "Boss is awesome, using offense as defense, the best defense in the world is truly offense!"

Cai Xiaofen saw that his husband was continuously hitting the back of his son's head and couldn't help but turn his chopsticks and hit his son's head. She rolled her eyes at his husband and said: "Calm down, you have beaten your son into a concussion, how about you compensate my son?"

Knock a martial arts master into a concussion? Thank god Mom could think of such a thing!

Just as Li Qingyu was about to send his father and Gu Tianxing to the construction site, his phone suddenly rang. He took out his phone and saw that it was a call from the field.

"Hey, Field, what's up?" Li Qingyu said.

When Gu Tianxing heard that it was a field phone call, he shamelessly stuck out his ear and openly eavesdropped.

"Hey, Brother Qingyu, my uncle's motorcycle and my electric car were smashed by someone! I asked the security guard of the Xiushui District just now. "I'm rushing over right now …" The fretful voice of the field came through the phone.

Li Qingyu was shocked!

He had heard of this when he was in high school. It was said to be the home of the Yuyuan County mixed up leader Zhao Yifei. Normally, it was a place where bad youths gathered. It was said that there were people selling white powder there!

The fields were simply too overbearing. He alone dared to find those people to settle scores. The odds were against him!

"Field! Don't be impulsive, stop right now and wait for me. I'll catch up immediately. "Do you hear me?!" Li Qingyu anxiously shouted.

"I've already reached the entrance of a pool hall. Don't worry, I'll be fine! Hurry up and come over. If you come too late, we won't be able to enjoy the show! "

Fieldland immediately hung up the phone!

Li Qingyu's forehead was covered in sweat! His heart blamed the field for being too impulsive!

If you go too late, you won't see a good show? Oh my god, I'm afraid if I go too late, you'll be beaten to death!

"Boss, let's go!" Gu Tianxing roared.

While Li Qingyu was talking with the field, Gu Tianxing's ear was on Li Qingyu's phone, causing his face to turn white. With a strange roar, he ran out the door.

"What happened?" Li Guorui was confused as he asked hurriedly.

"The car you and Fieldland left in the garden yesterday was wrecked, and Fieldland went to find trouble with the wrecker. "I'll immediately rush over …"

Li Qingyu shouted as he ran out of the house!

When the Li Guorui couple ran out of the house, Li Qingyu had already started his BJ212 and sped away, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Son, be careful! "Don't be impulsive!" Cai Xiaofen shouted towards the back of the carriage.

"Stop shouting, he can't hear you. "Don't worry, our son is a martial arts expert now. Those little trash can't even fill the gaps in his teeth!" Li Guorui consoled his wife by patting her on the shoulder.

"I'm not worried about my son. I'm worried about the fields! This girl is good at everything, just that she's too impulsive! " Cai Xiaofen said worriedly.