Ye Jingxing turned his head subconsciously, and met the surprised eyes of the pharmacist.

“I saw them withered, so…”

Unexpectedly, before Ye Jing finished speaking, the pharmacist interrupted: “How did you do it?”

“Ah?” Ye Jingxing was stunned for two seconds, “Just… used spiritual power, I have wood-type spiritual roots.”

Ye Jingxing didn’t directly say that he was a single spiritual root of the wood system.

It’s no surprise that a cultivator with a wood-type spiritual root can revive a plant, okay? He saw that these plants were all catnip, which had no other effect except to attract kittens.

“This is…” Xiao He also came over, “The catnip you planted in that spiritual field?”

The pharmacist nodded, “Catnip for the little raccoon.”

Xiao He’s eyes widened slightly, and she ran up to Ye Jingxing and grabbed his clothes: “That’s great.”

Ye Jingxing: “?”

Xiao He pointed to the mint that was revived by Ye Jingxing and said, “The best spiritual field in Baicao Garden has been contaminated, and none of the spiritual plants inside have been spared. They are all dead and cannot be saved. Except for the catnips that the pharmacist planted for his cat there, the rest were destroyed.”

“Since these dead catnips can be brought back to life, it will definitely solve the problem of the field.”

Ye Jingxing pursed his lips after hearing this, feeling that it was still too early to be happy, and said, “My spiritual power only works for catnip.”

Xiao He nodded: “I know, try it, I think there is hope.”

Ye Jingxing’s secret is not a secret anymore. Almost everyone knows that Ye Jingxing, the son of the Ye family, is a waste single spiritual root, with poor qualifications and low cultivation level, and his ability is only useful for mint.

The pharmacist’s gaze stayed on Ye Jingxing for a long time, opened his mouth to say something, but remained silent in the end.

Xiao He turned her head and looked at the pharmacist: “Is the kitten saved?”

“I have dealt with all the injuries on its body and fed some medicine. You can come take a look in a few days.”

“Then let’s deal with the field first, and come back later.”

The pharmacist stretched out his hand towards the door: “No delivery.”

After a few people left, the raccoon cat quickly jumped on the wooden shelf, took a bite of the catnip that Ye Jingxing had just saved, and said to the pharmacist in the sea of knowledge: “It smells good, and it feels better than what you planted.” It’s delicious.”

The pharmacist took the cat into his arms, “Is it better than me?”

Little raccoon flower rubbed his chest and coaxed: “It’s not as delicious as you.”

The pharmacist kissed the kitten in his arms fiercely, and his gaze fell on the pots of catnip that were resurrected by Ye Jingxing.

These were the few pieces of catnip buds derived from his body, each carrying a few traces of his spiritual power. He wanted to move these catnip buds to the spiritual field to raise them well and give them to the little raccoon as a birthday gift, but he didn’t expect such a thing to happen…

He tried many ways to save it, but still to no avail.

It is impossible for a human cultivator who has only three levels of qi cultivation to achieve it.

What is the origin of this human being?

The pharmacist stretched out his finger and gently touched the petite and cute catnip bud, only to feel that his finger was gently electrocuted.

He widened his eyes slightly, with an aww-ed expression on his face.

The catnip, which originally had only a trace of spiritual power, now contains far more power than before.

Spiritual power was a very complicated and precious skill to explain in plant races.

Once the spiritual power is destroyed, it is particularly difficult to repair. There are almost no people in the entire continent who can repair the spiritual power. Even if they can, it can only play a very important role.

No wonder the little raccoon flower would say that it was more delicious than what he had grown before.

“You should have asked that person’s identity just now.” Little patterned cat said.

The pharmacist pursed his lips and did not answer. He glanced at the unconscious ugly kitten lying in the lotus leaves on the table, and casually placed an enchantment on it, afraid that it would wake up and run around and hurt, and put a glass of water in the enchantment. After everything was done, he left with the little raccoon cat and one of the pots of mint.

The door was closed with a “bang”, and the ugly kitten, who was originally unconscious, suddenly opened its eyes. Its eyes looked like amber, but at this time it was faintly red.

It smells so good.

The kitten struggled to lift its injured paws, and vaguely pulled the air, and the almost transparent enchantment was easily broken by it.

The next second, the kitten limped towards the shelf where the catnip plants were placed.

After Ye Jingxing was taken to the spiritual field, he was really surprised.

The welfare home where he lived when he was very young was built in the countryside, with many fields, and he often went there with other children to help pick vegetables.

The field in his impression is relatively dirty. Because of the fertile and humid soil, he can step on a lot of pits with one foot. Every time he has to put on ill-fitting rain boots, he still inevitably splashes mud on his body.

Although he was very happy to play in the mud, he was not happy to go back and be trained.

The spiritual field of Baicao Garden is different.

The field was as orderly as Q.3D projection of Q farm.

Each piece is divided into squares of the same size. The spiritual plants are also divided into plates according to their types, habits, and functions. Under careful care, each plant grows very well. Except for the appearance of the same kind, the height, height, fat and thinness are not much different.

It is very curable for someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Ye Jingxing doesn’t recognize the types of these spiritual plants very well, but the strong aura lingering around shows that the origin of this group of plants is not ordinary.

‘Anyone can go to the town for a lot of seafood.’ Ye Jingxing thought.

Xiao San’s eyes were dazzled at the sight, as he kept asking Xiao Hua what is this and what is that.

***The author used a pun there: 小三看得眼睛都花了 would literally mean Xiao San’s eyes were full of flowers which wouldn’t make any sense. lol

Xiao Hua also patiently answered him one by one.

“The contaminated spiritual field is the best one here. There were originally very precious spiritual plants planted in it. They have grown for hundreds of years and have only borne a little fruit. But now they are all gone.” Xiao He tugged at Ye Jingxing’s sleeve and kept walking.

Ye Jingxing nodded.

No wonder it’s so urgent.

“Mi.” Shen Qiyao glanced at the field a few times and felt that it was meaningless, then turned around to face Ye Jingxing’s chest and continued to sleep.

He is a carnivorous monster, so he has no interest in these flowers and plants. After living for so long, the only plant he is interested in is Ye Jingxing’s catnip.

When Ye Jingxing felt the movement in his arms, he raised his hand and gently touched the kitten’s head, and found that the cat was asleep again.

The little milk cat probably lacks sleep…. Ye Jingxing doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this action. Eat more, sleep more and he will slowly grow up well.


The author has something to say:

Xiao Nijiu also went to bed QVQ chirp chirp chirp (beaten