Translator: Soafp

Information on the enemy is as follows.

Leader, Sakurako Rurikawa.

Boarding machine: Kirschblutte.

An ultra-light aircraft. Its armor is thin, but it has the highest mobility of the six.

Its only weapon is an oversized anti-ship sword.

Ace Himari Rurikawa

Boarding machine: Kugelschreiber (ballpoint pen lol)

She probably named it the Kugelschreiber because she thought it looked cool. It has the same sense of name as the Kaiserschnitt.

A lightweight type of aircraft. It’s a close-combat type with two-handed shotguns and two shoulder rockets.

Sayaka Kitahara

Boarding machine: Master Snipel

A medium-weight, two-handed sniper rifle, specialist in long-range combat.

She will also hit you at close range, making her a nasty enemy that requires attention no matter where she is.

“Tsumugi! Shino! Sensei and Himari should be rushing in with Kitahara’s support! Use me as a shield!”

“Understood, boss!”


Tsumugi is a mid-range fighter and Shino is a long-range fighter, so they’re vulnerable when they get too close.

I’m good at close combat, so I’ll have to hold them off.

“Here they come!”

Sensei and Himari are approaching in tandem at full speed.



The moment Tsumugi and Shino opened fire, Sensei and Himari split off to the left and right to avoid them.

“Damn it, Sensei’s pulled me out! She’s aiming at Shino! Tsumugi, take cover! I’ll hold off Himari!”

“Leave it to me, boss!”

The composition of me vs Himari, Tsumugi and Shino vs Sensei is formed.

The tricky part is Kitahara. Who will focus her?

Bazun! Bazun! Bash, shush, shush!

While avoiding Himari’s barrage, I fire back with my large caliber sniper rifle.

Zwoomp! –I was able to avoid it.

I didn’t realize that Himari was able to move this much.

The level of the sponge is not as good as before, but it is still considered to be at the same level as before.

“—–You can’t fight me with that level of skill!”

I weaved my way through the barrage and approached at once.

At that moment, I saw Kitahara holding an anti-ship sword on the side monitor.

I quickly reverse thrust and apply the brakes.

The bullet grazed right in front of me.

“I knew it. As long as Himari isn’t perfect, Kitahara will have no choice but to go to Himari’s aid. Tsumugi, Shino, this is your chance! It’s two against one! Crush Sensei!”

“Yes, sir! Die, die, die!  Pipipi pipi!’

“Sakurako-chan, I’m the one who’s going to win!”

Tsumugi and Shino launched an onslaught against Sensei.

If the two of them can destroy Sensei our victory is almost certain.

Himari is not that much of a threat right now.

“Kitahara, you’re too busy babysitting Himari. ……”

I aimed at Kitahara while avoiding Himari’s shots.


Kitahara’s right arm is blown off.

“Kitahara’s right arm is destroyed!”

“As expected of brother!”

“You did it!”

This weakened Kitahara’s cover fire.

In other words, that also means Himari’s defenses are weakened.

I rushed into Himari again and swung my anti-ship sword.

Zang! –Shallow ……!

It hit her in the torso, but it was shallow. It didn’t reach the cockpit.

Kitahara’s attack, which I thought would come, didn’t come, so I went a little crazy.

“So Kitahara had gone to cover for Sensei.”

Why the sudden change of target?

What’s the big deal–

“Pien! Brother eeeeee!”

Tsumugi’s Aschenbredel was pierced by Sensei’s oversized anti-ship sword and was severely damaged.

“Tsumugi! What’s going on?!”

“We’ve been jammed by the front camera, boss!”

Jammin ……? Who the hell is jamming us?

Jamming the camera and depriving it of vision is a very effective way of fighting, but it requires a special operation that requires high computing power.

Moreover, since all of them are equipped with CPUs that have high anti-electronic defenses to prevent jamming, it takes at least ten seconds to jam one camera.

It is nearly impossible to operate the aircraft and jam at the same time for that long.

Kitahara was the one with the least amount of control in “Cookie Magicians,” but she couldn’t jam Tsumugi from that position. She is completely out of range.

–and then there’s …….

“Himari ……”

The reason for the lack of sharpness in her movements was that she was jamming at the same time.

I see, I know that Himari has a high level of math skills.

When I was tutoring her, I saw it all the time.

It’s not that she’s stupid, it’s just that she hates studying.

“Way to go, Himari! But I’m good at parallel processing too!”

I rushed into Himari and swung my anti-ship sword down.

At the same time, I fire a large caliber sniper rifle at Kitahara.

It hits her in the torso!

Himari launches an onslaught in an attempt to stop my pursuit.

Her momentum is different from before. It seems that she has finally stopped jamming.

“This is tough. ……!”

Kitahara was also hit, and I had my hands full trying to avoid her.

” Senpai! Please leave it to me!”

Shino’s heavy particle cannon was fired at Kitahara.

There is no trick to getting Himari to …… take this gap.

I approached Kitahara at full speed, following the heavy particle cannon.

–What do you think! Do you see where I am, Kitahara!

The energy wave of the heavy particle cannon is quite thick and large. It makes a good shield.

“Bon appétit!”


Kitahara’s Master Snipel destroyed!