"It's their first hand. I'm just defending myself, OK?" Qin Feng subconsciously answers Wu Yang, but it seems to suddenly think of something, in the heart of an exciting.

"How do you know that my village head is old? You haven't seen him again? " Qin Feng is tense all over, waiting for Wu Yang's reply.

"Well? Didn't the village head over there tell you? It's also true that you fight with the village head when you go up. It's strange that people are willing to tell you. The reason why I know that is because the people on your side are the same as those on my side. " Wu Yang told Qin Feng what he had heard from the village head.

"What do you mean? What is the same? " Qin Feng was puzzled.

, "as like as two peas, I am going to tell you that the only person in the village I was in this village was the black face, but one day before long, I didn't know what had happened. Everyone in this village found that each of them had a brother or sister who was exactly the same as himself."

Hearing this, Qin Feng was surprised and asked, "it's like cloning?"

, yes, as like as two peas, they are the same as them. Just overnight, this incident has made the whole village feel terrified.

"as like as two peas, as like as two peas, have the same ideas as they do. Everyone says they are the original, because this incident has always been a serious and even killing event in the near future.

Qin Feng didn't hold back again and interrupted: "and then? And then what happened? "

"The village head saw that his villagers were killed every day. This scene was like the end of the world, and he was helpless. What he could do every day was to pray to the heaven and save them all as soon as possible."

"What about the village head's clone? Is there no contradiction with the village head? " Qin Feng is very curious.

"I said just now, what is the original character and" clone man "is what character he is. Because the village head has always been kind and compassionate, so when the village head prays, the village head's" clone man "is also praying Wu Yang explained.

"It may be that the prayers of the two village heads moved the heaven. After a short time, and after another night, when the morning came, people in the village opened their eyes and were surprised to find that their" clones "had disappeared."

"The village head said," this is a miracle. The Lord doesn't want their village to perish! " Wu Yang can't help but sigh when he narrates this incident.

Qin Feng quickly asked, "what about those people? Where have you been? There are so many people, it's impossible to say "no, no!"

"Did they say it and come out? Why can't we just say no Wu Yang subconsciously replied, and then found that this is not the time to fight, continue to say what he knows.

"The villagers were really happy when they discovered this phenomenon, but after a long time, problems arose. They were not sure whether the people around them were people they had known for many years. If someone pretended to be someone, they would not see it at all." When Wu Yang heard this speculation, he could not help but feel cold.

Indeed, once the heart of the seeds of doubt, then the seeds will slowly grow and sprout, until people can not help that day.

After hearing this, Qin Feng also imagined a terrible scene:

a couple with suspicious seeds in their hearts had a conflict and began to quarrel. Then they would say that you are not him or her at all, because he or she would not do this to me! Then the quarrel escalated, the conflict deepened, and finally a fight broke out, resulting in human lives.

I'm sure she's not my wife or I'm sure he's not my husband. I killed him / her because he / she wanted to hurt me. I'm self-defense.

Then this will become an example, and then once there is a conflict between two people, then this reason will be used as an excuse!

Qin Feng told Wu Yang what he thought. Wu Yang was silent for a moment and said, "if it hadn't been for knowing that you and I are people of the same world, I would have thought you had experienced it personally, because what you guessed really happened."

Then Qin Feng heard a more terrible story in Wu Yang's mouth.

it's as like as two peas, a family with a pair of identical brothers. Although they are twins, the relationship between the two is always bad.

At the age of 13 or 14, when their "clone" appeared, the twins were not only afraid, but also curious.

So they all went to contact their own "clones", and found that they got along well with their own clones, and they were very much in line with their own wishes. So they could not help but have a terrible idea in their hearts: they wanted to kill their relatives, but chose to let their own "clone" instead, no one could recognize them anyway.

It has to be said that the ideas of twins are consistent in some aspects.

But when they had not started to carry out the action to kill each other, the twins of the "clone" suddenly disappeared.As if nothing had happened to the two brothers, they were still friends with each other every day. However, one day, the elder brother and the younger brother quarreled and quarreled fiercely. In pushing and shoving, the younger brother drew out the knife hidden behind his back and killed him with one force.

The younger brother didn't panic at all. It was as if this scene had been practiced thousands of times in his heart. He went over and touched his brother's warm body. He found a knife on his brother's waist.

My brother's mouth was crooked and said with a sneer. No wonder we are brothers.

Then the younger brother ran home in panic and told his parents that there was a man pretending to be his brother who wanted to kill him. He killed the man in the counterattack.

After hearing this, the parents couldn't believe to look at the younger brother. They didn't agree to endure until those people disappeared. How could they appear at this time? They always know that the relationship between brother and brother is not good, but they didn't expect it to be so serious!

However, in order to cover up his brother's evil behavior, they had to use his brother's testimony to the outside world. After other people in the village heard about it, there was an evil wind in the village.

Rogue local ruffians kill people if they don't agree with each other. Their reputation is to eliminate harm for the people in self-defense, and the villagers suffer a lot.

"When we first entered the village, we felt very good. It was full of vitality and peaceful appearance." Qin Feng recalled, "is there anything we didn't notice?"

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