Chapter 95: Checkmate & The Strongest Piece

Name:Cultivation Nerd Author:
Chapter 95: Checkmate & The Strongest Piece

By the time I finished constructing the barrier, a couple of days had passed, and the interior part of the wall had turned red from the countless scribbles and symbols of varying sizes. I was concerned that the moisture in the air, typical during these temperatures, would have damaged the array, but so far, that wasn't the case.

Leaning against the mansion's outer wall, I gazed at the yellow-tinted sky now that the barrier was erected. Technically, it wasn't a single barrier but smaller ones mashed together. The entire structure seemed precariously held, any disruption threatening to cause it to crumble down.

Thankfully, the guards patrolled the walls regularly, preventing drunk civilians from inadvertently damaging it and undoing all the work I had invested in.

"At least the barrier is still active," I muttered, focusing on the positive. There was a chance that after all this work, it might have been for nothing. I could have miscalculated something, and the barrier wouldn’t have activated.

Still, I wasn't about to underestimate the monstrous beasts. Since completing the barrier, I had been constantly pondering how they might attempt to breach it. We also had to remain vigilant for any monstrous beasts that might have ventured close to test the barriers, knowing full well that the array wouldn't withstand such a challenge.

I straightened away from the wall, and Speedy, now the size of a small dog and tall enough to reach my hip, turned his attention to me. He chewed on a piece of monstrous beast flesh, having eaten almost continuously while I worked on the barrier.

"Stay here and make sure no one enters. If someone does, don't intervene; just inform me when I return," I instructed Speedy, meeting his gaze. He simply resumed chewing, snapping a bone with his powerful jaws. "No matter what happens, don't put yourself in danger."

Speedy lifted his head again, rubbing it against the grassy ground before fixing his gaze on me again.

What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

Either way, I just gave him a thumbs-up and a smile. "You're right, pal. Just keep doing what you're doing. I'm going to talk to the guys who run this city."

There were many factors to consider. It would be safer to ensure precautions were taken against any potential threats.

Since I wasn't the town leader, I had to suggest my ideas before implementing them.

Exiting the gates, I noticed the guards' silent observation. Though their presence seemed futile, as ordinary metal offered little defense. They were primarily tasked with preventing civilians from entering. Yet, the town's inhabitants seemed preoccupied with their own problems, paying little attention to my mansion.

As I strolled through the streets of Whitewall Town, I caught glimpses of curious glances from passersby when they thought I wasn't looking.

Upon reaching the governor's mansion, the guards made way for me without questioning my presence or authority. It was rather convenient.

Sensing the governor's Qi signature, I navigated through the mansion until I reached a door at the end of the corridor. Unlike the grandeur of the dining hall where we first met, this door resembled that of a servant's quarters.

I knocked, and a gruff voice from within called, "Come in, Liu Feng."

Undoubtedly, he had sensed my presence as well.

When I entered the room, I was taken aback by its small size. It felt almost like a cubicle, cluttered with papers and lacking adequate light. The scent of ink and damp paper permeated the air.

Without bothering with formalities, I delved straight into business.

"Of course," I interjected before the governor could respond.

It was crucial to establish clarity regarding ownership and favors owed once this ordeal concluded. The governor had no authority over the lending of my book.

Working political games like this were annoying, time-consuming, and often useless when looking at the bigger picture. But it was something I had to do nonetheless. I usually would have shared this kind of knowledge for free. However, I was not naive enough to forget what kind of world I was living in.

Anyway, it was time to put this final nail in the metaphorical coffin.

"Also, we might not be as helpless as it might seem. I know of a way to end this whole thing in one fell swoop," I announced, diverting their attention from the books.

Instantly, their focus shifted, setting aside their usual discord in favor of survival. Despite their usual divisions, the governor and the rival clan leaders appeared almost eager, united by the prospect of a resolution.

"We just need to contact Song Song for backup," I revealed the plan, gauging their reactions.

The clan leaders nodded calmly, their smiles reflecting contentment. However, the governor's demeanor wavered momentarily, his gaze briefly betraying unease before returning to its usual icy calculation. It was a subtle shift, but it didn't escape my notice.

Could it be...?

Just how far was people's fear of Song Song spread? If someone knew of her, it always seemed like she had terrorized them one way or another.

Yet, there was no time to dwell on conjectures or unravel the governor's connection to Song Song. Action was imperative!

"I'm unsure if the clan leaders are aware, given they were not a part of the Blazing Sun Sect, but Song Song is renowned for her... distinctive personality," I tactfully phrased. "Thus, it's crucial for me to assume official leadership, or she could interpret it as a personal slight if her envoy isn't in charge."

"Absolutely, I wholeheartedly support your decision. I've always recognized your leadership qualities, but I hesitated to vocalize them for fear of appearing like a yes-man," chuckled the Hong Clan Leader, shamelessly dramatic as ever. It was a trait I had come to almost tolerate from him.

"Yes," the Lu Clan Leader concurred, brief as always.

We all directed our attention towards the governor, who had remained silent thus far. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and the facade of impassivity began to crack as his gaze faltered.

I had played the political game to the best of my abilities, leveraging my knowledge and power to sway the situation in my favor. By lending them my encyclopedia, I had demonstrated my worth and influence. Furthermore, I had exacerbated the tension between the clan leaders and the governor, ensuring they wouldn't unite against me. The mention of contacting Song Song added a layer of urgency, making it perilous for them to oppose my leadership.

It almost appeared as though I were doing them a favor by assuming control.

"Very well, you can take the leadership," the governor acquiesced, though his reluctance was palpable. Ultimately, his agreement held little weight, as the clan leaders had already pledged their support to me, a fact he undoubtedly recognized. He simply didn't wish to be forced to relinquish his position of authority and risk earning my enmity simultaneously.

Just like that, another checkmate... political bullshit was boring. Though, I might be getting better at it.