Wu Meili instantly thought that her two sons had been bullied by a strange woman at school last time. She had been wronged for a long time. She was half angry that day. If not for Haowei's stop, she would go out and look for surveillance to see who dared to bully her two babies.

But I didn't expect it was Xiao Weiwei.

Wu Meili didn't doubt her two babies. They had extraordinary memory from childhood to adulthood. People who met once would never admit their mistakes.

At this time, Lian Haowei stepped forward to protect his wife and son behind him. His eyes were like suddenly poisoned swords and stabbed Xiao Weiwei: "is that the last time you bullied my son? Xiao Weiwei, you bumped in yourself this time. Don't blame me for my ruthlessness

Xiao Weiwei was so silly on the spot that she even forgot that she didn't cry and raised her head.

Until the two twins said it, she vaguely saw that Xiao Rui had scolded them. But at that time, she thought it was just a child of an ordinary family. Who could have thought it was Lian Haowei's child!

"Beautiful, listen to me, I don't! Are the children wrong! Where can I bully children! " Xiao Weiwei explained anxiously.

However, Wu Meili's expression also cooled down: "my son can't remember wrong. Vivie, I didn't expect you to be like that

Wu Meili's eyes gradually show the injured expression. Even if she is stupid, she also knows who Xiao Weiwei is. Can such a person really make friends with her?

It seems that Lian Haowei is right. She is being used!

Xiao Weiwei doesn't believe Wu Meili any more. She doesn't even dare to see Lian Haowei's expression!

This is really carrying a stone to hit their own feet!

Don't talk about the project. Now she thinks that even Haowei will not let her go!

Xiao Weiwei scared herself out of a cold sweat. She didn't even want to explain. She took the plan book and ran to the door.

Lian Haowei sneers at her leaving. As long as she is still in Xinhai for one day, there will be opportunities in the future.

Now, the most important thing is the silly wife.

Lian Haowei turns around and looks at Wu Meili, who has already turned red.

"Am I useless? I doubt you. You're right. I'm just stupid and I'm being used. If the babies didn't know her, I would have believed her all the time

Wu Meili wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to cry. The more she cried, the more incompetent she was.

Two twins immediately surrounded her: "Mom, don't cry. Did that bad aunt bully her just now? I'm going to avenge my mother

"My mother cried, I was distressed, my mother did not cry!"

The baby's milk makes Wu Meili feel more miserable. She almost helped the villain who bullied her son!

Lian Haowei sighed helplessly and let the two little guys go to one side first. He stretched out his long arm and held Wu Meili in his arms.

"It's not your fault to some extent. You are soft hearted and always like to think of others as good people, so you can be used. But it's not your fault. It's Xiao Weiwei who has a bad heart. "

"But I don't believe you yet." Wu Meili pursed her mouth and hated herself.

Lian Haowei's indulgent smile and gently pinched it on the bridge of her nose: "this is really your fault. Punish you for cooking for me tonight, OK?"

Wu Meili Hong looked at him: "don't you blame me?"

Lian Haowei shook his head: "I can't bear to see you cry like this. I have no time to feel sorry for you."

"Did you find out long ago that she was taking advantage of me?" Wu Meili asked dejectedly.

Lian Haowei didn't answer immediately. He just held Wu Meili's hand and said nothing.

"It seems that I am really stupid." Wu Meili knew that Lian Haowei didn't say it at the beginning. She must be afraid of her injury. She sighed and nestled in his arms: "I'm so stupid. Why don't you dislike me at all?"

"I like your silly, simple, lovely and kind. Everything you have is good in my eyes. It's too late to love. " Lian Haowei pinched Wu Meili's face: "don't be unhappy. This is a long lesson. Do you know what to do in the future?"

Wu Meili raised her face and said, "listen to your husband."

"That's right." Lian Haowei touched her forehead and said with a smile, "I'm not busy today. I'll take you and the baby out to play and forget about this troublesome thing. I'll take you to meet Lin Han's girlfriend in two days. Maybe you can be friends then. "

"I'm afraid I'll be looked down upon." Do you think you are so wrinkled in your son's arms

The twins stood on one side, kissing Wu Meili's face at the same time, and said with one voice: "we like mom the most!"

"Where's dad?" Lian Haowei coughed and looked forward to it.

The twins looked at each other and said in unison again, "Mom, what are we going to eat later?"

Wu Meili tears into a smile, looking at her two little guys, the mood finally relaxed a lot....

Xiao Weiwei almost escaped. She didn't even return to Pei's family. Instead, she went back to Pei's house and hid in her room, breathing deeply.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she felt. She could succeed! If it were not for the two hateful bear children, she might have got the signed contract now, how could she have been reduced to the point of running away in a panic?

What should I do now?

Xiao Weiwei was sweating, and all the negative emotions were like a torrent of water. She couldn't think seriously.

Now there is no time left for her, such a good project can only give in.

Most importantly, she has lost too much!

Shen family's more than 2 million! Hundreds of thousands of things for Wu Meili's children! Xiao Weiwei felt that a mouthful of blood was choked in her throat, and she could not vomit out. She was about to die!

When Xiao Weiwei was hiding in Pei's house alone, Pei Qingle and sister Lin went to Shen's family together.

"If it wasn't for Xiao, I hadn't noticed this project before. She couldn't do it. She had a good eye." Shen Bailiang looks at the documents in his hand, and he has both ridicule for Xiao Weiwei and appreciation for the project plan.

"You did a good job in this project. Did Linlin do it?" Shen Bailiang simply flipped from the beginning to the end, looked up and asked with a smile.

Sister Lin waved her hand: "if I do it, I don't know how many times you have to call back to modify it. This is made by Qingle alone, isn't it? I was surprised when I saw it

Shen Bailiang is really surprised.