Now he grew up to a height that even he was afraid of. He was really shocked. Looking at the people in front of him, he said with a faint smile: "indeed, indeed. You are very powerful. You have a very powerful power in your body. Unfortunately, this ghost power will eventually come to naught, because no one can refuse my power. "

"I am the master here, I am everything here, I am the supreme life here, do you want to be me?" He looked at the person in front of him and laughed. His face was indifferent and looked at the person in front of him.

"Be me, be me;";. Take my place! " He killed the past towards the person in front of him in an instant, and the person also had no expression. He met the person in front of him in an instant, wanted to kill the past towards the person in front of him, wanted to kill the person in front of him here alive, and wanted to make him disappear alive. This is him at the moment. 1 he at the moment represents infinite power, which is really desirable, Unfortunately, the power at the moment has disappeared, and it is estimated that some power has also disappeared. For him at the moment, these forces are the most powerful existence. These most powerful existence. Ang Hui is willing to do everything to create the most powerful existence. At the moment, they can be born and shaped for this.

"Since you don't want to be me, I have to touch you. Kill you! " The man was killed instantly, and his body seemed to be welcoming. The power of the phantom really made people feel terrible and crazy. This is him at the moment. 1 at the moment, he represents the power of everyone, with everyone's anger and extremely terrible power. This power will trigger qualitative changes, which are necessary, No one can reject this power, and no one can regard all these animals as nothing.

Qin Feng looked at Yimu and said coldly, "listen to me, this guy's power has talked about a terrible realm. We must not compete with it now. If we drink, it may be us! "

As soon as he said this, the blood saber King nodded and sneered, "just because of this guy's strength, he won't do it to me. Although this guy's strength is strong, I can resist it. This guy is just a piece of garbage. " As soon as this word came out, the blood knife King instantly killed the past, and the outbreak of his power made everyone Jinhai. This is the blood knife king at the moment. If you don't agree, you'll be a fool? It's terrible, it's terrible to the extreme.

How beautiful and powerful is this guy to make him feel oppressive. The bloody sword king looked at the people in front of him, picked up a heavy knife and said faintly, "I've killed countless people with one hand. I'm really bloody. I see more darkness in Zheng than you. This is me. This is the powerful me. What do you think? Do you think this writing exists? "

As soon as the words came out, the blood saber King's eyes became mysterious. Suddenly, he laughed, beast, "your power, your power is just a little bit, a little garbage. It's not worth mentioning for me."

"You know, anyone can have power beyond you. These forces beyond you will become the intelligence to defeat you. This is us. The forces we burst out at the moment are the forces that shocked everyone. Do you want these shocking forces? I don't think you can get this power, or you don't deserve it at all. "

"This has never been prepared for you, but for others. These forces are about to burst out, and the discipline inspection report of these forces is coming out! " For a moment, the man's body exploded. In an instant, the terrorist organization power beyond ordinary people's imagination broke out. This is him at the moment. In an instant, he wanted to make everyone a female nuisance in winter, and in an instant, he wanted everyone to be stupid.

What kind of strength does he take to walk at the moment? Is such a force not afraid of disaster? Is such a power not afraid to attract the giving of countless people? Perhaps no one dares to covet him, because this power is not vulgar, because his power is terrible, and everyone will feel a living pressure.

Everyone was watching this lovely Qin Feng. At the moment, Qin Feng didn't have any expression. He just looked at the person in front of him calmly and asked, "do you think, do you think..."

"What do you think you can do to me? My strength, my strength is the most terrible existence, and my strength is the most unacceptable existence. This is me at the moment. Can you compare with me, you can't compare with me, and you can't even stand with me. "

He said and killed the man in an instant. The explosion of its power was almost a stroke. Almost at that moment, it erupted a power that shocked everyone. This power range is incredible and it is also a power that makes people difficult to be happy. These forces combined together have become the most beautiful oil painting. This is the most powerful power in the world at the moment, With the most terrible power in the world.

This is him at the moment. He uses high-quality power that the world can't have. It represents the most powerful person of time and the most extreme existence of time.

The king of blood knife looked at this scene and only one self was left in his heart. The power of people in front of us is really powerful. 1 it is a powerful power that can't be felt by everyone. These powerful forces will change everything and qualitative change everything. This is his power at the moment. He wants everyone to squeeze in and feel terror. This is naked terror, The outbreak of this naked terror is destined to be an unacceptable art.

Just then, the man laughed and said, "you, you really let me off the stage, Joe. These forces are the strong. How did you come here? Every strong has its own legend. What about you? Where are your legends? Do you shuttle between heaven and earth? It makes me feel ridiculous that your power is so powerful. "

"Who are you? Are you ordinary people or do you grab it? These forces can't be used by ordinary people, especially Qin Feng. I think it's really big. I've been paying attention to you. Your growth really makes me feel strange."

When Qin Feng heard the speech, he immediately smiled happily and couldn't help saying, "I don't know if you've heard of a Hu. Although my strength is strong, for us, I never show off my strength. For me, my strength is just to protect my companions.", the fastest update of the webnovel!