There are three days of the festival, and on the first day I was fired from my job as a demon lord.

It seems that the customers are afraid to come when I’m around.

I guess it’s because of the rumor that I chopped up Kito’s meat and fed it to the pigs.

I was glad that I was fired from my job as the Demon King, but the job I was asked to do was also troublesome.

The content of the job was, quite simply, to be a sandwich man. In short, I was asked to advertise our store.

I had to carry a sign on my back and parade around the school alone, which was perfect for me as I’m a gloomy and lazy person. The HR department is doing a good job.

And since I don’t have to help out at the store, I have the whole day free. It’s not so bad when you think about it.

“——–In that case, why don’t you and Himari take a look around tomorrow?”

That’s what Sensei said to me when I told her I was fired from as the Demon King during dinner.

Himari wanted to go to the cultural festival, but we were too busy to accompany her. We ended up leaving her there and she cried like a baby.

She is still in the middle of a hunger strike, sulking in her room.

“I don’t mind, but what about Himari?”

“I’ll go ask her.”

Shino walked into the room, and ten minutes later, Himari came out with Shino.

“She’s going.”

“‘Seriously? Are you sure you want to be with me, Himari? I know you don’t like just being around me.”

“As long as I don’t see you, I’ll be fine.”

Well, that’s a bit of a stretch.

But it’s a good chance. Let’s give it a try.

So, the next day, Himari went to school for the first time in five months.

We arrived in front of the school gate by cab, and headed for the shoe box while the other students glanced at us.

“Himari, do you remember him? Hoshi, the library committee member, asked you to carry a cardboard box full of books up and down the stairs.”

“I don’t remember.”

“I see. …… You know there are no elevators in our school. It’s a barrier-free school. Do you know what this means?”

“I don’t know.”

“Our class, 2-D, is on the second floor. To get there, I’ll have to carry you on my back.”


“Then we’ll have to go home. ……”

“I’ll bear it…….”

Okay, I’ve got permission.

It was a little mean, but I guess I had no choice.

I changed into my shiny slippers and walked to the front of the stairs.

” Oh, you freshman, can you help me carry my wheelchair upstairs?”

“Yes! If Yagami-san commands it!”

“Let’s go, Himari.”

“Uuuh ……”

I carried Himari, who looked uncomfortable, on my back and carried her upstairs.

This girl is pretty light. –No, is my muscle strength increasing?

I’ve been squeezed too hard by Hattori-senpai.

“Thank you. Please drop me there.”

“Ha! Excuse me!”

I put Himari in the wheelchair.

“How was the ride?”

“Terrible! You touched my butt!”

I smiled and walked her to the classroom.

“The person behind this door is your classmate. Make sure you greet them properly, okay?”

How could I say that if I hadn’t greeted them properly?

That’s a lot of shelving skills.

I opened the door.

“Good morning!”

The classroom fell silent, and everyone turned to look at Himari at once.

Everyone gathered around and said something to her one after another.

Himari seems to be confused, as if her mind can’t keep up with the wave of words.

“Everyone, wait a minute. One by one, please.”

I limited the number of people entering the room to keep the amount of information down.

Gradually, Himari began to smile.

“Himarin, are you still keeping your black hair? Why don’t you change it back to blonde?”

“Ahsira will die if she doesn’t have blonde hair.”

Kitahara and Komatsu arrived.

“Kyaahahahah It’s Goblin!”

Himari pointed at Komatsu, who was already dressed as a goblin, and laughed.

“No laughing! I’ll turn you into a goblin too!”

“Oh, that’s nice!”

“Stop it!”

Fifteen minutes later. There was a goblin in the wheelchair.

“Hahaha! You look really good, Himari!”


Her double teeth made her look even more goblin-like.

We clapped our hands and laughed hysterically.

Since we needed to carry Himari on our backs, we secured the store sign to the wheelchair for good measure and started parading around the school.

Naturally, Himari was still in her goblin makeup. It would be a good advertisement.

“Himari, is there anywhere you want to see?”

Himari looked at the brochure intently.


“Fortune-telling? …… Oh, they do that in Class A? –Okay, let’s go.”

We entered the classroom of A class.

And the next thing I know, they are laughing their asses off.

“Take a look at this goblin’s palm, will you?”

“Ha …… ugh, ugh …… yes, I get it. Uhihihi……!”

The girl from Class A looks at my palm while holding back her laughter.

“The phase of the love warrior is showing. –bufuuu.”

“Love warrior? What does that mean?”

“You’re destined to fight for love. ……Dahhahhahhawwa!’

“Because, Himari.”

“All right!”

We left Class A and headed downstairs to the schoolyard.

We bought pork miso soup and takoyaki (octopus dumplings) at a food stall.

The waitress was laughing as she served us, and the pork soup was spilling all over the ground.

I knew this was a bad idea, so I wiped off Himari’s goblin makeup.

“Shall we eat over there?”


I went to the backyard, where there were few people, and sat down on the edge of the flower bed.

Himari was in a wheelchair, so she stayed there.

We don’t have a table, so I’m afraid she might spill something.

I take a spoonful of pork soup and try to feed it to Himari.

“You dont have to ……”

“Can you eat by yourself?”


I hand Himari the pork miso soup. — but she looks like she’s about to spill it.

I have no choice but to hold the pork miso soup.

“Yes. I’m sorry I’m such a bad person.

” You’ re not a bad person. Don’t say that.”

I patted Himari on the head.

I thought she might not like it, but she seemed to be absorbed in eating the pork miso soup and didn’t seem to mind.

There was something I wanted to talk to her about sometime when we were alone.

I guess now is just the time. ……

“Himari ……, you have a note you cherish, right?”

Himari glanced at me as she ate her pork soup.

“There’s a name that’s been filled in, but it’s …… me, right?”

“I know.”


“You’re the one who gave me the stone.”

“You remember!?”

“No, I just thought of it.”

This was a surprise.

Is there a memory that lies deep inside?

“Do you hate me, ……?”

“Yes, I do. It’s very hard for me to be with you.”

“I see. ……”

“…… But I want to do what is written in the memo.”

This is evident in the passion that Himari has for the Black Iron Warrior.

And in that memo, there are other things that have yet to be accomplished.

“Himari, can I see that memo?”


Himari handed me a crumpled piece of paper.

1, reduce the number of red marks!

2, I’ll be able to do math!

3, Become a good cook and a good housekeeper!

4, I will have long black hair!

5, I’ll become a manager and cheer for ●● (painted in black)!

6、Make ●● win the inter high championship!

7、Enter the [Black Iron Warrior] world tournament with ●● and win!

8、Finally eat a bowl of parfait with ●●!

9、Go on a date with ●●!

1, 4, 5, 6, and 8 have already been achieved.

2, 3, 7, and 9 have not yet been accomplished.

Of these four, the one that I can do right away is …….

“Hey Himari, would you like to go on a date with number 9?”


Eh? A quick answer? Seriously?

“Are you sure?”


“All right, let’s go! Himari!”


Himari doesn’t look happy at all.

She’s just eating pork miso soup.

Still, it was a big step forward for me. I’ve never been happier.