[Sakurako PoV] 

Yagami-kun ended up just hugging me, and didn’t even kiss me.

He smiled shyly and said, “Well, it’s time to go home,” and let go of my hand.

I thought that since Ryoichi had taken me from him so forcefully, that he would be demanding of me …….

He must have gotten scared. It’s no wonder Yagami is a virgin. That part of him is also pure and cute.

Well, I’m the older person here, I’ll give him a little push ……, what am I saying …….

But I have to admit, I’m hoping for the best. I’m just going to give it a try, isn’t okay?

I took Yagami to the station, where we dared to pass through the hotel district.

Yagami is a gentleman, but I’m sure his blood is boiling from his fight with Ryoichi and his escape from the police, and he’s probably at the end of his patience.

He should try to force me into a hotel right now and make a mess of me. I’m thrilled.

“Rest ……? Hee, I didn’t know that you can use a hotel for only two hours. I didn’t know that. What is the purpose ofthat? Is it for napping? But what the hell……?”

Yagami uttered incredulous words.

I didn’t expect him to be so pure.


It is a teacher’s duty to provide proper sex education. But I’m not a health and physical education teacher, and I’m too embarrassed to explain it myself.

“I think I’ll ask the old man Zama have a break here sometime. He is a very generous man, so I’m sure he will buy me a drink”

“You definitely don’t want to do that!”

I shouted loudly, something I don’t usually do.

I can’t let Yagami-kun go into that world. I want him to be the kind of man who gets off on older women.

“I-I understand. Making him buy me a drink is not a good idea…….”

“Well, something like that…….”

In the end, we arrived at the station with nothing to show for it.

“Shit, it’s already past the last train. What should we do?”

All we have to do is take a cab home, which will cost us about 5,000 yen, but fortunately I’m not hurting for money. I’ll show you my financial strength ……. No, don’t do it Sakurako.

A man does not like to be bought by a woman. That should be the same even if they are students.

And this is a supersized opportunity. It is said that smart women deliberately miss the last train to catch their prey. I should follow suit.

“Nn….Is there any place where I can kill time until the first train?

“Well, how about the Joe Star?”

A 24-hour family restaurant. ……! That’s not good enough!

“I’m a little tired. Is there anywhere I can lie down?

“In that case, the Internet café over there is good. It has a shower.”

Un, un, that’s it! I’ve been waiting for that answer!

“Nn …… Let’s do it then.”

“Okay, I understand. Then let’s go.”

I was taken into the cafe by Yagami-kun.

I like to be led by a man.

“Welcome, which course do you want?”

“Well, I’ll take the six-hour package.”

“Okay. Which room would you like?

“Two rooms—-“


What are you talking about?

“I don’t know how to use this place, so you’re going to have to stay with me.”

Big lie. I have a membership card to almost every Internet cafe.

I love the mornings at the Vitality Club.

“I-I understand. …… Then I’ll take one room.”

Yagami-kun said, “Eh? That would be a bad idea. Absolutely not.” But, strangely enough, he agreed.

It was the same when he kissed me. Sometimes his gestures and facial expressions do not match his actual actions.

At any rate, the plan was a success. I went into a small private room with him.

…… Now I’m thinking, I’m too greedy. I’m a little disgusted with myself.

I thought Sakurako Rurikawa was a neat and dainty woman. ……

I confess that when Yagami beat Ryoichi, I felt my body heat up.

The burning was still going on, and it had robbed me of my reason and allowed my instincts to take more control.

I may be a teacher, I may be a sister, but at the end of the day, I’m just a woman.

My instincts are leading me to seek the child of a strong man.

“I’ll tell Tsumugi that I’ll stay at the Internet cafe until the first train. Sensei, why don’t you do the same?”

“Shh ……, it’s not good for people to know that we’re a student-teacher relationship……. Call me Sakurako?”

“I-I understand, Sakurako. Shouldn’t you contact Himari and Shino?”

“U-un, I’ll do that.”

He called me Sakurako! I feel like I’ve become Yagami-kun’s woman. I’m thrilled.

I have to go and clean myself up.

“I’m going to take a shower.”


After informing Himari and Shino, I took a shower.

I was glad I had clean underwear on because I was planning to spend my first night with Ryoichi today.

I went back to my private room, and Yagami took over and went to take a shower.

Yeah ……, I’m going to be his woman now …….

Fear and anticipation dominate my mind.

I don’t have time to think about anything else. I nervously wait for him to return.

“I’m back.”

“Welcome back…….”

I brush my bangs up again and again.

Yagami-kun is also somewhat on edge. We are both somewhat unsettled.

“L-Let’s go to bed.”


We lay down on the sheet. It’s a small room, so we are close to each other.

Half an hour had passed since I had fallen asleep.

Yagami-kun has not done anything to me.

It’s strange …… that he took me from Ryoichi by force. It should already want to do such and such things to me.

Being a virgin, I suppose I can be somewhat reserved.

But he has the guts to fight against delinquents and Ryoichi-san without fear. He’s not the kind of guy to sit on his hands here.

Does he think that I won’t like it? If that’s the case, I need to let him know that I’m willing to accept him.

So, although I really wanted Yagami-kun to approach me, I decided to take action myself.


I rolled over and put my face on his chest. Of course, I was sleepwalking.

I am confident in my acting ability. I was in the drama club in high school.

I could hear Yagami’s heart beating. It was beating fast.

I knew he was awake. And he’s aware of me as a woman.

You can touch me a little bit, okay?

I tried to remind him of that, but Yagami-kun is a surprisingly gentleman.

He didn’t move an inch. Muu

I haven’t had any alcohol today, so I can’t pretend to be drunk and make him kiss me like I did the other day. If that’s the case, I have to….

“Ummm …….”

I pretended to be sleepy and clung to Yagami-kun’s left arm.

–Come on, how about this?

Half an hour later.

Nothing, he is not doing anything at all! Muu!

My cheeks start to puff up. Oops, I shouldn’t have done that. I can’t let him know that I’m pretending to be asleep.

It’s not good for my reputation as a woman if I approach him….

But Yagami-kun is ironclad. It seems I need to throw away my cheap female pride.

I abandoned my shame and pressed my proud E-cup against his left arm.

There’s no way a healthy high school boy can endure this.

Half an hour later.

Nothing happened after all.

I was so pissed off that I opened my mouth in a very normal way.

“…..Don’t you want to?”

“Ah, Sen–Sakurako. You’re awake, huh? What are you doing ……?”

What do you mean, …… there’s only one thing you can think of in this situation!

“You took me away from Ryoichi-san, and yet you do nothing?”

“N-no! That’s not my intention! It’s just that I didn’t want you to be taken by that guy. ……!

He’s upset. Cute. Cute. I like it.

“I think should kiss at least.”

“It’s a teacher-student relationship.”

I was getting annoyed that Yagami-kun wasn’t getting on board at all.

“You’ve done it twice and now you’re talking out of your ass.”

Oh no. It’s a complete miscommunication.

“……Eh? No way……You remember that time?”

I’ve done it. I had to cover it up somehow.

I remember the moment when Yagami kissed me lightly.

I really don’t remember anything before that.

I was crazy at that time. I guess it was because I was drunk, but I got into a weird tension and forced him to kiss me for more than 5 seconds. –Now I think, why 5 seconds?

And I accepted the deep kiss easily, and I’m a real helpless erotic woman. ……, but that really burned.

“I have a vague memory of it. But that was just another drunk me. Don’t get me wrong.”

“Oh, I see. …… I understand.”

I did not want to be thought of as an erotic woman, so I pinched myself. This will make Yagami withdraw. No, I need to be more honest.

How can I ask for something without being perceived as a pervert? Use your head and what little girl power you have left, Sakurako!

“Yagami-kun…… I’m kind of scared…… because of what happened?”


“I want you to hold me again, like you did before. It makes me feel safe.”

“…… I understand.”

Yagami hugged me softly.

The speed with which he makes decisions in these situations is remarkable. He is so manly and cool.

“Can I let you go now?”

“No……. Keep doing it. ……”

I bring my face close to Yagami’s until the very last second.

The space between our lips is less than a few centimeters.

This is as far as I can go. I’ll definitely have Yagami-kun do it from here on out.

He stares into my eyes.

My heart is beating at a crazy pace.

Yagami puts all his strength into the hand that holds me.

It hurts a little, but I’m so happy. I feel like I’m being wanted so much. I love it when someone as gentle as him treats me a little rough.

Yagami put his lips close to mine.

Yeah, you can take all of me. ……

Knock Kock!

“Customers, please refrain from such actions!”

“Hiya! I’m Sowwy!”

“E-Excuse me!”

We were interrupted by a diligent clerk, and our evening passed uneventfully.

[TL: Remember, they are not in a hotel but in an internet café]