But Gu Shuhong is not the kind of person who makes a fuss. Even if she has realized that Gu Linhan is prepared, she still lets herself calm down quickly.

"That thing Lin Han, what do you mean? Don't you want to do me wrong? " Gu Shuhong frowned fiercely.

"Don't you pretend here!" Gu Shuyan immediately roared: "the assistant was clearly ordered by you. How dare you install it here?"

Gu Shuhong glanced at her: "does elder sister want to join Gu Linhan to slander me now? Lin Han, you are too much! I don't have any position in Gu family. I won't argue with you at all. Why do you aim at me like this? "

This is a trick Gu Shuhong has always been good at, making herself look pathetic.

Gu Linhan's eyes showed deep disgust: "I have checked the assistant. It's the money you gave and the person you contacted. Gu Shuhong, you don't know. That person was afraid that you would cheat him or find trouble in the future, so he recorded the voice when you contacted. "

Gu Shuhong's back tensed instantly.

She subconsciously frowned, did not expect that the damned person should record!

This matter is indeed she went to communicate with each other. At that time, the purpose of doing so was just to worry about Gu Shuyan. She didn't expect to get involved in herself.

Gu Shuyan burst out laughing at this time, regardless of her own situation, but laughed at Gu Shuhong: "you pretend! You retort! Why don't you say anything? "

"Enough! Gu Shuhong! You damn it! Where did I treat you badly from childhood to adulthood? How dare you plot to kill me? Is your conscience eaten by the dog? " Gu roared angrily into the sky.

He pointed to Gu Shuhong and saw anything else in his eyes, only disgust and Indifference: "I said how the Luo family suddenly cut off contact with me. It turned out that you were behind the ghost! Are you so short of money? But also dare to use Gu's family to seek benefits for himself! I think you are crazy about money! Get out of here! Get out of here! I've never had a daughter like you

Gu roared. He was so angry that he threw the cup out of the table and hit Gu Shuhong's head.

Gu Shuhong couldn't help but take a breath of air conditioning. The ward was filled with a strong smell of blood. She subconsciously touched her head, and sure enough, she touched the hot temperature.

She's bleeding.

But the people in the ward seemed not to see it. Gu Shuyan even raised her eyebrows triumphantly, as if laughing at her embarrassment.

Mr. Gu didn't even look at her, as if he didn't care even if she died in the ward.

How sad, Gu Shuhong thought.

Her life, as if from the moment she was born, was destined to be a joke.

Gu Shuhong simply did not pretend, she wiped the blood on her forehead, but more and more, unconsciously, the whole face is full of blood, looks terrible.

She pulled out a sneer: "it was Gu Shuyan who pushed you down. She killed the medicine. She wanted to kill you. How could you not bear to say anything about her. What about me? I have no conscience? Why don't you ask yourself, have you ever treated me like a daughter? "

This was the first time that she got angry in front of all the family members. Not only was Gu surprised, but even Gu Jiangwei didn't expect it.

In their impression, Gu Shuhong is a person with no sense of existence. Compared with Gu Shuyan, she always seems to be so submissive, never speak out loud, and do not make any demands, even unlike the family.

Now Gu Shuhong has scarlet eyes and a deep anger on her face.

Mr. Gu just froze for a moment, and immediately became more angry than before: "what's your name? What's wrong with it?! I tell you Gu Shuhong, you get out of here as soon as possible, and don't let me see you again! I don't have such a disgraceful daughter as you

This deeply stimulated Gu Shuhong. Her face became extremely stiff, her fists tightly clasped, as if she had something to say, but she held her heart back.

She knew that all the confidences and questions were just a joke in the old man's eyes, but she was still unwilling!

Why did she suffer from this injustice?!

Gu Shuhong couldn't control her body shaking: "you never took me as your daughter, did you? Why don't you tell them where I come from? I am your illegitimate daughter, is you and other people's child! So you feel from the bottom of your heart that I'm not worthy to be your daughter, not to be a family man! "

All the people in the ward were changed by the roar.

Before today, they had never heard of illegitimate daughters.

But almost at the same time, everyone looked at the old man Gu on the hospital bed and found that his face was stiffer than ever before, so they knew what Gu Shuhong said was true.

This can surprise others.

Gu Linhan is OK. He had no feelings for Gu family, especially for Gu. No matter what the other party did, he would not be surprised.

But for Gu Jiangwei and Gu Shuyan, this is a big thing!They grew up together with Gu Shuhong, and they didn't find out about it!

What's the matter? Don't admit what you did? Can't admit that I'm just a humble person? " Gu Shuhong cold smile, this moment, she removed all the camouflage, eyes only cold disgust.

Mr. Gu raised his head for a long time, and his eyes became more turbid than before: "how do you know that?"

This is the biggest mistake he made when he was young. He thought that no one in the world would find out. But I didn't expect that Gu Shuhong got the truth when he didn't know.

“…… I? Do you need me to list your attitude to me? Forget it, you won't remember it at all

Gu Shuhong's eyes become more and more fierce, childhood experience caused her now!

She has today, all thanks to these people who care for her family.

So the old man in front of her, why should she be blamed for her?!

Mr. Gu didn't feel guilty or uneasy in other people's imagination. On the contrary, he quickly turned cold and said, "since you already know your identity, you should be more disciplined! Why do you still have the face to question me now?! I give you a home, it's your face! "

He always thought that was why he didn't look up to Gu Shuyan and didn't take this daughter seriously.