"How do I know?"

Pei Qingle sneered. Her eyes fixed on Lu Wenhua and said in a deep voice, "because I have found my child."

"What? How can it be! " Lu Wenhua's body suddenly became cold. The cold was constantly permeated through the bone marrow, which made him shiver all over the body at this time.

He would have thought Pei Qingle was deceiving him, but when he saw the other party's eyes, especially when she even knew what happened many years ago, it was not cheating him at all, but Pei Qingle knew the truth thoroughly.

"What's impossible? Do you think I'll be cheated by you all my life? Lu Wenhua, you are always so arrogant that you think you are the smartest in the world, and that you can easily control the fate of others. In fact? You're just a clown. "

Pei Qingle's words are not polite at all. Through the glass, she stares at Lu Wenhua firmly. Her eyes are like a knife, which is carved on Lu Wenhua's body.

"Don't you understand? At this point, it's your own fault. You are always complaining, why don't you admit that you are a waste

"You fart Lu Wenhua became excited. What he couldn't stand most was such negation.

In his world, he is the most powerful, the most intelligent, he is just a lack of luck and opportunity. If he had not been calculated by Pei Qingle before, now Pei's already in his hands!

Why should he be denied by Pei Qingle!

Lu Wenhua's anger was burning uncontrollably, even more furious than being caught in prison.

"I'm telling the truth." Pei Qingle showed a sarcastic smile: "without me, you can't even do Pei's senior management. You may not know, at the beginning you are to be expelled, even Pei's probation period has not been, because what you do not count in mind? But for my sake, what do you think you are? Later it was also because of me. It was my existence that gave you the opportunity to master Pei. But what did you do? You think that you are the best in the world, but under your control, Pei did not take off with any substantive, and even continued to fall in the economy.

Do you know why? Because you are a complete waste, a fool who can only rely on conspiracy to calculate others! So, don't live in your own world, recognize that you are a loser, a clown, a loser of mine

Every word of Pei Qingle is like a knife in Lu Wenhua's chest, which makes his mood more and more broken and his anger more and more vigorous.

Lu Wenhua even stood up and repeatedly hit the table in front of him. His hands were roasted by handcuffs. The cold handcuffs made a deafening sound. Lu Wenhua's mouth kept saying that he was not a waste, he was not a failure.

However, Pei Qingle just looked at him coldly, and even felt that he was too ridiculous.

"Do you know what you are?" Pei Qingle's tone is particularly calm, cold voice said: "you are now incompetent fury, even if you do not admit, the fact has been put in front of you, don't let yourself too ridiculous."

Lu Wenhua is still screaming like crazy, Pei Qingle has slowly stood up.

She said coldly, "since you want to know, I'll tell you. The original child did not die, but was taken back to his family. Yes, it is Gu Mingrui. And Xiao Rui is the child of Lin Han and me. Although you designed me at the beginning, God is on my side, and let me have a relationship with Lin Han

This fact made Lu Wenhua completely stupid, even forgetting that he was still in anger. Instead, he looked at Pei Qingle in shock: "how can it be? Why is that so? "

"So, you think you're designing me, in fact?" The irony on Pei Qingle's face became deeper and deeper.

All of a sudden, her look changed, and her eyes suddenly became fierce. She glared at Lu Wenhua: "but what you have done to me, what you have done to me, to Pei's family, to my father, to Xiao Rui, to me, all these things you have done will be firmly in my heart.

I used to think that it is the greatest pain for a person like you to live in this world, to taste all kinds of torture, and to achieve that life is better than death. But now I think I'm wrong. For you who are arrogant and always feel superior to others, death is the best result.

I want you to let go of all your ambitions and realize that you are an incompetent waste, and you will have to wait to die for the rest of your life. Your plans, your intrigues, your hopes will all be destroyed, because I will not give you any more opportunities. "

Pei Qingle said, and then laughed. She laughed more and more deeply under Lu Wenhua's shocked eyes. She said in a cold voice: "my lawyer and I have already started to draft a death sentence for you. You escaped from prison and kidnapped you, but also hurt Xiao Rui. How can you escape the death penalty. The reason I'm telling you now is that I want you to know that you are only waiting to die, and there is no hope in your life, do you know? "

Lu Wenhua's pale face is the biggest blow to him. He can go to prison and be tortured because he thinks that as long as he finds an opportunity, as long as he is still alive, he can turn the tables and create miracle.But if you die, there is nothing!

He can't die!

How can a man like him die?

Lu Wenhua's body is shaking wildly. He must not die!

"Oh, and the only thing I regret is that you can't be killed by me. God knows how much I want to kill you, but I won't go to hell with you, because I will be alive. I have family, love and friends. what about you? What do you have? You seem to have nothing, so you have nothing to do with it. In fact, it is a waste thing that no one will help you collect the corpse even when you are dead. And I have told the lawyer that I will not accept euthanasia. I want you to feel yourself taken to the execution ground and pointed at by a gun. You will tremble, you will be afraid, you will struggle, but it will be useless, because what is waiting for you will be a cold shot and death. "

After Pei Qingle finished, he took a cold look at Gu Linhan, and then turned to leave.

For Lu Wenhua, she no longer wants to waste any time, because she knows that before the death penalty comes, this man will live in deep pain.

And she, found a child, love and relatives are still with her, her life, from now on, to say goodbye to the devil Lu Wenhua.