But all the words were said by her herself, if she had to tear her face with An Ziqi now, then her long-awaited plan and enduring humiliation would be wasted.

The clenched fists were clenched and clenched, and the palms of her hands were already squeezed out of blood by her long nails.

Desperately telling myself that in order to have to endure now in the future, he gritted his teeth and opened his face extremely pale.

"I have no regrets, I promise you."

"That's good, it's late, the door is over there, I won't send it." An Ziqi smiled and looked at her calmly.

Lin Qiaoqiao vomited blood again from the bottom of her heart, gritted her teeth, and gave Xiao Moli a long time to talk, with a grievance on her face.

Xiao Moli's eyes were red, this dead woman still wanted to calculate him.

An Ziqi's kindness can let her go, he is not a good person, and he doesn't care about having an extra life in his hands.

Now that she has been calculated, she must be ready to die.

Raising his hand fiercely, he pinched Lin Qiaoqiao's neck.

Lin Qiaoqiao's face turned blue when he was pinched instantaneously, breathing was difficult, and the fear of death surged in his heart, and his hands were struggling desperately to break Xiao Moli's hand.

However, her strength is not comparable to Xiao Moli, so she has to look hard at An Ziqi for help, "Shao...Sao Madam"

"Let go." An Ziqi said lightly.

She is not a Virgin White Lotus, so calculated by others, she can be easily forgiven for letting go.

It's just that this is in the company. Lin Qiaoqiao didn't leave the company last night, so many people must know.

If Xiao Moli really killed her in the company now, and Lin Qiaoqiao disappeared for no reason, it would definitely attract the attention of the company's employees.

Moreover, if Lin Qiaoqiao dared to do this, he must have left something behind.

The company's people are so messy, Xiao Moli can't kill everyone.

In case it leaks out, the current media is so developed, but people across the country who can spread it in a moment know it.

No matter how powerful the Xiao family is, the face-saving laws still have to be obeyed.

The last time Blue Moon assassinated the president has left a grudge in the president's heart.

Maybe he was secretly looking for an excuse to settle accounts with the Xiao family, maybe he had already put the eyeliner in Huan Yu'an.

In any case, she can't give people this opportunity.


An Ziqi raised his eyes to look at him, Xiao Moli gritted his teeth, and the veins on the hand holding Lin Qiaoqiao's neck violently slammed her aside.

Lin Qiaoqiao sat down on the ground in fright, took a few breaths desperately, and when he recovered, looked at An Ziqi and pleaded.

"Madam, I know you are upset. I promise you will never disturb you and the president again in the future. If you want to do anything to me, I will never resist. But please let my family go."

An Ziqi raised her lips and chuckled, "What do you think of me? I'm just a female artist who has quit the entertainment circle, not a gangster, society. Are there any other questions?"

Lin Qiaoqiao shook her head desperately in fear.

An Ziqi raised her eyebrows, smiled and said, "Walk slowly, don't send it."

Lin Qiaoqiao clutched her neck, got up with difficulty, and walked towards the door staggeringly.

"Oh, by the way, all the employees below should have already come to work at this time. When you go downstairs, pay attention and don't get a lot of talk in the company. Personally, I don't like gossip very much."

Behind him came An Ziqi's voice with a faint warning.

Lin Qiaoqiao bit her lower lip fiercely, but could only answer, "Yes, I know."