Little Black Cat

Translated by Flo

Edited by Flo

In the capital, Ye’s house, there were two deer carts parked at the doorway.

The deer carts were separated from the ground by some distance, and the two immortal deer floated in the air to straighten the snow-white hair.

The onlookers were bustling with people.

“This first son of the family is different. They’re really stylish.”

“I heard that the Ye family’s children will not stay at home when they are weak. Those with good qualifications will go to Immortal Sects for training, and those with poor qualifications will take over the family business.”

“This Ye Jingxing… What kind of business is he taking over? He looks more full of life than my family’s young lady.”

“Isn’t he the wood-type single spirit root that is rare to appear in thousands of years? I heard that he was sent to the northern border to plant trees?”

“He spent twenty years practicing Qi. What a waste to have such a wood-type single spirit root that is rare to appear in thousands of years to end up in this way.”

“Hey, are you planting catnip all over the border?”


At the door, the chef of the Ye family came out with snot and tears. Ye Jingxing carried a hot roast chicken in his arms: “Little Master, this journey is dangerous, you must take care of your health.”

“Don’t worry, Uncle Chen, you won’t starve yourself.” Ye Jingxing took the roast chicken, his palm out of thin air. A mint leaf the size of a lotus leaf appeared, wrapped the roast chicken again, and put it into the storage bracelet.

With both heat insulation and heat preservation, it is very easy to use.

The little fat man who was half a head shorter than Ye Jingxing sneered, “Cousin has made some progress in his practice recently? I can see that this mint leaf is much bigger than before.”

Ye Jingxing glanced at him lightly and said with a smile, “It is true that I have made some progress, but it was earlier in the day when I had broken through the third level of Qi training.” 

The little fat man was choked by his words, and the rest of the ridicule stuck in his throat.

How can a waste who has only practiced the third level of Qi at the age of 20 answer so confidently? ?

The Ye family’s children stopped staying at home when they arrived at the weak crown.

Those with good qualifications go to immortal sects to experience, such as the little fat Ye Yan, who has already expired.

Those with poor qualifications took over the family business, such as Ye Jingxing, who only practiced the third level of Qi.

The Ye family did not have the habit of seeing them off, and there were only a few servants at the door, but the people onlookers gathered around to see them off.

It was not early, and the two got on the deer cart one after the other.

Deer carts are still relatively rare, and only monks from the famous families of immortal sects have the opportunity to ride.

The two went to different destinations this time, but they went a long way.

Ye Yan went to the first immortal sect in the north and continued to practice. While Ye Jingxing went to the northernmost place where the demons bordered, and heard that there was a piece of land belonging to the Ye family. Now the owner has changed his name, and his job is to manage it.

However the place recorded on the map is a vast ocean, separating the three races of human, demon and witch, without disturbing each other, and there is no land on it.

Ye Jingxing found it a little strange, but no one could answer him, so he could only go and see for himself to find out.

He has been in this world for 20 years. He used to be an orphan. After graduating from college, he opened a cat house with a friend, and he dealt with these furry little things on weekdays.

He doesn’t know what happened to his furry children… But he is still very relieved when his friends are there.

Ever since he came into this world, Ye Jingxing felt that his time-travel was a premeditated conspiracy.

Otherwise, why give him the extremely rare wood-type single spirit root physique, but he can only control the growth of catnip?

In the past 20 years, except for the achievement of building good relationships with all cats in the capital, he can be said to have achieved nothing.

If it weren’t for the conditions, he really wanted to open a cat cafe here.

However, it is estimated that he was beaten to death by his cheap dad in this world before he opened the cat cafe, because it was shameful.

As soon as he got in the deer car, the little fat man kept chatting and talking.

“This is the magic weapon that my uncle gave me before I left, you see.”

Ye Jingxing leaned slightly by the car window and glanced at the things in the little fat cousin’s hand. His eyes locked on the soul button, the emperor’s gift to the Ye family’s treasure. It seems that his dad was really willing to spoil him.

However, this kid’s qualifications are really good. As the head of the Ye family, his father should take care of him more.

“That’s right, cousin, did my father give you anything good?” The little fat man asked deliberately.

After all, everyone knew that the head of the Ye family didn’t like this trash son.

Ye Jingxing nodded.

The little fat man was interested: “What is it?”

“The money is quite a lot.”

The fat man said: “…” 

The deer cart is not like an ordinary carriage. Ye Jing Xing slept very well, and Ye Yan couldn’t get much fun from him, so he gradually stopped talking and closed his eyes and meditated.

It was already evening when Ye Jingxing was woken up.

What woke him was Ye Yan’s cursing voice.

“Damn, why are there so many mosquitoes!”

Ye Jingxing rubbed his eyes and found that the deer cart was passing through a dense forest, surrounded by mosquitoes. 

He had seen these spirit mosquitoes in books, they flew very fast and were also very poisonous. It was when they reproduced, the number was huge, and they bit the living creatures when they caught them. 

The spiritual power was not very strong, but it was difficult to eliminate them.

The spirit deer was protected by a special talisman and was not affected. The people in the open deer cart behind became the main target of the spirit mosquito.

The little fat man is a fire and earth double spiritual root. At this moment, he is burning all kinds of fire and mosquitoes, and the air is full of a pungent burnt smell.

“Cousin’s foundation has expired, these mosquitoes should be nothing.” Ye Jingxing lifted the curtain and leaned on the window frame to cheer him on.

“There’s a big one in the back.”

“Front and front… ah, it was full and flew away.” The little fat man stared at Ye Jingxing, who had nothing to do with him, in disbelief after hearing this: “Why didn’t they bite you?!”

Ye Jingxing said leisurely, “Catnip repels mosquitoes. “

Little Fatty: “…”

Fuck it.

In the end, Ye Yan lowered his face and asked Ye Jingxing to ask for mint. After all, he used to despise Ye Jingxing who was the only one in the mainland who could only raise catnip.

Ye Jingxing was very clear about what the little fat man had been thinking about these years.

But he didn’t bother to care about children, besides, Ye Yan really couldn’t get anything from him, and he was always the one who was shriveled, and he was quite happy when he had nothing to tease with the little fat man.

Ye Yan got off the deer car first. Before he got out of the car, he was covered in red dots. He opened the Cultivation Forum in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and went to the trading area to give Xian Lu a bad review, and severely condemned the loopholes in the protective measures.

The noise was gone, Ye Jingxing felt a little hungry when he touched his stomach, and after finishing the hot roast chicken in the storage bracelet, he slept soundly.

It was the next afternoon when he woke up again, the dear arched his face with his nose, Ye Jingxing opened his eyes and found that he had arrived at the station.

As expected of a fairy deer, it’s really fast.

The sky was overcast and quiet outside, as if there were no living things.

There is no water, no sea, and the ground is full of fine sand. I don’t know if stepping on it will burn my feet.

“This is the destination?” Ye Jingxing was a little suspicious.

Linglu nodded and gave a positive answer.

Isn’t it the sea?

Did he really let him plant trees?

“It’s hard work.” Ye Jingxing took out a catnip after getting out of the car. This was a new variety he planted. It looked like a small wing and was very cute. He had tasted it before, it was sweet and sour.

The fairy deer is also a herbivorous spirit beast. It sniffed it and rolled it directly into its mouth. It seemed so satisfied with the taste of catnip that it squinted its eyes.

Ye Jingxing smiled and touched its head, “Go back.”

Linglu obediently turned and left, almost many times faster than when he came, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ye Jing Xing didn’t take it to heart, he just thought he was in a hurry to go back to his life.

After Linglu left, Ye Jingxing stepped on the soft yellow sand and walked to a plaque.

The plaque had fallen off the city gate, and half of it was stuck in the sand, with the mottled words “Dead City” written on it.

Ye Jingxing stopped at the gate of the city and looked inside. There were a lot of buildings vaguely visible inside, but there was not a single living thing in sight. It looked like a town that had been buried by fine sand for many years and was only recently torn apart, the outerwear revealing the inside.     

Ye Jingxing didn’t know why the place that was supposed to be the vast ocean on the map suddenly turned into such a deadly silent town, but he knew that this kind of sand would probably not be able to grow living things.     The task of planting trees is somewhat daunting.    

Ye Jingxing did not go in.     

He didn’t know what happened or what would appear inside, and he didn’t dare to act rashly. After all, this world is different from his previous world, and this world is full of unknown dangers.     

Ye Jingxing opened the Cultivation Forum in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, found a person named Xiao He in the communication section, and sent her a message.   

[I’ve arrived, are you there? 】   

As long as you can draw Qi into your body, you can open the cultivation forum in the sea of ​​consciousness. 

The cultivation forum is very convenient for all cultivation people to communicate, study, trade, and communicate.     

It’s just that every time he uses it, his spiritual power is consumed. Ye Jingxing’s spiritual power is low and he doesn’t use it much.     Xiao He is the little flower demon who is responsible for picking him up.

His cheap dad said that the little flower demon would wait for him here, and that most of the spirits of the plant family were kind and soft-spoken, and would introduce him to the situation here.

His father also said that this is the fortress of the Three Realms, and now everything in it belongs to him, and that he hopes he can operate it well and earn a lot of money. 

Along the way, he also gave him one thousand taels of silver, saying that he would move in to retire on the day his principal doubled several times.     

Ye Jingxing knew his father’s temperament and knew that he couldn’t ask more information about this destination, so he did not ask any further questions. 

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Although his father often cheated on his son, he was never ambiguous in important matters.     

Poor aptitude does not mean that you can eat and die, and the Ye family never raises waste. The younger generation of the Ye family with good qualifications went to immortal sects for training. 

Although the bad qualifications took over the family business, it was not a kind of experience. Today, only strength has the highest right to speak in this world of the weak.

It took a long time to get back to him a few messages.    

[I’m very busy, I don’t have time to take care of you, get out. ]    

[Don’t enter the dead city, no one can come out alive, I don’t want to collect the corpse] 

[You can stay at the gate of the city for one night and leave tomorrow] 

Ye Jingxing: “…”     

Be kind.

(Something) whispered slowly.


Xiao He?     

Ye Jingxing wanted to ask more, but found that the message could not be sent.    

[Your spiritual power is insufficient, please pay attention to your body~ Practice well and work hard to soar! 】 

Ye Jingxing: “…”     

One message had exhausted his spiritual power.     

Ye Jingxing, you are such a waste.     

Ye Jingxing angrily closed the Cultivation Forum. He had never had such a annoyance for those cultivators who swiped their screens on the public channel of the Cultivation Forum when they were idle.     

Xiao Hua Yao’s remarks made him not dare to enter the city gate, but he sat up with a piece of catnip at the city gate, planning to go to the human world to inquire about the situation when it was dawn.

The Human Realm is in the south, and I should be able to reach there if I keep going south.

It didn’t take long for the dark clouds to cover the sky, and a light rain started to fall.

Ye Jingxing had no choice but to plant a catnip umbrella for himself.

It is said that the umbrella is actually a huge catnip leaf, which is very solid to the touch, just blocking the rain.

It is strange to say that although his spiritual power is thin, it does not affect the use of catnip, which can be regarded as a fortune in misfortune.

Leaning on the petiole, Ye Jingxing, whose spiritual power was exhausted, fell asleep again in a daze.


Under the dead city.

Tens of thousands of dense runes faded out a few golden lines.

An unmeasurable powerful force slowly opened his eyes.

What a taste…

So good.

After a dazzling but short-lived ray of light, a dark fluffy ball appeared out of thin air under the altar. It was the size of a palm, with long hair and golden glazed eyes. It let out a small, short, soft cry.
