[Kenji PoV]

I know that Soma-chan didn’t become a General because of his strength.

I saw how they decided the order by rock-paper-scissors.

It would be boring if I ended it right away, so I’m just going to play.

I exchanged jabs with Soma.

As I expected, it was nothing special. His movements are too immature. This guy probably hasn’t even been boxing for a while, right? How can he be here at this level?

A light jab from me hits Soma-chan in the face.

That’s enough to make Soma-chan wobble. He’s not used to being hit at all. He’s just an amateur.

I’m starting to feel embarrassed that I thought this guy was a hero.

I’ve always admired Soma-chan.

When I was in elementary school, I was bullied a lot because I was poor and gloomy.

I was a miserable kid, always either crying or afraid of being bullied.

One day, I found a kid who was being bullied just like me, but he didn’t care about it at all. That kid was Soma-chan.

I asked Soma-chan, “How can you be so carefree?”

Soma-chann said, “I look down on those who harass me to a lesser degree. In other words, I have the mental advantage. Then why should I care?” He said to me.

To be honest, I had no idea what he was talking about.

But I did understand that Soma-chan was so fucking cool.

I adored Soma-chan and became attached to him all the time.

Then, there was an incident where Soma-chan went from being someone I admired to a hero.

It was in the fifth grade.

A few girls in my class had their school lunch money stolen.

I was poor, and I was the first to be suspected. I was the first to be suspected, and not only by my students, but also by the old lady who was in charge.

However, it was Soma-chan who raised an objection.

From the story of the girl who was robbed, he determined that the crime took place during swimming class, and proved that I had an alibi.

He deduced that the person who could have committed the crime was the leader of the class who was resting in the infirmary because she was sick.

Soma-chan pushed aside the reluctant group leader and forcibly rifled through the contents of her bag.

Of course, the whole class was bashing him.

“——There it is. School lunch money.”

Soma-chan pulls out several envelopes from her bag.

The whole class went silent like a wake.

“No, no! It wasn’t me! Someone put them there! There’s no way I would steal something that belongs to Miyo and Kanako!”

“How did you know it was Suzuki and Taniguchi’s school lunch money? You’ve done the classic grave digging of a mystery, you stupid bitch.”

The leader girl cried out.

That’s how Soma-chan won my innocence.

But Soma-chan didn’t stop there.

He starts attacking the old lady who treated me like a criminal.

“It’s really foolish of you to assume the culprit based on your preconceived notions without gathering enough evidence. …… There is nothing to be learned from people like you. You should quit teaching right now.”

” Rather than being a teacher, you’re not a person. Stay at home, don’t bother society, and live and die in secret.”

The old lady was in tears.

The whole class was bashing him again.

But Soma-chan didn’t care about being outnumbered.

One by one, he made them cry with his arguments and denial of character. The class turned into a hellish scene of screaming and shouting.

Later, Soma-chan’s parents were invited to the school, and they were wonderful people.

They affirmed everything that Soma had done and said that they were proud of him as a parent.

On the contrary, the school was beaten up and the teachers were made to apologize. It was really a good scene.

The old lady was transferred to an elementary school in a remote area, a complete victory.

After this incident, I started worshipping Soma-chan like a god. I was completely overwhelmed with admiration.

I wanted to follow Soma-chan for the rest of my life, but that didn’t happen.

My parents had disappeared.

When it was decided that a relative in Amagasaki would take me in, I was really shocked.

I was crying all the time. I just couldn’t bear to be away from Soma-chan.

I cried out to Soma-chan. I begged him to help me. But he said he could not help me.

“Don’t rely on my strength. Be strong, Kenji. Stronger than me.”

God’s word is absolute. I will live my life relying only on those words.

My relative in Amagasaki was a former amateur boxer.

He taught me how to box, and I gained strength and confidence.

As soon as I entered junior high school, one of the upperclassmen got involved with me, so I beat him up.

From then on, I fought and fought every day. Before I knew it, I was the leader of the pack.

Then, in the third year of junior high school, I went to Tokyo for a school trip.

I thought I was strong enough, so I went to see Soma-chan.

But I only saw him from a distance. That was all I could do.

I was so shocked.

I thought Soma-chan was a god, but I couldn’t believe how miserable he had become.

Soma-chan was walking alone with his eyes like a ditch, looking down.

He had a bag on his shoulder with the words “poop” and “penis” written on it.

It’s okay to be harassed. That’s what I did in elementary school.

But he didn’t have that look in his eyes. Those were the eyes of a completely dead person.

I was so shocked that I left without saying anything to Soma-chan, and went back to Amagasaki.

The loss of my faith, which had been supporting me, made me crazy.

I got into fights at every turn, and had to be taken care of by the police many times.

I even started dressing up as a woman, which I still don’t understand myself.

But I feel more relaxed when I dress up as a woman.

If I don’t do this, I won’t be able to live properly.

That’s how I became the unique leader of the Kansai region.

And now, there’s the former god Soma-chan in front of me.

I’m going to beat him up completely and say goodbye to the past.

If I do that, I’m sure my heart will be saved.

I bet I could live a normal life without dressing up as a woman.

“Soma-chan! I’m stronger than you now!”

My left hook goes into Soma-chan’s body.


You look like you’re in so much pain! You can’t even afford to guard yourself anymore. I’ll decide next time.

I take a step forward and unleash a straight right.

At that moment, Soma-chan’s eyes lit up.


Soma-chan counters with a shot to my face.

However, his body must have been affected. It’s not that powerful. I can still stand.

I hold my ground and fire off a left jab to counterattack.

Soma-chan guarded me with his right hand and countered with a left jab.

I got hit again. You’re good. But that jab won’t work?

He hit with the left jab again. Soma-chan now has an opening. I guess he’s reaching his limit.

I unleash a right hook to finish him off. It went into his cheek. It’s over.

–No, no, no! Soma-chan is twisting to the right! He is catching it!

Soma-chan hits me with a left hook over my right arm.

Aaahh! My right arm is stretched out, I can’t guard it!

His counter is huge!

I was hit by Soma-chan’s left hook. Ugh ……, this guy is pretty tough.

But I can’t lose!

I throw a jab and then a hook.

He counters with a jab.

I can’t go on like this, I’m going to lose! …… No, don’t think that!

I’ll lose if I think I’m going to lose! That’s what happened to me in the past!

One-two, straight left. Again, it was countered back.

What the hell is this guy ……, he’s a real monster …….

No, …… win! I’ll win this!

This time he got to my body before I could hit him.

It hurts so much and it’s so painful.

Soma-chan’s eyes are really bad. …… Where did those ditch river eyes go ……? Is it possible that he just happened to have diarrhea that day?

Aahh, the winner has been decided …… It’s a wonder I’m still standing. ……

Soma-chan, you’re really cool.

Soma-chan approaches with a left hook aimed at my jaw.

Damn. I can’t guard myself anymore. I can’t move my body.

–Here is comes.

You’re strong. I hadn’t surpassed you at all. I’m so happy.

I’m falling backwards.

If I keep going like this, I might hit the back of my head and die. But that’s okay.

If I can die in joy, I’ll be happy.

…… Funny. There’s no impact. What’s going on?

“It’s my win, Kenji.”

I understand what’s happening. Soma-chan supported my body.

How cool is that? I must be in love with him.

“Soma-chan, you’re a hero and a god after all.……”

That was the last thing I remembered.