However, victory did not completely stand on their side this time. No matter how Pei Qingle and sister Lin looked, they could not find any evidence of Luo Jinye.

As manager Zhang admitted everything about KK's factory, it is difficult to find relevant evidence.

Now the matter is in a deadlock.

Pei Qingle, sister Lin and Zhiyuan didn't sleep for several days. Instead, Luo Jinye swaggered to Pei's office and participated in the daily board of directors as usual, as if nothing had happened before.

Once again, I don't know if it's a coincidence. Sister Lin and Luo Jinye take the elevator together.

Luo Jinye sneered at elder sister Lin: "Lin Lin, Pei Zhengguo taught you so many things, it seems that he forgot to tell you that in this world, it is the most undesirable thing to hit a stone with an egg. What if you get the evidence? You still can't beat me. "

Sister Lin was very angry and said with a smile: "yes, that's your face. This is your true face. I used to pretend to be hypocritical and innocent in front of me. I didn't know. I thought you were going to take part in this year's Oscar. It seems that there are more dogs. I'm used to pretending to be grandson in front of Lu Wenhua every day. I like to pretend everywhere

"You're just kidding Luo Jinye pointed to sister Lin and warned viciously, "I tell you, don't be caught by me next time!"

With that, the elevator door opens, and Luo Jinye arranges his clothes and gets off the elevator.

Sister Lin stood alone inside, and stomped at the elevator door.

But it can only relieve Qi, and has no substantial impact on the development of things.

However, the good news is that sister Lin has completely crushed Lu Wenhua's momentum in this matter. Because of the success of this wave, the flow attracted, including the promotion of her popularity, Pei's medical equipment development has been improved in quality.

And this part, also under the arrangement of sister Lin, recruited a lot of people, formed a special team, responsible for the whole process and arrangement in the future.

In this regard, Lu Wenhua can only look at it with envy.

Pei's development is good. Although it is not bad for him, the acting general manager, the bad is bad. This is the result of sister Lin and the resource left by Pei Zhengguo.

This will certainly have an impact on his future position in Pei's family.

Therefore, Lu Wenhua has been angry for a long time.


just when Pei Qingle thought that Luo Jinye's affairs were about to reach an impasse, the reversal took place again.

Luo Feng went to the door in person.

"Xiaole, I know what you are planning. I can't do much, but these are all the relevant evidences I collected after I returned home. I hope I can help you."

Luo Feng was much thinner than when he met a few days ago. His two cheeks were completely sunken in. At present, he was blue and purple. He knew that he had not had a good rest for days.

Pei Qingle stopped, took over the document in his hand, only looked at it, then looked up in dismay.

"These are..."

"they are all the mistakes my father has made over the years, including the machine problem in KK's factory." Luo Feng's voice is very low, the tone does not have any ups and downs, as if talking about a stranger.

Pei Qingle's astonishment on her face has not yet been withdrawn, because the more she turns back, the more shocked she is. If all these evidences are handed in, then Luo Jinye is doomed.

"Have you thought it out?" Pei Qingle's face was dignified. She didn't think it was a good thing to celebrate, because from the change of Luo Feng, this person must have experienced a long period of pain.

Luo Feng smile, he smile very gentle, even if the face is thin, but this smile has never changed.

"I didn't know anything before. Why did he suddenly let me go abroad to study abroad, and even didn't allow me to come back. I thought it was because of you, but after I returned home, I found that he was not the father I knew at first.

I started to investigate. He didn't guard against me. I could find out a lot of things as long as I wanted to. How ridiculous he thought I understood him. How could I understand such a person? "

Luo Feng said finally, the voice has begun to shake, his hands covered his face, issued a painful sob.

No one knows what kind of mood he felt when collecting evidence. In the end, a person he trusted most was a thorough villain, because his own interests even at the cost of other people's lives.

Before he came here, Luo Feng was perplexed for a long time, because even if this man was heinous, he was born and raised by his own father.

But Luo Feng also found out that his father had arranged these to Pei Qingle, so he thought about it and decided to send all the evidence.

Pei Qingle held the document in his hand and felt extremely heavy.

"When did you know that?" She turned and poured two glasses of water and asked softly."Just a month after I returned home, I learned that... I had no face to look for you again, so I was busy collecting evidence. At first, I thought it was just some unimportant things, but I didn't expect that... The more I look back, the more shocking it will be."

Pei Qingle nodded and handed the water to Luo Feng: "how do you know you want to come to me? As far as I know, even your father doesn't know what I'm planning. "

"I..." Luo Feng is very uneasy low head: "I have followed you once before, found that you do those things in KK. And I know your character. Since you have already known what kind of person Lu Wenhua is, you will surely retaliate back. I want to help you as much as possible. "

Pei Qingle sighed, and she handed back the documents in her hand: "you and I both know what kind of influence these evidences will bring. Luo Jinye is also your father even if he is heinous. I understand your pain and your contradiction. So you can take these materials back for the time being, and then we can make plans after you seriously consider them, OK

Luo Feng's state is not right. When he speaks, he doesn't have the self-confidence before. He even avoids her gaze, and the whole person is too haggard.

Pei Qingle, of course, is the one who most hopes to get these evidences, but this does not mean that she is going to sacrifice Luo Feng.

After all, if they are really impulsive now and hand over all the evidence and watch Luo Jinye go to prison, what will happen in the future? For Pei Qingle, it will not have any impact, but for Luo Feng, who hand over the evidence, the impact is too far-reaching.

It will be endless pain, and it will not disappear with the passage of time, it will only get deeper and deeper.