Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: Chapter 93: Jie Yuan_2

Chapter 128: Chapter 93: Jie Yuan_2

Translator: 549690339

“As scholars, how can we possibly fear his lascivious power?”

“Exactly, wealth cannot corrupt us, power cannot bend us, what does it matter if he knows martial arts, in broad daylight, with the universe so clear and the sun and moon so bright, would he dare disregard the law and senselessly draw his sword to kill?”

“Hmph, I’ve heard that every so often, he leaves the city without a trace, potentially harboring some unspeakable secret.”

“Long has been the rumor that this fellow is not human, but a spirit monster in disguise, a millennia-old ghost beneath human skin. Otherwise, how could a man of such young age possess such learning? It’s beyond what mere talent can explain!”

“Right, right, he’s definitely not human, absolutely not!”

“Enough with the nonsense, if he isn’t human, how could he take part in the imperial examinations? Do you think Mr. Wen Yuan and the other examiners are just for show, allowing a demon to enter the examination grounds, and even selecting him as the top scorer?”

“Indeed, Li Jieyuan’s [Xu Yang’s] periodic departures from the city are for tending the fields on his estate outside. Though a scholar, he never forgets the importance of agriculture. Unlike you lot, who neither work nor know the grains, living off others’ toil – parasites, the lot of you, and still you claim to be scholars!”

“Do you even understand the toil behind every grain on your plate, let alone compose poetry about it?”

“It’s only us bystanders speaking; if it were those villagers who’ve received Li Jieyuan’s [Xu Yang’s] kindness, or those infatuated with his poetry, paintings, music, and stories, as well as the pupils from his clinic and school, they’d flay you for trying to tarnish Li Jieyuan’s [Xu Yang’s] name with such slander, turning black into white,”

“Go on, get out! We don’t want your business. A scholar, what are you good for, ptui!”

“Dressed up animals, disgraces to the literati; if you don’t leave, I’ll call the authorities – do you believe that? The county magistrate and the head of constables, they’re all good friends with Li Jieyuan [Xu Yang]. Let them find out how you recklessly gossip, they’ll throw you in jail and give you a good flogging with eighty blows!”

“Get out of here, quick! Don’t foul the air with your nonsense; if word gets out that someone here is conspiring against Master Li, how am I supposed to keep this tavern open? Leave now!”

“We sisters refuse to serve you; leave now or we’ll have you castrated!”

But within moments, the chatter turned to argument, many scholars were chased out of taverns, eateries and even brothels, with dirt-streaked faces and in utter disarray.

“Good, good for you, Li Sword Minister [Li Jianchen]!”

“Feigning virtue, buying people’s hearts!”

“We disdain to associate with you!”

“Let’s go, stop talking; if we continue, they’ll start throwing rotten eggs.”

“This is an insult to culture, an insult to culture, ow, who the hell threw that brick?!”

“That’s a stale steamed bun, you fool!”

“Brother Zhang, help me, these people have gone mad…”

One by one, they fled in distress, and chaos ensued.

Yet all of this had nothing to do with Xu Yang; he had already returned to his mansion.

“Young master!”


“My lord!”


The interconnected courtyards of four sections made up the estate of the Li Mansion today.

Inside, there were numerous bold servants, clusters of maids, and many more plain-clothed clinic disciples and vigor-wearing martial hall followers, along with family guards safeguarding the place and warrior instructors, who all bowed respectfully upon Xu Yang’s return.

“My lord, there have been no disturbances in the city these past days, only that the county magistrate left with the head of constables for a while.”

“It’s said that an incident occurred at Peach Blossom Mountain, the details of which are still being investigated.”

“As per your instructions, we’ve acquired two more estates outside the city for planting medicinal herbs, which should suffice to meet the current needs of the Security Hall and Baozhilin.”

“The martial instructor has returned from Jinhua Mansion, bringing news that the Ghost Realm of the Orchid Temple has expanded again. Even during daylight, it’s ominously grim, and nearly a hundred people have vanished there recently; not even official decrees and blockades have been effective.”

“There are rumors in the streets that the Emperor’s health is worsening by the day, and the struggle for succession is intensifying!”

“It’s rumored that Taoism intends to offer Longevity Medicine in hopes of securing the position of State Preceptor!”

“Word has it that a great figure from Buddhism is expected to come and suppress the specters of the Orchid Temple!”

Xu Yang returned to the study, with the steward following to report the recent situation in the city.

Xu Yang listened, while picking up a brush and creating an exquisite painting.

Ten years ago, using his ability to Divine Travel Through Worlds, he had re-entered this world, not by inheriting someone else’s body, but by manifesting a separate incarnation from his Divine Soul.

After that, he did not resume using the identity of “Ma Wencai;” instead, he arrived in the North City County as “Li Jianchen,” claiming to be a student from afar.

It was the later period of the dynasty, and the household registration management was extremely chaotic. Coupled with some of his tricks, blending in was a breeze.

However, this time he did not, as he had in the Great Tang, directly align with a powerful family, use his medical skills to gain their support and protection, then open a clinic, recruit disciples, and grow his influence…

That approach worked in the world of Great Tang, but not here.

This world had supernatural forces, and many difficult diseases were more than just medical mysteries. His medical skills, though peerless, were ultimately mundane. Unless he used the “Life Scroll,” there was no way to treat those special diseases.

And the powerful families did not need him for treatments, as Taoism and Buddhism had their methods. If the high masters from these sects were helpless, his mundane medical skills were even less useful.

That path was blocked from the very beginning.

Even if it wasn’t blocked, he couldn’t just casually open a clinic and vie with other powers for medical interests—someone would certainly target him. After all, in this world, with its extraordinary Curse Skills, invisible assassinations were commonplace. Without a significant backing, any overreach was bound to be met with lethal retaliation.

Thus, he chose a different path and sought another form of support.

That was—the imperial examination!

In this world, the heritage of the Three Teaching Sect was flourishing mightily.

Confucian Gate, being one of the three, had unmistakable strength.

More importantly, because Confucianism borrowed the appearance of Cultivation, it greatly promoted the Way of Literature. The examination system had been established and was free from the control of any one person or family, highly ensuring fairness. Additionally, the thresholds had been lowered—once you attained an official rank, you’d be recognized as a disciple of the Confucian Tao and naturally protected by the Confucian system.

To put it simply, it was like a coalition of interests, representing the benefits of all members, thus sustained by everyone involved!

Therefore, Xu Yang resolutely joined the imperial examinations. With his own literary accomplishments, he succeeded in becoming the top scholar of the county exam, earning the title of Jie Yuan.

This was the advantage of having supernatural power. When it came to the supernatural, fakery was difficult; if you had real talents and learning, you were bound to stand out.

Although in this world’s Mana Points, borrowing the appearance of Cultivation, theoretically, even a pile of dung, as long as it had enough believers, could transcend the ordinary and become genuine, holding mystical power.

But there was a problem: How do you make someone believe in it?

Who would worship a pile of dung?

The methods involving Divine Souls, borrowing the appearance of Cultivation, could not be faked. One had to truly believe for it to be effective.

Therefore, Confucian Gate pursued great talents and timeless masterpieces, exquisite writings, rather than promoting worthless works. Because only the former could convincingly win people’s faith, effectively borrowing the appearance of Cultivation.

The latter, even if promoted by the power of the entire nation, was unlikely to be effective. Even if it was, the cost wouldn’t be worth the gains.

Thanks to his real talents and learning, Xu Yang took the imperial examinations, gained an official title, and directly became part of the Confucian system. He even caught the attention of several Great Scholars, and his future prospects were limitless.

With this, he not only gained the aid of “Cultural Qi” to improve his literary and martial skills but also the support of Confucian Gate. He successfully opened a clinic, a martial arts school, a butcher shop, and a rice shop in North City County. He recruited disciples, amassed wealth, and furthermore bought manors and farmlands outside of the city to cultivate and breed as supply reserves.

With a scholarly rank and the augmentation of literary fortune, ordinary Evil Demons and witchcraft could hardly harm him in secret.

Being part of the Confucian system, with mutual interests, both the academic forest of scholars and the gates of officialdom accepted him, leaving others powerless to ostracize him.

Therefore, Xu Yang could establish himself in North City County, stabilizing his foothold and expanding his power without being killed by others due to conflicts of interest.

This was the benefit of having a powerful background.

However, “success hinges on Xiao He, as does failure.”

Being a titled scholar was an advantage but also a burden. While it shielded him from many troubles, it also attracted more.

This was also why, after accumulating only Three Pass Realm Cultivation after ten years, Xu Yang sought revenge against the Peach Blossom Taoist.

He urgently needed to enhance his power!