“–Eh, are you sure you want to do this?”

I shook Sensei.

“Sensei, please wake up. If you’re going to sleep, you should sleep in a proper bed.”

“Hmm ……? I can’t …… get up.”

Sensei fell asleep.

“Wait, Sensei!”

There’s no doubt about it. This woman is one of the toughest women I’ve ever met.

I shook her violently.

“Sensei! Sensei!”

“Mmm! Then carry me to bed!”

Uwa…… I’m starting to get angry……….

I see. I guess her sisters will leave her alone if she’s like this

{1 (Carry Sakurako in your arms and bring her to bed.) }

{2 (Give Sakurako a wake-up kiss.) }

…… Yare Yare, I guess I’ll have to carry her.

“Let’s go, Sensei?”


I took Sensei in my arms and carried her to the front of her room.

I opened the door with my foot and went inside.

” As always, it’s a mess.…… No matter how you look at it, this is what you get after a gorilla rampage…….”

“I will kill you.”

I moved to the front of the bed, carrying Sensei, who had become very uncommunicative, as I searched for a place to step.


Sensei’s underwear is scattered on the bed.

No way! Sensei, you’re wearing one of these! She may be small, but she’s still a grown woman!

I nodded my head in satisfaction and slowly lowered Sensei.

“Well, good night, Sensei.”

I picked up her bra to make sure it was an E-cup, and then turned to leave the room.

I would never do anything untoward to Sensei. What a gentleman I am. I am in love with myself.

“Oi Soma, give me a goodnight kiss.”


{1 (Give Sakurako a goodnight kiss.) }

{2 [“Shut up, you drunk!”] (Give a serious slap to Sakurako.) }

What the hell? There’s no way I can hit Sensei!

So you’re asking me, a virgin, to kiss her myself!?

That’s like asking me to drop a B-29 with a bamboo spear! No way!

No…….. I think I can get away with it if it’s on her hand…….? It’s like a greeting. –Okay, let’s go!

At that moment, the choices were rewritten.

{1 (Give Sakurako a goodnight kiss (On the lips).) }

{2 [“Shut up, you drunk!”] (Give a serious slap to Sakurako.) }

How is that even possible!

Mouth to mouth!? That’s impossible for me to do!

…… But if I don’t try, an even bigger meteorite could fall and blow up the entire city.

In order to protect this city, I have to be prepared for this.

“Then sensei, Soma Yagami, let’s go!”


My first kiss is going to be with Sakurako-sensei? To be honest, she is too ideal. I don’t know if I’m lucky or unlucky anymore.

The only thing I regret is this situation.

I was hoping for something more romantic. I’ve always said that I’m not interested in romance, but it seems that I’m quite a virgin.

I wondered if it was really okay to do this. Sensei was just drunk, not serious. This would be quasi-indecent exposure.

“Hurry up.”

“I know…..!”

Shit! Don’t get lost! The peace of the city depends on me!

I put my hand on the Sensei’s chin and bring my lips close to hers

– but then she can’t move a muscle from there. Is this also due to the inexperience of a virgin……!


“…… Hmm? Don’t you want to?”

That’s not true, but it still freaks me out.

It’s a much greater test of courage than fighting Koga or the delinquents.

“I see.…… I’m sorry.…… Soma doesn’t like me.……”

Sensei gives me a sad look. That turned on my motivation.

“That’s not true.……!”

I put my lips lightly together with Sensei

Yes! I did it! I did it! That’s Soma Yagami! You are the true man!

“Eh……? Yagami-kun……?”

Sensei’s eyes fluttered. I guess she didn’t really expect me to do it.

But she had no reason to complain now. You were the one who invited me.

However, even though it was my first kiss, I honestly didn’t pay any attention to the feel of her lips. It was kind of a waste.

“Well, Sensei I’m going back to my room.

I was about to stand up, when Sensei grabbed my arm.

“…… This is why virgins are so annoying. It takes more than five seconds to kiss. Start over.”

–WHA!? T-this is bad! If you say something like that, ah……..shit it’s here again!

{1 (Kiss Sakurako (At least five seconds. Kiss like an adult.)) }

{2 [Don’t pretend to be drunk! You whore!”] (Slap Sakurako for real.) }

you’re kidding!? Five seconds!? An adult kiss!? I’m a virgin!?

It’s like asking a man to ride his tricycle to the moon.

But……I have to do it! Show me more men! Soma Yagami! You can do it!

All right! Here I come!”

“I want to …… wake you up and …… sit on you.”

Eh, what is that ……? It sounds so disgusting …….

I put my hands on Sensei’s back and head and pick her up.

I sat down next to her and turned her face toward me.

Sensei closes her eyes.


Our lips met, and Sensei pulled me into a hug.

This alone was enough to put me over the edge.

But I had to move on to the next step.

Now, what do I do?

I can only imagine that forcing my tongue to pry her open is not the way to go.

I opened my mouth a little, and Sensei opened her eyes.

Staring at me, she opened her mouth little by little. –I’m glad. Now I don’t have to do anything forceful.

I awkwardly moved on to the next step. Sensei’s eyes widened.

She resisted a little at first, but soon accepted it. I guess it was because she was drunk, but I was still happy.

The sound of an adult kiss echoed in the quiet room.

Five seconds is an incredibly long time.

When five more seconds had definitely passed, I parted my lips.

Saliva stretches like a thread from Sensei’s lips.

She wipes it off with her finger and looks at me with a seductive smile on her face.

The expression on her face and the gesture she makes are so lewd that I can’t imagine her as a normal teacher. This is really bad!

“I-I’ll be going now…….! Good night!”


It’s too dangerous to stay near Sensei right now! Let’s get the hell out of here!

I hurriedly left Sensei’s room.