TL: Still in the past

I forcefully opened the front door.

“I’m home!”

“Welcome back, Soma-chan!

“Welcome back, Soma!”

“Welcome back! Brother!”

Oya? Father is already home? Did he finish his work earlier today?

When I entered the living room, my father and my sister, Tsumugi, were already at the dining table.

My mother was serving the food.

“Dinner is ready.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Well then, let’s dig in”

I sat down next to Tsumugi.

“Soma, before we start eating, I have something to tell you.”

“Ho, Let’s hear it.”

I glanced at Mother and Tsumugi.

From the expressions on their faces, it seems that they already know.

“Father is being laid off!”

What the hell!? My father, a great fighter, is being laid off!?

…… Don’t tell me it’s because I ignored the choices!

“……That was a surprise. But with your superior strength, Father, I’m sure you’ll find a good job soon.”

“Hahahaha! Well, yeah!”

“Yes, yes, your dad is super talented and wonderful. –By the way, I’ve changed the miso soup today. Do you like it?”

We take a sip of the miso soup.

“It tastes wonderful, Mother!”

“Mom’s cooking is really good!”

“Ufufu, that’s good to hear! –By the way Soma-chan, since our family’s finances are going to be tight for a while, can I ask you to earn your own money for school?”

“You mean I have to get a part-time job?

“Yes, please! Oh …… I can’t wait to see what kind of work you do, Soma-chan! I’m sure you’ll be good at everything!

“I’m sure you’re right! Hahahaha!”

{1, (Take the tutor job for Himari Rurikawa.)}

{2, (Start a part-time job of putting dandelions on sashimi.)}

Geez! There it is again!

I’m not going to do either of them. I don’t want to work. Naturally, I ignored it.

“Mother and father won’t be unemployed for a long time, so there’s nothing to worry about.……”


“What the hell?”

“There was a terrible noise at the front door!”

My father and I immediately went to the front door.


“Well…… I mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal…….”

The old man’s pliuchu was stuck in the doorway of our house.

“Not good. …… really not good……! This curse, it’s real!”

My father must have been laid off because I ignored my options.

It’s a terrible, terrible curse.

I was shaking in my gaming chair when I got a call on my phone.

“Who is it from? It’s from an unknown number…….”

Normally, I would ignore it, but considering the current situation, I should probably answer it.

There was a possibility that it might be that fortune teller.

I answered the call.


“Yagami-kun? It’s your homeroom teacher, Rurikawa.”

What’s this, Sakurako-sensei? Is this about the tutor job?

“What’s the matter?”

“Please, be Himari’s tutor.”

I knew it.……… Oh, shit! Choices just popped into my brain!

{1 [“With pleasure!”] (Take the tutor job.)}

{2 [“If you’re willing to be my tutor for the night.”] (Take the tutor job)}

If I refuse, more misfortune is sure to befall upon me and if I’m not careful, my family will get involved.

I have no choice but to accept, but what the hell is option 2…..?

I can’t help but think that it’s trying to lead me to doom instead of love and youth.

“With pleasure!”

“Really? Thank you, Yagami-kun. I’m so glad.”

That’s how I became Himari Rurikawa’s tutor.

And now. The living room of the Rurikawa residence.

Himari has just spread out her textbook and is doing nothing but decorating her nails.

I’m trying to explain, but to be honest, I’m just talking to myself.

I can still get paid for my part-time job, but if I don’t perform well on the next midterm exam, I’ll be fired.

That’s the kind of contract I signed with Sakurako-sensei from the beginning.

If things continue as they are, I’m sure I will be fired.

“I’m going out now.”

“See you later!”

Sakurako-sensei walked out.

Apparently, she’s taking an English conversation class.

“Well……here’s your part-time job money! Good work!”


Himari put a 5,000 yen bill on the table and went into her room.

I let out a big sigh.

I want to say that I don’t want to tutor such a woman, but 5,000 yen per session is still a lot of money. The more times I did it, the more I realized that.

“My father has it tough to find a job, and I’d like to continue if I can.……”

The first semester’s midterm exams are only about a month away.

Considering how stupid she was, she had to start studying hard right now or she would never make it.

But the reality is that I, with zero communicative ability, have absolutely no way to get out of this situation.

Sighing loudly again, I left the Rurikawa house and got on the elevator.

I passed through the main entrance and sat down on a bench in the tower mansion grounds.

“Yaho! Everything alright!”

That voice…… No way!

“The fortune teller from that time!”

I turned my head in the direction of the voice.

Big tits and a beret. No doubt about it. It’s her.

“You’re having a hard time.”

“Yeah, I have! Please, lift this curse right now!”

“Impossible! I can’t lift the curse! Hahahaha!”

“Ha?! You’ve got to be kidding me! Then how am I supposed to get rid of this curse?”

The fortune teller smirked.

“If you become the most powerful man who can overcome the curse, it will be lifted.”

“I don’t get it.…… What do you mean by most powerful? No way, by fighting? Then I’m never going to lift the curse, am I?”

“Hahaha! That’s right! Good luck!”

“Ah, oi! Wait!”

The fortune teller dashed off somewhere. She was so fast.

“Oi oi, are you for real…..”

It seems I’ll have to live with this curse for the rest of my life.