Volume 2: The Beginning of Heroine Race

The place where my house was located was crowded with spectators and the media. My father and mother were often interviewed for stories.

The incident became big news every day, and the city’s fame skyrocketed.

I didn’t think that just because I didn’t receive a check for a million dollars that things would get this far……. I’ll be careful next time.

Fortunately, some research institute bought the meteorite for a good amount of money, so we’ll be able to rebuild our house.

Until then, Tsumugi and I will be staying at the Rurikawa residence.

The house had five bedrooms, and my parents were living in another house.

It was decided that Tsumugi and I would be allowed to use the two rooms that were left over.

I didn’t think Himari and Shino would approve, but surprisingly, they did. Perhaps it was a way of thanking me for saving them from the delinquents.

My father and mother got jobs as live-in janitors of the apartment building, so they are now living separately from us.

It was a lonely time for us, but we decided to endure it until the house was built.

“Brother, girls of the Rurikawa family, the breakfast set meal is ready!”

Tsumugi prepared the “Tsumugi’s special sausage and egg set meal” for all of us.

When Tsumugi first tried the breakfast set meal at the gyudon chain restaurant Takeya, she was so impressed by how delicious it was that she started making the “sausage and egg set meal” every morning since then. Of course, it came with a small bowl of beef dish.

The three sleepy-faced Rurikawa sisters and I sat down at the dining room table and said, “Itadakimasu.”


“Yummy! Yummy!”

“It’s amazing! Your sister is a good cook!”

“Ehehe, not really”

As an older brother, I was very proud to hear that Tsumugi’s cooking skills were recognized.

I’ll tell my father and mother about this. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear that.

“I never thought Yagami had such a cute little sister.”

“That’s true! How can the brother of such a bright and pretty girl be such a dark and creepy person?” (Shino)


Tsumugi hits the table with her fist. The impact caused the water in the glass to splash.

“Hey, Tsumugi, the water—“

“This insult to my beloved brother will not be tolerated…… I will have this bitch executed!”


I hurriedly grabbed Tsumugi’s arm.


Tsumugi’s chopsticks were closing in on Shino’s eyes.

If it had been a little later, the chopsticks would have pierced Shino’s eyeballs and brain. It was dangerous.

“Tsumugi, stop it. It’s always like this between us. I don’t mind at all.”

“I’m sorry, brother, Shino-san! It was just a little playfulness!”

Tsumugi frowns and bows her head.

She is a good sister who loves her …… brother, but like her mother, she can be too direct. That’s what’s so cute about her, though.

“Ah….yes …… I’m sorry.…… I’m really sorry.……”

Shino bowed her head with a tightly drawn face.

Sakurako-sensei and Himari had gone stiff with their chopsticks.

It was only our first morning as a housemate, and we seemed to have suddenly landed a powerful punch.

But it wasn’t Tsumugi’s fault. It was my fault for not telling her beforehand.

“…… Do you love Yagami-kun, Tsumugi-chan?”

“Yes! Not only Tsumugi, but also father and mother respect brother. In fact, the entire Yagami family respects each other!”

It’s not something it’s necessary to say out loud. It’s a natural part of being a family.

“Yagami …… somehow, your family is amazing …….”

“—-Nn? What? It’s just a normal family you can find anywhere.”

Himari looked at Sakurako-sensei and then shrugged her shoulders. –Eh? What? What’s that reaction?

“Ufufu……I think I might be a little bit jealous…….”

Shino showed a melancholy smile.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen that expression, and I was a little taken aback by it.

After sending the three sisters off, I washed the dishes with Tsumugi.

We were being allowed to live here for free. I had to do something like this.

“Listen, Tsumugi, we are going to be their housemates. Keep this in mind. If you don’t, you’ll end up like Seita and Setsuko in “Grave of the Fireflies”.

Wawawawa ……!” I don’t want to be mistaken for a drop and die while licking a rock! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind!”

I nodded my head

“By the way, brother. Which of the three of you are you aiming for?”

I inadvertently said “Bue!”

“What are you talking about, Tsumugi? I have no intention of doing that at all!”

“I’ll make a guess! According to your preference, you are after the eldest daughter!?”

{1 [“Correct. I’m after Sakurako-sensei.”] }

{2 [“Too bad. It’s Himari.”] }

{3 [“It’s actually Shino”] }

{4 [“What are you talking about? The only one I love is you, Tsumugi.”] }

{5 [“Who do you think you’re talking to? Don’t make me laugh. Of course all of them.] }

Hmmm……1 to 3 is going to be a pain in the ass no matter which one I choose.

That said, 4 is going to be a family meeting, so I’ll go with 5.

“Who do you think you’re talking to? Don’t make me laugh. Of course all of them.”

“H-How greedy of you, ……! That’s my brother! you really likes heroic things! Father and mother will be very happy to hear that! I’ll e-mail them right away!”

Tsumugi stopped washing the dishes and started playing with her phone.

My beloved younger sister was quick to report on my good points.

I watched her smiling as she wiped away the water droplets from the dishes.

After school, I headed to the gym.

I met old man Zama in the changing room of the gym and told him about beating up a delinquent.

“—-That’s how it happened. Oh here is your 2,000 yen.”

I handed him the money that had been taken away from him.

“Thank you, Yagami! I’ll have to thank you again for this! It’s a shame I didn’t get to see such an enormous fight right in front of me! I hope you’ll call me when you do!”

“Hahaha! Then I’ll call you next time. I don’t think they’ll wait for me, though.”

Me and the old man from Zama start training in a friendly atmosphere.

One hour later.

“It’s a little early, but good work!”

“Oya? You have an early day tomorrow?”

“Yes, I have a meeting to attend.”

Is it a meeting about the “Black Iron Samurai”? Lucky.

If I get to know the old man Zama better, will he let me join Erich Software?

…… No, wait, wait. My dream is to be a civil servant. Don’t think anything strange.

I feel like my thought process is changing because I’ve been doing a lot of unfamiliar things lately. I have to watch myself!

While I was thinking about this, the old man had disappeared.

Then, ten minutes later.

“Hey Yagami, come here for a minute.”

“Nn? Ah, yes. I understand.”

Sakoda-san called me and took me to the back room.

There was president Arakure standing on his knees, and Zama’s old man trembling stiffly.

“Hey, Yagami, I’m sorry…….”

“……What’s wrong?”

I can tell by the way he looks. Something bad has happened.

“I heard from Zama-san that you beat up four delinquents. Is that true?”

Sakoda-san looked at me with sharp eyes.

“…… Yes, that’s right.”

When I replied, Sakoda-san nodded to the chairman.

“Did you know that Yagami …… boxers are not supposed to mess with amateurs ……?”

I’ve heard that story somewhere. Was this gym like that?

{1 [“Of course I know that.”] }

{2 [“I don’t give a shit! Go fuck yourself!”] (Beat up the president.) }

Oh, that’s surprisingly normal. Thank God.

“Of course I know that. Sorry.”

“Did you also know that ……anyone who breaks the rules will be expelled?”

What the hell, expelled? That’s great! I’ll finally be able to stop boxing! Yoshaaaaaaaaaaaa!

“Yes, I knew that too.”

I didn’t know that, but I’ll lie. I’m glad the choice didn’t come up.

Now I’m finally free, man.

As soon as I saw President Arakure’s eyes widen, he lumbered over to me.

Scary! Is it possible that I’m going to be beaten up?

The president raises his right hand. –Damn it! I’m going to get knocked out!

The president’s hand was placed firmly on my left shoulder. –Hmm?

“Good job Yagami!”


“You know that, yet you fight to protect a woman……! You are a true man! Gahahaha!”

Sakoda-san applauded loudly and the old man Zama exhaled “Ho” in relief.

“T-thank you very much…….”

Apparently, I won’t be expelled. Damn it!

Authors note:

The Secrets of the Yagami Siblings and the Three Rurikawa Sisters (1) Height

Soma: 173cm/ 5’7″

Tsumugi: 155cm/ 5’1″

Sakurako: 150cm/ 4’11”

Himari: 156cm/ 5’1″

Shino: 159cm/ 5’2″