We went back to the cabin of the cruiser and started the gang leader meeting.

“As you all know, the other day, Baba from Sanjo High School, one of our five Kanto gang leaders, was sent to the hospital by the guys from the west!”

I see, the reason there were only four of us was because one of us was hospitalized.

I mean, the story smells really bad. …… Is this safe?

“We had a ceasefire agreement with the Kansai Chiefs, but they’ve broken it! This is an unforgivable act! We must retaliate now!”

The senior member of the villainous house and slammed the table.

Shit. …… If this keeps up, I’ll probably be forced to participate in retaliation.

“Umu! Then we will immediately go to Osaka with all our forces, that it!”

” Be patient, everyone! If the East and West start an all-out war, the world will inevitably be in chaos! That must be avoided!”

Good, Hattori-senpai! Do something to avoid a war!

“What the hell, Hattori! So you want me to just keep my mouth shut?”

“I’m not saying that, people! I’m telling you to refrain from fighting with the entire army!”

“In other words, Hattori-san, you’re saying you’re only going to kill the Western Watch Commander, right?”

“That’s what I’m saying! I’m good at killing in the dark!”

You’re a ninja. But will it work out that way?

“Soma, do you have any suggestions?

“Even if the blackmail is successful, it will soon be discovered that it was the chiefs of the East who did it. If that happens, won’t an all-out war with the West be inevitable in the end?”

“People……, that may indeed be the case. ……”

Okay, that sounds good. Let’s go for a peaceful course.

“Let the representatives of the East and the representatives of the West—-“

“I see! As expected of Soma!”

Eh? I haven’t finished speaking though?

“So the five representatives from the East and the West will fight it out to determine the winner! Good ideaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

“Well, that way we can avoid an all-out war and avenge Baba. Nice work, Yagami.”

“If we twist them head on, they’ll never dare to cross us again!”

“That’s the smartest way. I’m in.”

“No, that’s not it. Let’s have a discussion among the represen——-“

“All right! Then let’s send a message to the West!”

No! You’re not listening to me!

“Wait a minute! Baba-san is going to fight in that battle, not me, right?”

“Hahaha! Don’t worry, Soma! Baba’s not out of the hospital yet! Boss can join us!”

{1 (Participate in the East-West Championship Game.)

{2 (Go participate in the East-West Championship Game.)

God Damn itttttttttttttttttttttt!

Thus, the East-West championship game between the five chiefs of the East and West was held.

Five days later.

Ten men gathered at an abandoned factory.

“Oh, Kamata! You’ve done well!”

“Hahahaha! That Baba guy was weak! With five guys like that, the East must be full of lowlifes!

The one who is exchanging gunfire with the villainous Senpai is a cute girl in a sailor suit with a ponytail.

Her height is about 170cm? There is an incomparable size difference between her and Senpai

Her name is Kenji Kamata.

She is actually a man. He is what we call a trap. This man is the head of the West.

The five chiefs of the East are all on equal footing, but the West is different.

It’s a one-man organization, with Kamata, the chief, leading the other chiefs.

Kamata glanced at me.

“—-Eh? Soma-chan? It’s Soma-chanya!”

I knew it was true. …… Though I thought it was because he had the same name……

I know this guy.

Kenji Kamata was my childhood friend from elementary school.

He was poor and dark-skinned, so he was bullied by his classmates and often made to cry.

He would often ask me, “Why are you so strong, Soma-chan?” I remember that he would often ask me if he had any questions.

“Kenji, it’s been a while. …… What the hell happened to you?”

He has become very cute. …… To be honest, he is probably better than the girls in my class.

When Kenji went to junior high school, he moved to Hyogo Prefecture.

After his mother ran away with another man, his father also evaporated to somewhere else.

I heard that he was taken in by a relative.

“Well, a lot of things! …… It’s a shame, though. I can’t believe Soma-chan is hanging out with such trifling people. I’m starting to get angry.”

Kenji glared at me. He looks so powerful.

This guy didn’t have the kind of personality that could get into a fight. I’ve only seen him get beaten up.

I wonder if a person can change so much in just five years.

“Kamata! That’s enough!”

“This is crazy! You’re hurting me! Soma- chan and I are talking right now!”

Kenji gives the middle finger to his senior.

“Soma-chan, do you remember the class trial? The one where you lost your school lunch money?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

I’m not lying. I remember it very clearly.

It was the case where Kenji was blamed for the crime.

“I see. …… I’ve surpassed Soma-chan. Keep an eye on me…….”

After saying that, Kenji went back to the west group.

“Let’s go over this again! The rules are a five-on-five winner-take-all game! The first one to defeat the general wins!”

“That means it’s not my turn! Hey, Ishida!”

“That’s right. I can take out five men by myself! Hahaha!”

“Nefufu. …… The people of the west have a lot of bluster, that they should. ……”

“This is going to be fun. ……”

All of them, except for me, sparked off each other.

The order of battle is as follows.

Kanto Bancho Representative

Spearhead: Asuka Takakai

Next Spearhead: Zenzo Hattori

Middle: Itousai Terada

Vice Admiral: Mayuki the Villain.

General: Soma Yagami

I’m the general because I won the rock-paper-scissors game to decide the order.

If only the other four could win, I wouldn’t have to fight a single battle. Of course, I would choose the general.

Kansai Bancho Representative

Spearhead: Ishida

Next spearhead: Park

Midfielder: Chin

Vice General: Bob

General: Kamata

Kansai’s banchos, there are only two Japanese people in this game…….

Are they really banchos?

Bob is a huge black man over two meters tall, but he can’t speak a word of Japanese.

It would be impossible for him to unite the organization as a watchdog. Isn’t he a martial artist who was gathered just for this occasion?

“Kuku Kuku …… Park is a taekwondo fighter, Chin is a Chinese martial arts fighter, and Bob is a promising wrestling fighter. It is said that they are one-day chiefs only for today, here they are.

I knew it.

The other four are smiling comfortably, although I was angry at their dirty ways.

“Nihihi! Those idiots in the west are so clever!”

“I’ll show you there’s nothing worth doing.”

“Ou, Hawk keeper! Let’s see how strong the East is!”

Takagai moved to the center and faced Ishida from the west.

“So, first round! Takagai from the east, Ishida from the west! FIGHT!”

The battle was about to begin when someone, somewhere, called the observer, gave the order.