“Whoa! You’re the little shit from that time! Thanks to you, we had a great time at Saizeriya! I appreciate it!”

The three people around Kito and the others also come towards me.

All of them are the delinquents from that time.

“Well, well, well. Did you come to pay us off again today?”

“Let’s check their wallets!”

Four of them surround me.

“Senpai……! Hurry up and report it……!”

Shino shakily tugged at my sleeve.

“He’d never call the cops because he’s a real man who’d jump kick me out of nowhere! You know that, right?”

{1 [“I am a true man!”] (Smash your phone).

{2 [“I’ll show you my strong shoulders!”] (Throw your phone.)

Damn, are you serious!?

I don’t care if it’s just me, Himari and Shino are also in danger! The choices are too laughable!

I think I should prepare for disaster here, ignore the options and report it…….!

…… No, wait. It is possible that the disaster could be something even more dangerous, like “more friends”.

Should I still follow the options here?

“I-I am a true man!”

I prepared my self for a knee strike and smashed my phone.

The delinquents said, “Ahahahah Seriously, this guy is an idiot!” They laughed loudly.

“What are you doing, senpai!? Let’s take Himari and run!”

Shino tugged at her sleeve with a gesture.

“Whoa, you’re not running away, are you……?”

{1 (Don’t run away.) }

{2 (Beat up the punks.) }

Oh, shit! This sucks……!

“……Yeah, I’m not running away.”

The punks are laughing again.

“…… Hey, you guys. I’ll pay you all the money I have, just let me go.…… please.”

I took out 2,000 yen from my wallet and bowed to the delinquents.

Even though I’m learning to box, I’m still a beginner, and I’m up against four guys. There was no way I could win.

On top of that, Himari and Shino were there now. I should choose the safest way.

” Only 2,000 yen is not enough. ……? If the blonde and the brown-haired girl are willing to play with us until morning, I’ll forgive you.”

The delinquents grinned and sneered at Himari and Shino.


Shino grabbed my sleeve and squeezed.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry.”

As I was about to tap Shino on the shoulder, Shogo Kito got up.

“S-So, are you gonna let us go?”


The delinquents laughed loudly.

“Yeah, sure. What are you going to do?”

“S-So, that’s it then! Take care of the rest, Himari.”

“Eh……You’re kidding?!”

Unbelievable. Kito sold out his girlfriend.

“You three can go now. –Don’t tell the cops, okay? I’ll kill you if you do.”

“Hehe ……, hehe ……, thank you …….”

Kito and the other three left quickly.

“No way…..”

Himari shed tears.

She was abandoned by her lover. The shock was immeasurable.

“Well, push her into the car for now.”


One of the delinquents grabbed Himari’s arm.

“No! Let me go!”

Himari fought and resisted.

“This girl……! Be quiet!”

“No! Don’t touch me!”

Himari scratched the delinquent’s face with her nails.

“Ow! You bitch!”

The delinquent punched Himari in the cheek.


At that moment, something popped inside me.

An option was emerging in my brain, but before I could confirm it, my body was moving.

I hit the leader of the gang standing in front of me with a left hook to the jaw, and then immediately hit the guy right next to him with a straight right to the jaw.

The two men fainted and fell to the ground.

“…… Eh?”

I finished off the guy who was still confused and hadn’t even taken a stance with a one-two.

I stepped in with a quick step to the guy who hit Himari, hit him with straight left, then grabbed his head and kicked him three times in the face with my knee.

“Okay, all clear. You’re safe now.”

One of the options was to beat up the delinquent, so there would be no disaster. Good.

“No way.…… Isn’t …… Yagami strong……?”

“S-senpai …… is amazing…….”

I left the sisters staring at me dumbfounded and went through the wallets of the delinquents.

“I’ve got my 5,000 yen back.…… How much did they take from the old man? …… Oh well. I have to buy a new phone, so I’ll just take it all.”

I pulled out all the money from the wallets of the four delinquents.

“I got 120,000 yen. These guys are really rich. –Now I’m a delinquent.…… No, I’m a criminal.”

It was unbelievable that I, a lover of peace and quiet, would break the law.

But now, I’m extremely intoxicated with the victory of the battle and the pleasure of being an outlaw.

“Uhm…… Yagami…… that……”

I look at Himari.

It seems that she is not injured too badly. Thank God.

“Come on Himari, let’s go back. Class is starting again.”


I took Himari and Shino, who wouldn’t let go of my sleeve, safely back to the Rurikawa residence.