The girl who sells pancake fruit looks at Li Qingyu in front of her eyes, and suddenly rubs her eyes vigorously, with a look of surprise.

Just now, she saw a dazzling fire burst out behind Li Qingyu, almost covering his whole back, but it disappeared in an instant!

"What happened?" Li Qingyu wiped the cold sweat on his face and asked with a smile.

"I saw a fire burst out behind you just now, but it suddenly disappeared." The girl said strangely and looked behind Li Qingyu.

"Yes? Why didn't I feel it? Oh, by the way, I have something else to do. I'll leave first. "

Li Qingyu turned and walked towards the business building in the distance. He also blinked at the killer, with a smile on his lips.

"Oh, maybe I'm blinded. Eh, wait a minute. I gave you the fruit of the pancake with sand... "

When the girl saw that Li Qingyu was going to leave, she wanted to stop him, but as soon as she looked up, she was shocked again!

She found that Li Qingyu's stride frequency seems not fast, the stride seems not big, but his speed is surprisingly fast, just in the blink of an eye, even into the stream of people, disappeared!

"Well? What a strange man! He can't do magic, can he Girl heart secret way, she picked up Li Qingyu to her prescription to see.

Can a magician prescribe a prescription? Is there anything wrong with his prescription? The girl thought to herself

What Li Qingyu shows when he walks is the second form of the seven heavenly Demons: chasing the wind!

Li Qingyu has been thinking about the seven moves of heavenly demons in his mind since he printed them in his mind. He practices them whenever he has time. This "wind chasing style" is the most practiced one. He always practices this kind of footwork when he walks.

He finally realized that the wind chasing style is not a simple footwork, but a magic power!

According to the records on the magic jade, the wind chasing style is refined to the ninth great perfection. It can walk in the starry sky and travel in the twinkling of an eye!

Of course, Li Qingyu doesn't even have the first entry now, so it's still a long way to walk in the starry sky. But when he pursues the wind, his speed is still many times faster than usual!

When he unfolds his footwork, he feels Qi pouring into his feet, and then his feet move, as if they are changing the way of heaven and earth, the law of nature!

Every step he takes, the ground under his feet will change the rules, instantly shrink into inches, seemingly ordinary step, is three or four meters away!

In the distance, on the roof of the business building.

The assassin's blood print saw that the bullet he shot just burst out a fireball on the target, and then disappeared in an instant, his eyes suddenly widened!

After a moment, I suddenly realized that the target information provided by the gold owner was false!

The target is not an ordinary person at all! This is a superman!

As the world's first mysterious killer organization, the killer of the seven kill hall, bloodstain is no stranger to the world of the strong! He saw with his own eyes that a leader of the seven kill hall could catch the sniper rifle easily!

He also saw a hall master standing still, letting twelve people with submachine guns fire for five minutes without damage!

The immediate goal is the leader level characters! Even stronger than the master!

But as an experienced killer, bloodstain is not flustered. Although the target is powerful, he is 3000 meters away from himself in a straight line. He can't fly towards himself in a straight line. He needs to cross several streets with endless traffic to get to the entrance of the building. He has time to evacuate safely!

"Damn it

Bloodstain scolds Li Qingyu or his gold owner. At the same time, he quickly disassembles his sniper rifle and stares at Li Qingyu's direction with sharp eyes.

However, he was too far away from Li Qingyu. Without the help of a sight glass, he could not see Li Qingyu clearly. At the beginning, he could still see Li Qingyu's figure vaguely. When Li Qingyu joined the crowd, he could not find Li Qingyu at all.

Bloodstain is no longer in charge of Li Qingyu, just dedicated to the demolition of guns.

His action was very fast. In only one minute, he disassembled the high-tech sniper into 12 parts, put it into a long wooden box, and then carried the box to the stairway leading to the roof, and quickly went downstairs.

Three minutes later, the bloodstain came out of the building, quickly walked to the underground parking lot of the building, came to a Haval H6, opened the trunk, threw the wooden box in the back, slammed the card on the back cover, raised his legs into the car, stabbed and ignited the fire, then poured the car out of the parking space, and then stepped down the accelerator, and the Haval H6 roared toward the exit!

His mouth showed a sneer, although the target is powerful, although his mission failed, but the target wants to catch up with him, but it is wishful thinking!

Although the domestic Haval H6 is a low-end car and its top speed is not flattering, there are too many cars in the society. As long as it gets into the traffic flow on the main road, the immortals will never find him again.

However, as soon as he drove the car to the exit of the underground parking lot, he was proud, but suddenly he saw a figure standing upright in the middle of the exit, like a javelin!

But at this moment, this "javelin" is eating the pancake fruit, mouthful by mouthful, eating the fragrance, as if the pancake fruit is the most delicious thing in the world!

Blood seal found that this person is not his own target, who is Li Qingyu?

Blood imprint in the mind immediately emerge numerous grass mud horse, right hand condition reflex then grasps in the waist pistol handle!

He didn't understand why Li Qingyu came so fast, how Li Qingyu knew he had entered the underground parking lot, and how Li Qingyu locked himself!

"No! He can't know me, maybe he just saw me go into the underground parking lot and want to check every car! Hold on, don't show your feet Bloodstain mind electricity turn, instant thought way.

Thinking of this, he put his right hand on the handle of the pistol at his waist and gently moved it away.

He is also a man of panic and dementia. Young people in front of him are not afraid of explosives. How can they be afraid of handguns?

He suddenly stepped on the brake, stopped about 10 meters away from Li Qingyu, dropped the windshield, stuck his head out of the window and roared angrily: "Hey, you are so blind! If you want to die, go home and die, don't bother me! get out of the way! A good dog is not in the way, but a bad dog is in the way

Just as he was saying this, he saw that the young man in front of the car had swallowed the last mouthful of pancake fruit, and then he came to the side of his car. Then he saw a flower in front of his eyes and "whoosh" in his ear. Then he looked at the young man outside the car and disappeared!

He is leaning out to see where Li Qingyu has gone, but Li Qingyu's voice rings in his ear: "where to look? I'm here. "

Blood imprint is startled and suddenly turns back to find that Li Qingyu has already sat in the co driver's seat and is wiping the full hand of oil onto the seat.

"You... How did you get in?" Blood finally felt a trace of fear.

"I jumped in through the window, of course. I jumped in from your eyes, you didn't see it, now you know who is blind? Drive, or I'll scratch your head! "

Li Qingyu naturally put his left hand on the top of his head. Although he was laughing, his tone was gloomy!