When they sneaked into the garden, they found that the other rooms were dark, but one of the rooms on the second floor was always on.

Bai Chen motioned to his team members to hide their body shape first. He climbed up the second floor with vigorous hands, and successfully sneaked into the balcony of that room.

On the balcony of the tall bonsai just can block the white body, and by chance, the balcony door is open, you can vaguely hear the voice of people inside.

"Mr. Wang, I want to know if my son will be able to live smoothly this time, and there will be no more danger." This voice sounds like Mrs. Jiang.

"Don't worry, madam. You can completely put your heart in your stomach. After so many years of care, especially the blessing of so many children, your young master will surely live a long life."

A man's voice rang.

"Thank you, sir. How can I thank you, sir?" After hearing this, Mrs. Jiang's heart was completely relieved.

At this time, the man continued: "no, ma'am, for so many years, I have only one task, that is, to keep your childe alive. As for the reward, I have already taken it by myself. I just take what I need. Tomorrow, I will leave this place."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Mrs. Jiang was a little flustered. "My son, I don't know his situation. You can't Can't... "

"Madam, I think you should be aware of one thing. I have been here for nearly seven years in order to change the life style of your young master. I have paid much more than you think in order to avoid fate. Since you threatened me with human feelings and found me, I will not go back now."

"As you can see, today your son is already a normal child. He can run, jump and think. He is no longer the infatuated child who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. So, Madame, you put your heart in your stomach, and from then on, we have nothing to do with each other. "

After that Mr. Wang finished speaking, Bai Shen didn't hear any more voices. He only heard a sound. It should be Mr. Wang who left.

After a while, Bai Shen heard the door ring again and the light in the room was turned off.

This is the end of the talk. Everyone has left.

Bai Shen puts the mobile phone which has just finished recording into his pocket, and then whispers his orders to his team members in the headset. Bai Shen asks them to guard at the gates of Jiang's house and keep a close watch on them. No one is allowed to leave here.

After hearing the voice of "receiving", Bai Shen took a look at the dark room and walked in lightly. When he just stepped into the room from the balcony, Bai Shen's feet stopped. Although there was a piece of paint, he still saw a man sitting on the sofa, looking at him.

It was the first thought in Bai Shen's mind that he had been calculated.

The man didn't make a sound at all. He was able to hide from Bai Shen's ears and his strength should not be underestimated.

"Since the guests are here, let's stay for a while, but why don't they go through the gate?" Said the man on the sofa.

Now that he has been discovered, Bai Chen can only find a way out: "this is not the master of the province. He has to run a leg to open the door for us."

Bai Shen is on guard all over. At this moment, he hears a ring of fingers from the people on the sofa. When Bai Shen's heart is raised, he begins to raise his alert to the highest level.

But Bai Chen didn't wait for someone to come. He just found that the light in the room was on.

His white eyes were slightly narrowed by the light. He looked at the man sitting on the sofa, who was also looking at him.

"I thought that those who move in the night will have a look suitable for the night. Who would have thought that the people coming here would be so sunny?" The man sitting on the sofa has a pair of big eyes. Although he is joking, there is no smile in his eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment." Bai Shen is also surprised at the young man in front of him.

Because he had just heard Mr. Wang and Mrs. Jiang talking, he thought that this man would be a very old man, but now it seems that Mr. Wang is about 20.

Bai Chen was on guard for a long time, but he found that Mr. Wang didn't mean to fight with him.

"Mr. Wang? Do you have any advice? " Bai Chen thought of this, sat opposite Mr. Wang and looked at him directly.

"Well, I already know my name. It seems that this guest has come quite early. Since you already know my name, won't you tell me yours?" Mr. Wang took a cup of what looked like green tea on the tea table, took a sip and asked.

"I'm Bai Shen." Bai Chen originally wanted to use a fake name, but on second thought, since the person in front of him has the ability to change his life style for others, he must also be able to guess that he is lying. He should be happy.

When Mr. Wang heard Bai Shen's reply, he froze while drinking tea. As if nothing had happened, he put the cup on the tea table and looked up at Bai Shen: "Bai Shen? People surnamed Bai are not very easy to provoke! You're not from the white family, are you? ""If you're talking about the white family in Nanshan, I am." Bai Shen is not surprised that the people on the opposite side know the white family. Since they are in this line, they don't know the white family. On the contrary, it's abnormal.

Mr. Wang heard the exact answer and gave a wry smile: "I didn't expect that I just succeeded, and I was watched by your white family. God forbid me! Why, did you come here to catch me

Hearing Mr. Wang's words, Bai Chen shook his head: "although I am a member of the Bai family, this time it has nothing to do with the Bai family. I came here purely to find out why so many children have been changed their lives!"

"Well, I said it's not advisable to rush this matter, but Mrs. Jiang just won't listen! I have no way! It's a pity that if you wait a few years and change your life style bit by bit, no one will find out. " Mr. Wang sighed as he shook his head.

"You don't know how to repent at all!" Bai Chen didn't feel any sense of guilt from Mr. Wang's words.

"Why should I repent? What I did was just to return a cause and effect of the Jiang family. As for other people, I just used their blessing. I just provided a method. I didn't do everything. Why should I feel guilty? "

Mr. Wang cocked up his legs and said, "in order to return the cause and effect, I have paid enough price, so don't try to tie me with these again!"

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