"If I don't, I'll be the next to die."

"I've killed too many people. Maybe the blood saber King hasn't killed as much as me. But I don't feel guilty about killing people. On the contrary, I may have a yearning feeling about killing people. Do you know why I yearn for killing people? "

"Because only in the process of killing people can I realize the malice of the world. One is Lu Tao's enormous, and his extreme malice will never disappear. "

Qin Feng smiles, and he always loves to be ready for Yang. For him, such things have become commonplace, and there is no difference. Even if he dies at the next moment, he doesn't feel any strange, because he is the person who is sitting on what kind of things, and the final death may be his destination. He feels normal for everything he does.

The crowd took a look, but there was no sigh. The blood knife king said in a deep voice: "you do it yourself. I will help you with one. Try to reduce all the burden for you. For you, fighting freely is your ultimate destination. But for us, we just hope to have a more peaceful home. Maybe you really don't feel much about it. "

"But we just want to live like monkey king. Monkey King originally hoped to have a home in Iceland. That home was destroyed by us, but now they find a new home, that is, here we are. Maybe they are the same to us, maybe they are not the same. "

"These meaningless changes are also of great significance. Do you understand that the atmosphere can, what we want is never fighting, what we want is real peace, you don't want to fight in order to become the first, this is wrong, we should yearn for the most peaceful to fight, and only peace can bring us a part of the body of silence. "

As soon as the words came out, Qin Feng was a little tired, but his expression was in a state of meditation. He looked at it and said with a hungry smile: "maybe I understand what you are talking about, but for me, this is an eternal road. 1 I have found the money for this Road, and then let me go back to think about those things, I may only think that those things are strict. For me, this matter has never been in the question of thinking. "

"To me, I was just a sinful man. If you want me to atone, you might as well let me do something else that makes sense. "

He laughed, looked at everything in the sky, pointed to it, and said with a faint smile: "look at the migratory birds in the sky, they are always flying. Maybe you don't know that they are flying in order to find the next foothold. This is a very competent and conscious thing. If you don't want to be destroyed, you have to destroy others first to protect yourself. This is never a question of who is right and who is wrong. For us, it's just a matter of doing and not doing. "

"The home of migratory birds is very far away. Maybe we can find their home by following their tracks all the way. But for us, they are never our home. Their home is in nature. What about our home? Our home is not in nature, but in everything in the world. Everything in the world is our home. What we want to pursue is our home. "

"It's not the home of that group of people. That's the key. You've never taken this as the most serious thing. You think it's OK to think about home, but it's not right. For us, our strength is very strong, but there are signs that this strength exists, and this limit may not exist in it, but it exists in other places, but we always understand this matter. "

"To protect one race in order to destroy another. There is no mistake in this matter. It seems that our family and other people will destroy them without us. This is a matter that has never been wrong. Do you understand this matter? You have to take out the will to fight with others and block God's deepest power for you. This time, I am something you should think about. "

"What we want is always peace."

When the blood knife King finished, Qin Feng was lost in thought. What the people in front of me say is right. I should not think about these things. For me, these things are no longer within the scope. What I need to think about is how to repel those people and bring them a place of eternal peace. This is what I should do, instead of wasting my time in other places. This is absolutely not what I should do.

At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to have an epiphany. He looked at the people in front of him and said in a deep voice, "you, we understand. I finally understand your gorgeous consciousness. For this matter, nothing can be compared. Maybe I was wrong from the beginning, maybe I was right from the beginning. "

"In short, for me, at this stage of the matter. What I want is to become stronger, not other things that have nothing to do with this matter. These things, I finally get my life. What are you talking about? I finally understand what I have to do all the time. " He seemed to have half an epiphany, and his face became firm and angry.

And just then, a voice came out.

"You're very good. You finally understand our gorgeous consciousness. Maybe you'll have an insight into what's next." Qin Feng raised his head and looked at the old servant in front of him. The old servant suddenly stretched out his hand towards him. Qin Feng was a little stunned, but the next moment, this force integrated into his body.

Qin Feng's power has suddenly jumped up a large section, Qin Feng stare big eyes, the next moment, the old servant said with a faint smile, "this is all our strength, now, it's up to you, I hope you can fight for us, these things are for your reward, can you understand our mind?"

"We don't want real fighting, but peace. Only eternal peace can be stable. This kind of peace is hard for me to obtain, but you are different. Qin Feng, you are the most powerful person forever. "

"You are the most powerful pride in the world. If you devour our power, maybe you can become more powerful. This is all our ideas. With our power, you can better fight for peace. Don't fight to be the strongest. Being the strongest means that others will challenge you. You will never have real peace."

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