” Senpai, look at that! It’s a very nice night view!”

“Yes, it is.”

Shino seems to be enjoying herself. I wonder if this is okay.

” Uhm Shino. Do you want me to ask Ichijo to do another lap? It’s not every day you get a chance like this, you know?”

“No, it’s okay”

“No, you ……”

“It’s pointless anyway.”

Shino’s expression turned cold.

It seems that I have stepped into some kind of dangerous territory.

“I’m sorry …… for spoiling the atmosphere. ……”

“No, don’t worry about it.”

Shino and I remained silent for a while, looking out the window of the gondola at the night view.

“…… After I graduate from high school, I’m going to marry the sergeant of a large corporation.”


Is it a political marriage? That’s really a thing huh.

“So, I can’t fall in love.”

Of course her father would do that.

Since he would want to avoid getting involved with a strange man and having the marriage break up.

Then I suddenly realized.

“—–Hmm? Then why are you practicing for a date? What’s the point?”

“Oh, …… uh, …… that’s right……! Why……?!

No, even if you ask me …….

When I looked at Shino with a troubled face, she was fumbling with a bright red face.

“….Well, no. Could it be that Sensei and Himari also have fiancées?”

“‘No, Sakurako-chan had a marriage proposal prepared by her father, but it was broken off. Himari is too dumb to find a good fiancé. So, those two are free. Unlike me …….”

Shino shows a fragile smile.

I was taken aback by her expression, which she usually doesn’t show.

” Since my two sisters have disappointed my father, he has high expectations of me. That’s why he’s so constrained. My life is completely in his hands.”

“I see. ……”

” Ah, please don’t misunderstand me. I have no grudge against Sakurako-chan or Himari-chan. I hate my father for saying bad things about both of them. ……”

Now I know why Shino is so envious of my family.

The Yagami family has a relationship where everyone respects each other.

“Ohhh …… I wish someone would kidnap me ……”


{ 1 I’ll take you where your father can’t reach you.”] }

{ 2 [“Are you expecting a prince on a white horse? Stupid girl.”] }

Oi, 2! Don’t try to make me say that to a girl who’s really grieving!

“Shino, I’ll take you where your father can’t reach you.”

Shino rolled her eyes, stared at me for a moment, and then gushed, “Pfft!”

“Hahahaha! Senpai, you’re really creepy! Hahahahahaha!


Shino wiped the tears from her eyes with her hand.

“I’m glad you said that, ……. Thank you very much.”

I raise my hand lightly to signal that I don’t mind.

“Um …… senpai ……, can you really take me somewhere ……?”

{1 [“Let’s travel around Hokkaido by motorcycle.”] (Tour around Hokkaido by motorcycle with Shino.)}

{2 [“Let’s join the French Foreign Mercenaries.”] (Become a mercenary with Shino.)}

{3 [“Let’s join the pirates of Southeast Asia.”] (Become a pirate with Shino.)}

This is the biggest scale option I’ve ever seen.

Only one is realistic. It doesn’t say anything about eloping, so as long as I have the money and time, I can do it.

On the other hand, 3 is too hard. I probably won’t be able to live for even a year.

“Let’s travel around Hokkaido by motorcycle.”

” Fantastic! That sounds great! But Senpai, do you have a license?

“I don’t have a license or a motorcycle. I’m going to get one now.”

“Hahaha! I’m looking forward to it!”

The cost of the school and the purchase of the motorcycle will be several hundred thousand.

I feel like crying, even though my financial situation is not so good.

But a motorcycle, …….

It’s dangerous because the body is exposed, it’s tiring because of the wind, it can’t carry any cargo, it’s dangerous because of the crash, and only a fool or a delinquent would ride it.

“It was a very funny joke. I liked the fact that it was in Japan, which was oddly realistic.”

“No, seriously, we’re going ……?

“Eh ……?”

“It’s not a joke. I’m taking you with me.”

If I don’t take you with me, disaster will befall me. My eyes are serious.

“Let me ask you something ……, why are you going to all this trouble for me?”

{1 [“It’s because I love you, Shino.”] }

{2 [“This Soma Yagami is not a man who can leave a grieving woman alone.”] }

Hmm, one is no good. It’s totally a marriage proposal.

The second one…….It’s a little too cool.

” This Soma Yagami is not a man who can leave a grieving woman alone.”

“Pffft” Shino laughed hysterically, tears streaming down her face.

“Don’t laugh like that. ……”

“Hahahahaha! I’m sorry! Because Senpai was so cool!”

She wiped away her tears and got up and sat down next to me.


“I like that about you. …… senpai ……”

I felt embarrassed when Shino looked straight at me and I shifted my gaze outside.


” End of the line! Thank you for your hard work!”

We get off the gondola.

There was Ichijo and the others waiting for us.

“Yagami-kun, Shino-san, we’re going out to eat, would you like to join us?”

“I’m sorry, Ichijo. We’ve already eaten.”

No, we haven’t eaten. I’m really hungry.

“I see. Well see you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow!”

We waved goodbye.

“Are you sure, Shino?”

“Yes! Let’s buy something and eat it while looking at the sea!”

“Sounds good! Okay, let’s go!”


We bought something at a convenience store and sat on a bench by the sea.

I gobbled down the family chicken as I watched the boats pass by.

“It’s nice to hear a ship’s whistle”


I reach into the bag for a rice ball.

Shino seemed to be thinking the same thing, and our hands touched.



Shino squirmed and slumped over.

“Um, …… it’s still April, and the nights are cold…….”

“Hmm? That’s right. Then let’s go home. I have school tomorrow.”

“Ah, Uhm. …… Yes, ……”

I put the garbage in the bag and stood up.

Then she pulled me by the waist with a goofy smile.

“—–What’s wrong, Shino?”

“I don’t want to go back to …… yet.

What does that mean? …… No way!?

{1 [“Okay……let’s stay at a hotel with a view of the ocean.”]}

{2 [“Okay! Let’s go to a love hotel and have sex!”]}

{3 [“Well, let’s go for a walk in the park and then go home.”]}

I’m glad……there is a gentleman’s choice.

But number 2! Are you trying to kill me!

“Well, let’s take a walk in the park and then go home.”

“Yes ……, I understand …….”

We strolled through the park at night without saying a word.

The lights of the city reflected on the surface of the sea are a sight to behold, but there is one problem.

Shino has been tugging on my sleeve all day.

“Shino, my clothes are stretching. ……”

“I don’t want to let go. ……”

What is it?  You’re acting like a spoiled brat all of a sudden.

” Why not a hand? …… No, you don’t want to because it’s gross right?”

“I don’t really care if it’s a hand……?”

I grabbed Shino’s hand.

I thought she might be grossed out, but Shino smiled.

” Senpai, it will be like this all the way until we get home.


When she’s honest and cute, Shino is powerful.

The soccer team must have been taken aback by this.

We kept our hands together as we passed through the ticket gate and on the train.