“Buhyi! Buhyi! Uuuuu……!”

I’m parading around the school, riding on Yoshida, who is imitating a pig with tears streaming down his face.

To be honest, I’m the one who wants to cry.

“Hahahahaha! What was that?

“Are they stupid!”

“Who are they? Who are those two perverts?

The loser must pay.

Even if I didn’t want to, I had to carry out the punishment to Yoshida.

I worked hard to win, but why should I have to go through this ……

“– Y-Yagami, I bought you some juice.……”

Shinagawa glanced at Yoshida and handed me a plastic bottle.

“…..It’s only 1 one bottle?”

“I don’t have any money right now.”

I stood up, grabbed Shinagawa by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

“I’ll kill you!!!! My life is at stake here!!!! Now, go get me nine more of these!!!!


Shinagawa rushed to the vending machine.

If I don’t get 10 bottles of juice, disaster will befall me. I was desperate too.

I straddled Yoshida again and continued my parade through the school.

That’s when the school announcement came in.

“Soma Yagami, Class 2D. Please come to the staff room immediately.”

It was Sakurako-sensei’s moe voice. Someone must have reported us to the authorities.

Damn it! I don’t like this kind of perverted play either!

“Damn it! You’re coming with me! Now walk to the staff room, you pig!”


I headed for the staff room with me on Yoshida’s back.

I stood in front of Sakurako-sensei alone, having released him to freedom, as she said she didn’t need Yoshida.

“Do you know why you’re here?”

“Yes, it’s about the piggyback riding, isn’t it?”

“Piggyback riding? Interesting…….but no, it’s not about that. The endurance running record set by Yagami-kun was one of the best in Kanagawa Prefecture. It’s become a hot topic within the school community.

Seriously? Why do I, a homecoming club member, have that much endurance?

Don’t tell me this is also the power of the curse? In exchange for the curse, was I given special powers instead?

“Are you doing any training?”

I recently started going to a boxing gym, but I don’t think it has anything to do with this result.

As you can imagine, after only a week, it shouldn’t have that much of an effect.

“No, not really. But I do ride my bike over the mountains every day.”

“Eh……? Moutains……Are you talking about Hell Pass?”

I nodded my head in agreement.

Between my town and Keteru Kerosene High School, there is a mountain called Hell Pass.

It was named so because of its hellishly hard slopes.

For this reason, students usually take a bus or a scooters to school. I’m probably the only one who goes to school by bike.

Why do I do that?

I hate working, so I don’t want to work part-time as much as possible.

That’s when I thought about “earning” money.

My mother pays for my bus pass by telling me I have to take the bus to school, but in reality, I earn money by riding my bike to school.

“The Hell Pass is a sacred place for bikers. It’s a place where a lot of climbers come to train. I can’t believe you ride through it every day on your bike.”

“Yes, that’s why I see a lot of bikers. These guys are slow and are in my way.”


“Yeah. They’re so slow that I always pass them.”

Sakurako-sensei looks at me with a puzzled expression.

That expression on the always cool teacher’s face is very cute.

“Uhm, Yagami, does your bike have electric assist?”

“No, it’s the 9,000 yen one I bought at Tohyu.”

The teacher gulped and swallowed her spit.

“What about the shifting gears……?

“Do you think it’s on a $9,000 bike?”


Sakurako-sensei stood up vigorously.

What’s going on?

“Yagami-kun, join the track and field team!”

{1 [“Leave it to me, I’ll put a gold medal on your neck.”] Join the track and field team.

{2 [“I’m going to join the club, so let me massage your boobs.”] Join the track and field team

{3 [“I can’t say no to a request from a pretty girl.”] Join the track and field team.

Damn it ……! All three of them are joining the club.……!

I don’t want to join a club, let alone an athletic club……!

It would have been better if it had been a handicraft club or a sensual novel reading club.

And the choices are all terrible. Why can’t I just say “I understand” like a normal person?

“I can’t say no to a request from a pretty girl.”

“Mou…..! Please don’t make fun of me!”

Sakurako-sensei puffs out her cheeks with a bright red face. –Cute.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that sometimes I have these fits.”

“Really? But I’m surprised. I didn’t think Yagami-kun would accept it so easily, after all you didn’t want to join the club in the first year. Why all of a sudden?”

Of course I can’t say it’s because of the curse…….

I tried to say it, but the words wouldn’t come out.

“—–That creepy bastard, it’s because he’s after Sakurako!”

I heard a loud voice from behind me, so I turned around.

As expected, Himari Rurikawa was standing there with her arms folded.

Sakurako-sensei is the advisor of the track and field club. If I joined the track and field club, I would be able to get closer to the teacher.

This bitch thinks I’m going to join the club for that reason.

I have to take a step here! It doesn’t look like …… it is going to happen.

{1 [“Idiot, you’re the one I’m after, Himari,”] stroke her cheek.}

{2 [“What’s wrong with that? Write down a manuscript with your reasons.]}

Of course 1 is no good, but 2 is also fucking stupid and dumb……

What’s with the “Write down a manuscript with your reasons”? Jeez.

“What’s wrong with that? Write down a manuscript with your reasons.”

The teacher is shyly fiddling with her hair.

“Y-Yeah……but I’m sure Yagami can achieve success.”

“I told you not to do that! This kind of shady person misunderstands just a little bit of kindness and eventually becomes a stalker! Don’t get involved with him!”

Let me say this, she’s ……!

{1 (A kiss to shut her up.)}

{2 (Silence her with an iron claw.)}

Oya Oya, we have a choice now, don’t we?

Soma Yagami is a man who would never allow himself to hurt a woman.

But now that it’s an option, I guess I can’t help it.

“Take this!”

I grab Himari’s head and tighten my grip.

“Idadadadadadadadadad! What are you doing?”

“Hey! Yagami-kun!”

Himari glares at me.

{1 [“I’m sorry”] Apologize while licking your lips.}

{2 [“I got rid of the poisonous spider that was on your head,”] Show the dead spider.}

The teacher is right in front of me, and I don’t think I should go for one.

Then it would be 2. …… Eh ……? Poisonous spiders?

“I got rid of the poisonous spider that was on your head?”

I showed my palm to Himari, not knowing what it meant.

–Huh? Seriously, there’s a dead spider.

“It is the most poisonous of the native spiders and is responsible for the majority of spider bites in Japan.

You sure know your stuff!

I didn’t know that I was being forced to squash poisonous spiders with my bare hands. …… It’s a really bad curse.

“Fuen, I will allow you to join the club! Be greatful!”

Himari stumbled out of the staff room.

You should thank me. You’re not a cute girl.

“Yagami-kun, are you sure you want to join the club?”

“Yes, well……”

“I’m glad……. Thank you.”

The teacher gives an angelic smile. –Cute.

This is how I ended up joining an athletic club that I despised to death. Tohoho……. Yeah, that’s me.