When Liao Meixing wakes up, her whole body aches. At first glance, she is shocked and excited.

Her body had no strength, her whole body was weak, and her hands and feet were tied, and she could not move at all.

What's going on here?

Is it because you didn't go to God and worship Buddha, so you were rewarded?

Liao Meixing was speechless about her misfortune. She opened her eyes, gradually adapted to the light inside, and began to look around.

It should be a hotel, but who brought her?

"Are you awake?"

A man's voice suddenly rang.

Liao Meixing straightened up in an instant and looked in the direction of the sound. Then she saw a familiar figure. It was the man who gave her red wine just now!

I see.

No wonder she feels dizzy!

What a Paris routine!

"What are you going to do? I don't know you Liao Meixing frowns and stares at the man.

"Of course you don't know me, and you don't have to know me!" The man said, while taking a picture of Liao Meixing at this time, to the mobile phone sent in the past.

After sending, he waited excitedly for a response.

The man's name is Li Tang. This is his first visit to Paris. The purpose is to find investment to carry out the domestic project. Usually, his work is also related to the circle of painting, but his reputation is too small.

It's also thanks to my friends to come to the party this time.

It's just that in Paris, people's eyes seem to grow in the sky. Li Tang, a nameless person, has no one to pay attention to him. Even if he has the cheek to hand over his business card to make friends, the other party takes a look at it in a hurry, and the look of disgust on his face shows everything.

But Li Tang didn't dare to give up. He didn't expect the opportunity just came!

He saw Liao Meixing!

He knew this man before, because his friends had taken him to an event. At that time, there was a general manager Liu who he had always wanted to flatter, and he said that he would kill Liao Meixing.

At that time, because of his curiosity, Li Tang asked a lot of questions.

Fortunately, the general manager Liu is expected to drink too much, and tells him that Liao Meixing accidentally offended Gao Zhenzhong!

Who is Gao Zhenzhong?

That's the man Li Tang always wanted to flatter! But restricted by identity, I never had a chance to see it.

And then I saw Mr. Liu again. The other side just said that he had failed and looked very regretful.

What if Mr. Liu can't do what he can? Li Tang thought excitedly, as long as he tied up Liao Meixing and tortured him, and told Gao Zhenzhong about it, wouldn't he please each other!

"Then why did you tie me up? I have no money and no right. Who can you use me to threaten? " Liao Meixing forced herself to calm down and said in a deep voice.

Li Tang sneered: "if you want to blame, blame yourself for offending others!"

Offend people?

Liao Meixing frowns. Who has she offended recently?

What about Marlin Valley? The other party should not be looking for such a thing, right?

"What are you binding me for?" Liao Meixing continues to ask.

But the man suddenly stood up, and with a knife in his hand, he walked towards her with a obscene smile: "do you think if I cut all your clothes and take a few photos and post them on the Internet, will it cause a sensation? Aren't you just red now? I think there should be a lot of people waiting for you! "

Liao Meixing: "how can...

change so many states?

"Calm down, I don't know who I offended, but do you think about the consequences of doing something? I went to the auction with my friend. If she found me missing, she would call the police soon. Can you afford the consequences? If you destroy me, you will also destroy me. "

Liao Mei speaks with a long focus, but her palms are sweating.

"You don't have to worry about it. I will be helped to deal with what I do." The man said, has been squatting in front of Liao Meixing's side, his expression was originally obscene, eyes are constantly lingering in Liao Meixing's body.

Damn it!

Liao Meixing found that she couldn't get rid of the rope.

But the man in front of her has begun to scratch her face with a knife. As long as you use a little more force, her face will immediately become bloody!

"Wait..." Liao Meixing forced herself to take a deep breath. She looked closely at the man in front of her and whispered, "think carefully, you are likely to be used as a target, you know?"

"Don't worry about it!" Li Tang said, toward Liao Meixing's dress instantly and mercilessly cut!

The dress was immediately cut, Liao Meixing subconsciously curled up to block the exposed place. She couldn't believe looking at the man in front of her, and found that the man's eyes had become excited.

The next second, when Li Tang raised his hand again, Liao Meixing suddenly raised his hands and let the sharp knife quickly cut the rope that bound her. Liao Meixing didn't expect that she could succeed. Her strong desire for survival made her lift her bound feet and kick Li Tang away.Then she kept on climbing forward, uncovering her feet as she crawled.

However, after Li Tang's reaction, he attacked her again. Liao Meixing kept yelling and struggling. Seeing that the knife on her hand was about to draw towards the clothes on her chest, Liao Meixing could only take a deep breath and block the knife!

Just then, Li Tang's mobile phone suddenly rang. When he heard the news, he subconsciously grasped Liao Meixing's neck: "be honest and honest for me!"

Then he looked at the cell phone.

After seeing the above content, Li Tang's face immediately showed a smile, he forced to ignore Liao Meixing's struggle to bind people again, and then, at the moment when the door of the hotel room rang, he rushed to open the door.

But Liao Meixing's scalp is tense and numb.

Who's coming?

Is it with Li Tang?

Does she have a life to go out today?

Liao Meixing trembled with fear. The door of the hotel room opened quickly. Then he heard Li Tang's flattering voice: "I've caught this smelly girl! It's strapped now! Don't worry, what do you want to do with... "

however, Li Tang's voice stopped suddenly before the words were finished, because he was hit hard in the face, and the whole person was beaten by surprise. He knelt down on the ground in an instant, and his two knees hurt and he curled up together.

Liao Meixing instantly saw Gao Zhenzhong rushing over!


is this the person she offended?

It's just that Gao Zhenzhong's face is unusually gloomy and walks towards her quickly!