Pei Qingle in cheers, under the gaze of Gu Linhan, took Pei Zhengguo's hand and stepped on the red carpet.

She walked very slowly, the original tense mood had disappeared after seeing Gu Linhan. What she had was just countless feelings.

Along the way, Pei Qingle saw too many people accompanying her growth.

Bai Haoyu and Shen Ruyi were her childhood friends and accompanied her through many of her childhood.

Xiaomi was the one who accompanied her through the most difficult time. They supported each other in prison and spent that dark time. She met Xiaomi, and now she has the same love for Xiaomi as Pei Xiaole.

Sister Lin and brother Zhiyuan, as well as the other people of Pei's family, have accompanied her to spend that time in Pei's family, and now they have come to witness her happiness.

There are her grandfather, her aunt, two younger sisters, Liao Meixing and he Fangshuang, and Su Xueyuan, who has known each other for a long time but has become a good friend.

These people who appeared in her life all came to witness her happiness.

Pei Qingle's eyes are more and more red, she was originally just a sour nose, but when she saw Gu Linhan, her tears rubbed out.

The two of them were really together. They were actually married.

Pei Qingle felt like a dream and couldn't believe it.

She thought of her first meeting with Gu Linhan. At that time, she was living in a house surrounded by ambushes, and she did not dare to show her real emotions. Her father became a comatose vegetable, Pei was taken away by others, her life is facing an unprecedented blow, fell to the bottom. And she lives in darkness and pain all the time.

At that time, Gu Mingrui and Gu Linhan appeared together in her world, lighting up her dark world.

Along the way, Pei Qingle's mind emerged too many memories, how they met, and how a little familiar.

Gu Linhan will be in every need of his time, timely appear, become her hero.

Gu Linhan will always respect her, respect her ideas, respect what she wants to do, respect her as a woman who wants to be independent, and always dotes on her and guards her.

Gu Linhan will look at her with the eyes of deep love. No matter at any time, Pei Qingle looks at him, his eyes are always full of love and doting. In these years, there has not been a day of change, always firm.

It is also Gu Linhan that let Pei Qingle know what true love is.

Real love is never selfish to occupy each other, but to respect each other. Just like Gu Linhan, she never interferes with her practice. They care about each other in love. When they are together, they are the lovers who love each other most. However, this does not affect their efforts in each other's life as independent individuals and pursue the things they want to achieve.

For Pei Qingle, Gu Linhan is the light in her life, which shines and warms her everything, and pulls her from hell and cliff to a world as beautiful as the wedding place now.

Pei Qingle in cheers, finally walked to Gu Linhan side.

At this time, Pei Zhengguo was also holding back tears. He cautiously and seriously handed Pei Qingle's hand to Gu Linhan. He couldn't hide his choking and said, "Linhan, I believe you, and thank you for being with Qingle for so long. Next, I hope you two can love each other as much as you do today. Lin Han, I will give you Qingle today. "

Gu Linhan also cautiously and sincerely took Pei Qingle from Pei Zhengguo's hand. He bowed deeply: "thank you, uncle. I will take good care of Qingle. I will certainly do what I promise you."

With tears in his eyes, Pei Zhengguo retreated to one side.

Gu Linhan held Pei Qingle's hand tightly. The two of them looked at each other face to face. The cheers and Wedding March were ringing around. However, they only saw each other and had countless love.

"I will always love you, cherish you, and be faithful to you, no matter in good times or in adversity, in wealth or poverty, in health or disease, in happiness or in sorrow."

"I will be with you whenever you need me. We are the saviors of each other, and our love for each other is as constant as the sun. Time can pass, love will never change. Only the love between you and me is eternal

"If there is an afterlife, I would still like to meet you and fall in love with you. If there are generations, we will meet, love and stay together forever. "

"I will marry you."

"I will marry you."

Two people look at each other, full of love, word by word oath, each word represents each other's sincerity and love. As they said, time can go by and they will grow old with the passage of time. There will always be too many accidents in life, but they still firmly believe that their love is the most lasting and will never change."Please exchange the rings between the two newlyweds." The priest's voice was full of power.

Gu Linhan and Pei Qingle wear rings to each other. Then they hugged each other tightly.

Pei Qingle didn't think she would cry, but when the time came, she couldn't help crying. Her nose became more and more sour, and all the emotions poured in. She and Gu Linhan had experienced so much together, but they could still be together. She felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

In the cheers of the crowd, Gu Linhan hugged her and gently kisses the tears from the corners of her eyes.

They looked at each other again, and Pei Qingle cried and laughed, and took the initiative to think about his toes and gave out his kiss.

There have been countless kisses between them, but this kiss is like returning to the first kiss, but it is more beautiful than the first kiss. From then on, they will go down with oath, time will not change love, only prove their love.

Pei Qingle's tears glided across her cheek. At the end of a kiss, she cried and said, "thank you for appearing in my life. Linhan, I love you."

"I love you too. Meeting you is the greatest fortune of my life." Gu Linhan's voice is trembling, but his eyes are firm and incomparable.

Love, always need to wait.

Love can always change all hardships.

Meet the moment of love, everything will become different.

All people will meet love, the one who respects, understands and accompanies each other for life.

The end of the paper.

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