The severe headache made her groan.

A big hand immediately held the hand beside her, and Xiao Moli's voice sounded nearby.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?"

An Ziqi slowly opened her eyes and saw Xiao Moli looking at her eagerly.

He endured the pain in his head and smiled reluctantly, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, I'm much better now."

She could vaguely guess that her previous fainting was probably related to the stale air outside, but it was just a guess, and she was not sure at the moment. She needed to check with Mu Qingfeng for a while.

Xiao Moli was already worried about the previous things. If he knew about this kind of thing, he would definitely be in a worse mood, or it would be better to keep it from him temporarily.

"How is the situation outside now?"

Xiao Moli replied truthfully, "The barrier of the secret realm has been completely shattered."

This kind of thing can't be concealed, even if he doesn't say it, An Ziqi will see it as long as he goes out.

"What? You said the barrier has been broken?"

An Ziqi abruptly got up from the bed, and walked quickly towards the door before she even had time to put on her shoes.

When I walked out the door, I looked up and saw that outside the enchantment of the yard, the black stale air that had originally been shrouded in dark clouds had completely dissipated, and there was a majestic snow mountain in the distance.

I couldn't help but staggered back two steps. The stale air outside before had all disappeared. You don't need to think too much to guess where the stale air has gone.

Xiao Moli stretched out his hand to support her, and after she stood firmly, he squatted down and put on her shoes.

An Ziqi hurriedly ran back to the house in a panic and found out that the phone was turned on. Sure enough, the phone had resumed its signal.

Shaking hands slightly, opened the browser, and clicked on a news page.

"There have been many cases of pedestrians going crazy and hurting people in one day in H city, and the death of the deceased is extremely terrifying."

"Ten homicides occurred again in Province G this morning!"

"Following the last homicide incident, there is another homicide in S City!"


"From this morning to the present, in just a few hours, according to incomplete statistics, hundreds of passers-by homicides have occurred across the country, and thousands of innocent people have died tragically. The specific number is still rising.

It is reported that homicides continue to occur. The presidential election was affected by this and has ceased.

Many citizens asked Minister Chen, who is responsible for national security?


Some experts have spoken that there is a certain connection between these homicides and the previous homicide cases that occurred in Beijing and S City, and it may be caused by the spread of a virus.

Experts remind the general public that before ZF finds out the root cause of the incident, try to stay at home and refrain from going out. "

However, in just a few hours, thousands of innocent people have died tragically in the country.

This has only been counted, and I don’t know how many have not been counted.

An Ziqi couldn't help getting a little dark in front of her eyes, thinking of Ye Minzhi and Tang Qi outside, and tremblingly opened the international news.

The same is true abroad. The homicide is like a virus and has spread all over the world.

However, probably because the cave is in our country, the situation abroad is better than that in my country.

An Ziqi beat Ye Minzhi in a panic.

It's just that neither Ye Minzhi, Tang Qi nor An Siqing could get through the phone.

He gritted his teeth, raised his leg and ran out of the door.