I’m being forced to free climb a stone wall right now.

“Good job, Yagami! Keep it up, dude!”

“Is this useful in this day and age, ……?”

“It’s useful when you’re trying to infiltrate a castle!”

“No, therefore, …….”

I was forced to join the Hattori Ninja School. This is the disaster of ignoring the choices.

Well, it’s a lot better than having a meteorite fall on me or being struck down.

By the way, yesterday I was forced to practice the art of water fleeing and the art of the water strider, and the day before yesterday I was forced to practice ninjutsu.

I’ve also been learning body techniques. I’ve always been a puncher, but recently I’ve started to learn how to tighten and joint techniques.

“Yagami. You’re a good ninja. Aren’t you seriously going to become a ninja?”

“No, I’d rather not.”

Good. I didn’t get a choice.

I wonder if there really are ninjas.

” Though my annual income is quite good. I’m a national government employee, so I have a good salary guarantee.”

Hattori glanced at me.

“No, you don’t have a solid guarantee of life.”

What I’m aiming for is a civil servant who does humble office work.

I rejected the idea of a life-threatening civil servant immediately.

“Oh, Hattori-senpai. I’m going to take a break for a while starting tomorrow. The block tournament will start soon.”

“Eeh, I was going to teach you how to use a shuriken, oh well.”

Shuriken. …… I’ve always wanted to try it.

The day of the block competition arrived. Today, I’m competing in the 1,500m run.

I was cheered on by the cheerleaders as I got to the starting line.

“On your marks!”

The gun sounded, and all the runners started at once.

It was a block competition, and all the runners were strong opponents.

But I didn’t feel like losing at all.

I was in first place, passing the qualifying round by myself, and winning the final by a large margin over second place.

The next day, I also came in first in the 5,000m run, and got my ticket to the Inter High.

The next day, Shino and I went to Himari’s hospital room to show her the video of my victory that Shino had recorded ……, though she hadn’t opened her eyes.

“Look at this, Himari-chan! Senpai is in first place right now!”

Shino shows her phone to Himari, excited.

It was only recently that Shino had finally started to smile.

“I can’t seem to get going without my special drink that you make, Himari……. I can’t wait for you to wake up.”

I smiled and tried to talk to her. Of course, she doesn’t respond.

“Shino, shall we go then?”

“Yes. So long, Himari-chan. I’ll be back.”

We went outdoors.

“Uhm, I’d like to talk to you about something …….”

“Oh, okay.”

She looked mysterious. It must be about Himari.

We sat down on an unpopulated bench.

“Do you like Himari-chan, …… senpai?”


Shino smiled.

“More than me or Sakurako-chan?”


Shino smiled.

“I’m glad. Now I can support the two of you with all my might. Then, please forget about our promise in Yokohama.”

Hokkaido touring ……, that is, the promise to take Shino out of her father’s reach. To ask me to forget about that is …….

” Shino …… what did you talk to your father about?”

“…… I was suddenly going to marry someone.”

What the hell? You’re not supposed to get married until after you graduate from college.

And Shino has just turned 16 this month. It’s way too early for that!

“What does this have to do with Himari?”

“Yes. Sakurako-chan broke up again. Himari’s marriage is doomed. So it’s only natural for my father to be impatient.”

I see. He wanted to marry off his only remaining daughter before something inconvenient happened to her.

“When are you getting married, ……?”

“The marriage will take place in six months. But I’ll be joining their family next month.”

Too soon! How is this even possible in this day and age?

“By the way, there will be a meeting between the two families tomorrow. I’m going to be picked up at my house.”

“Shino ……, are you okay with that?”

Shino looked down and was silent, but then quietly opened her mouth.

“Being born into a wealthy family is a blessing in disguise. It would be arrogant to hope for more.”

Indeed. Compared to a child born in a war zone, a rich girl with a predetermined marriage partner is so happy that it’s ridiculous to even compare the two. But does it really matter?

“But after seeing Himari’s note saying, ‘Let Shino lead a free life! I don’t know what to do. This is no good for me. ……”

I tug on Shino’s hand.

“S-Senpai ……?”

“Run, Shino!”


I have to give Himari what she wants!

And I myself want Shino to live by her own will.

Well, I may not be in a position to say this, as I’ve been swept up in the curse my whole life.

We withdrew a substantial amount of money from the ATM and got on my 400cc motorcycle.

Yes, I already have a license and a motorcycle.

I tried my best to get there as soon as possible.

“Let’s go! Let’s go! To Hokkaido!”


We headed to Oarai to catch the ferry to Tomakomai and Makomai.

Watching the sun set over the ocean from a boat.

“How long do you think we can get away?”

“I’d like to stick around for a week.”

Shino chuckled.

“The moment we reach the port, it could be the end.”

“That’s not going to happen, though?”

If the father had reported it, the police would have been waiting for us at Tomakomai Port.

However, Shino believes that he will use his private army because he does not like to make a big deal out of it.

They may not be as good as the police, but even so, they won’t be able to outrun two high school kids. No doubt we will be caught soon.

The only thing we can do is to resist to the bitter end and make the father and the other party feel dumbfounded. If we do that, there’s a good chance that the relationship will break up.

“Just the fact that I am with a creepy person like Senpai should be quite disheartening to my father.”

“Fufu, I hope so. –It’s getting dark now, so let’s go back to the cabin.”

I was relieved to hear that Shino’s tongue was the same as usual.

I ducked down to enter the cabin.

–But at that moment, I was tugged by the hem of my back.

“What’s up, ……?”

“I was lying. …… you’re cool. ……”

“O-oh …….”

Shino’s sideburns, lit up by the setting sun, are truly beautiful.

I can’t help but admire it.

Back in our room, we opened a travel magazine and talked about where to go and what to eat. It was hard to believe that we were on the run.

“Maybe we should go to Sapporo for ramen first!”

“Yes, that’s right! (I want to eat Genghis Khan.)”

Meanwhile, night was falling.

We said goodnight to each other and went to bed.

Half an hour later, Shino suddenly opened her mouth.

“Um, …… senpai …….”

“What is it?”

“I asked you once before, but …… why are you doing this much for me ……? If you do this, you’ll make a mess of your senior’s life. ……”

It’s a very difficult question to answer.

It’s hard to describe in a few words because of the curse, Himari’s wishes, my intentions, and many other factors.

“Uumu, …….”

{1 [“I-If it’s for Shino-chan, this is no problem at all”] (Say it like the painter who loves onigiri.)

{2 [“If I’m going to get laid, this a no-brainer!”] (Shake your hips back and forth.)

Damn you……! I’m so lost, I’m getting shitty options!

I should have just answered the question properly.

I really like the word “pakoru”, though. I’ve never used it before. [TL: Pako= sex]

“I-If it’s for Shino-chan, this is no problem at all”

I say the line like I want to eat a rice ball.

I really don’t want to be made to joke around when I’m talking about something serious.

“Hahaha! Wait, no, no! If you’re going to imitate someone, please change into white running clothes!”

{1 [“What’s so funny! All right, now open your legs!”]

{2 [“That’s right! Are you prepared for this?”] (Embrace Shino.)

{3 [“Shino, can I come over?”]

Ehh …… All of these are bad ones …….

But a disaster on the sea is too horrible. I can’t think of anything but a ship sinking.

If that happens, hundreds of people could die. I can’t just ignore it.

“Shino, can I come over?”

“Eh…..ah, I understand.”


It should be like “Wait, no, no! You’re really creeping me out Senpai! I’m calling the cops!”

Please, ……! Please don’t give me a choice. ……!

–It seems that my wish was heard.

“S-sorry! That was a joke!”

“I see……”


Shino lies down on the bed again.

“I wanted you to come because I’m scared of being alone. ……”

I thought I heard it, but I couldn’t be sure because it sounded like a faint murmur.

Whatever it is, I’m going to try to act like a gentleman.

I shut my eyes quietly.