In this way, Su Xueyuan was given too much courage to realize that some people in their su family still remember that her father was not completely alone at the beginning.

"Thank you." Su Xueyuan stepped back and bowed deeply to the two men opposite.

By the time she and Zheng xuanyang left, it had been five hours. Su Xueyuan was sitting in the car, looking depressed.

Su Xueyuan didn't have much time to prepare, but she had to face it because of the urgency of time. She didn't have much time to prepare. Su Xueyuan took a deep breath and clenched her fist.

"Take Yang, do you think Zheng Weitan will know about our coming to Uncle Zhou and their affairs?" Su Xueyuan asked in a deep voice.

If you really know, it will prove that Zheng Weitan has not given up the monitoring of Zhou Shuhai and Zhao Bielin for so many years. If he can do this, it will be terrible to the extreme. How can he show other flaws to them?

"It's also possible that we didn't know it only through supervision." Zheng Chaoyang frowned and said in a low voice: "things like what we came here today will surely spread quickly in the business circle. After all, this circle is so sensitive. They are not on guard against people, but to get the first news, so that they can grasp the latest developments. In this way, Zheng Weitan will know our trend virtually."

Because I didn't expect to find out so many things and stay here for such a long time. So Zheng didn't make too much preparation when he came at the beginning.

This is also an oversight.

However, if we can use this to make Zheng Weitan begin to doubt and do something to cover up the truth, it is good news for them.

Su Xueyuan sighed: "I should be stronger, or I should be more calm. Now... I feel sorry for my father and mother. I even feel selfish

She used to think that her mother was too selfish to her, but today, after learning all the truth, she, like Zheng Chaoyang, suddenly realized that their mother had paid so much behind her back. She felt suffocated even if she only told her that, but their mothers really put up with it.

Su Xueyuan bit her lip. She didn't want to cry, not at all. Because crying is so useless, after knowing what happened to her parents, she feels that she is even more unworthy to cry.

But in the heart also unceasingly gushes out the uncomfortable mood, Su Xueyuan pinches own palm, mercilessly suppresses.

At this time, the palm of her hand was gently broken off. Zheng's hand took her hand and looked at her deeply: "it's never you who did wrong. As you said, you and I are both victims. That's why we came here and conducted an investigation. All this is to let Zheng Weitan get the punishment she deserves. "

Su Xueyuan's eyes turned red: "really? But I regret, if I... I should know, she must be behind me silently guarding me, I clearly saw her alone in tears. But I... I'm still selfish to avoid, I don't even want to revenge. "

"That's because you don't know what's going on." Zheng Rongyang said in a low voice: "before, you didn't know anything. Just like me, I used to think that Zheng didn't matter, and the Zheng family didn't matter, but now it's different. We all bear hatred, so we have to...

Su Xueyuan lies in Zheng's arms, crying and says:" I actually understand you, know you didn't mean to tell me, right? Because you know that kind of pain, so unlike me, I know everything about taking Yang, so I believe you. "

Zheng Chaoyang said nothing and hugged Su Xueyuan tightly.

Because two people depend on each other for a long time, let them trust and depend on each other. But at that moment, when he thought that Su Xueyuan would really misunderstand him and blame him for Zheng Weitan, Zheng Chengyang did not blame Su Xueyuan at all, but felt pain.

Because he knew that if Su Xueyuan really cared about this matter, she must be more painful than him.

He would rather bear all the pain on his back.

Although it is difficult to completely sort out a good mood, but the two of them still returned to Zheng as quickly as possible, and finished the unfinished work today.

Then there is waiting.

Waiting for the news from Zhou Shuhai, waiting for Zheng Weitan to come to them.

Su Xueyuan has always told herself to calm down. Things have come to this point. She must be calm. She can't be so impulsive as before. When facing Zheng Weitan, she can't show hatred like before.

Tolerance is a very painful thing.

Su Xueyuan may have been used to it when she was a child, so she became more and more arrogant after she met Zheng Chongyang, and she seldom swallowed up.

However, as long as she thinks about how her mother and Zheng Chaoyang's mother are tolerating, Su Xueyuan's heart quickly appears a huge sadness.This kind of sadness did not let her completely immerse from now on, but turned into motivation.

Now she, more than any time to reduce the strong, what's more, her side still has the company of Zheng Chongyang.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Zhou Shuhai that side of the information has not found all, Zheng Weitan will find the door in advance.

This meeting was not at home, but a rare visit to Zheng's family by Zheng Weitan, who made a nominal inspection tour. However, Su Xueyuan and Zheng Chaoyang were both clear, and this person must have another purpose. And that purpose is also clear, it should be for them to go to Zhao Bielin and Zhou Shuhai.

During his inspection tour, Zheng Weitan highly praised Zheng's work efficiency and ability, and was still in front of a group of high-level officials.

In fact, he did this on purpose. On the one hand, he wanted to prove himself. On the other hand, he wanted to prove that his vision was OK in front of the senior management.

Now, there have been constant rumors that he is a man of no vision. The most important thing is that Zheng Huaiyang has caused those things. And it is he who brings Zheng Huaiyang into the company again and again. He should have suffered a series of doubts, and many directors have expressed their dissatisfaction.

So now Zheng Weitan comes forward to make them feel at ease. At least for now, Zheng is still sitting in this position.