The signal of this explosion is almost bad news for them, because for them, this kind of explosion usually means that some bad things are happening, which may lead to infinite disaster!

She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "you guys, you have to work hard. What we are going to do is different now. Do you guide yourself? Some people are robbing us. We can't let them succeed. Now the whole mine has just started mining. We can't make any mistakes! "

His order made everyone alert. It's true that at the moment, some people are actually playing their attention. This is something they can't bear. These things are related to their future. They should never be careless because of this. They should be 100% energetic!

One of them took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I know. Next I'll go back and look for those people. I must kill those people. It's almost impossible for these people to snatch our things. These things must be what we have. Even the butcher team can't give us anything! "

This remark immediately attracted the consent of others. Just need such spirit, just need such attitude, their kingdom army can go further, he has the power of terror, is the best candidate!

The emperor turned his head and said with a faint smile, "good. Can I believe you? I think I can imagine you, you are very powerful, make me lucky people, go, help me kill them, and then come back, I will give you the supreme power and unimaginable power for a lifetime! "

As soon as the words came out, he burst out laughing. He turned around and left. The emperor looked at his back, but he gave a faint smile. When he left, he said in a deep voice: "things are very dangerous now, everyone. Don't relax. If you find any strange people, kill them at the first time

"This is the most important thing this time. Do you understand?"

They understood. This is the most important thing. For them, it's about everything. The occurrence of these things will lead things to another starting point. This is not what they want!

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "my strength is not the strongest. The strength of you is the strength that I can wake up. Can I trust you? "

As soon as the words came out, some people around stood up immediately. He said in a deep voice: "I can wake up. That's why I appeared. The emperor, I will always be loyal to the king of subjugation, the butcher group and so on. I will definitely eradicate it for you!"

The emperor nodded and said in a deep voice, "well, you are a powerful warrior here. Now, warrior, I'll teach you a task. Can you finish it? Tell me, can I trust you that you can accomplish this difficult task? "

"Yes, you can trust me. You can trust me, I will fight for you, until the fight of death! " The emperor laughed and was very happy. He looked at the man in front of him and said in a deep voice, "in that case, you can help me kill that guy."

"Kill all the people in the butcher's knife group. In this way, it will help me. My minister, I will believe you. When you come back, everything I have will be handed over to you. The butcher's team is a roadblock in front of you. Kill him, kill him, and you will get everything you want. This is the reward I give you. How about it? Do you like it! "

The man trembled and said, "yes, I like it very much. Thank you, thank the emperor. I will be loyal to the kingdom to the death! " With that, he suddenly stood up, his face full of awe. His eyes were bright, and then he left with a sonorous step, which made the emperor smile more.

The people next to him were terrified. The emperor's ability to deceive people was really terrible. Just in a few words, a person is fooled into this way. How does he help this? It's really scary.

Unfortunately, the emperor did not pay any attention to them. Instead, he gently sings his melodious community and leaves slowly. For him, his strength is very strong, but there is no need to do it. Just let his subordinates work for him., My men are all powerful, really stupid people.,

With a faint smile, he disappeared here without any hesitation. For him, there's no need to stay here when he achieves his goal. It just makes him sick and disgusted. Disgusted that there was nothing to use here, he took a deep breath and looked to the root, where there might be something he could use.

Now, the butcher team.

The whole butcher's team is stupid. As the highest leader of the butcher group, the leader was in a state of meditation at the moment, and said in a deep voice: "the mine of the Kingdom exploded. Was it damaged by water? Have you directed yourself, or, in other words, has anyone seen it? "

The people next to them explained and shook their heads because they really didn't know who messed it up. If they knew, they would not sit here and talk about anything. The leader took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "we need stronger defense against this force of unknown origin. If we do not resist, it may cause us unimaginable destruction."

This is his guess. Zhao Zhi's disaster is not as great as usual. He took a deep breath, and the leader said in a deep voice: "your power is really taro Xiaole. For those who have destroyed the whole kingdom's army, your power can't be used to do any harm."

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "you must put it away. I believe that no one in the kingdom will relax or even attack us recently. You must be ready to be a benefactor again and let them not be exaggerated."

"The kingdom is against us, we can't attack. Because we are all young talents here. They just come here to experience. They don't have enough strong people to deal with them. If I play, the emperor will also play, and then the situation will be out of control. Do you know this? "

As soon as the words came out, people immediately nodded. Of course, they know what this sentence means. To put it simply, they need to be fully prepared before the Kingdom launches an attack on them. The leader nodded and said in a deep voice, "since you understand, I won't say anything more. By the way, is the master of casting artifact still not willing to make things for us?"

As soon as the words came out, people shook their heads. Another said, "yes, they don't find it for us." , the fastest update of the webnovel!