Chapter 217: 1 for learning


Columbia University School of Medicine Community Health Program.

Adam, Iliad and Bianca, the iron triangle came to this health clinic to do weekly medical internships.

For medicine, clinical practice is very important, especially for doctors.

So even if the freshman and sophomore are mainly learning theory, there are still various internships every week to expose medical students to some clinical things.

The general teacher is different from the real person in the end.

To understand the structure of the human body, there must be a real person as a reference.

In the health clinic, teaming up to check each other's body is also a very important study.

"Hi, Jenny."

"Hi, Adam."

"How's it going this week?"

"Very well, how about you? What did you do without asking you out?"

"What else can you do? Study, you don't know the suffering of our group of medical students."

"Don't be too tired, your body is the most important thing."

"Thank you."


Adam took the lead, entered the health clinic, and greeted the front desk. The front desk responded enthusiastically. The chat between the two made Iliad and Bianca behind Adam twitched.

"Is Dr. Daisy?"

Feeling Iliad pulling his clothes behind him, Adam changed his voice and got into the subject.

"Yes, come with me."

The front desk Jenny glanced at Adam a little bitterly, got up and took them in.

This is one of the teaching practice sites of Columbia Medical School.

Dr. Daisy is the person in charge here.

"This is an endoscope."

After everyone's greetings, Dr. Daisy took an L-shaped medical instrument and demonstrated: "You have to check each other's head, ears, nose and mouth like this."

While talking, put the probe of the endoscope into the nose of the model Adam: "Pull the nose up a little bit, and then look inside, you can see the beautiful inferior turbinate."

After the demonstration, Dr. Daisy handed the endoscope to Iliad and explained: "Just like this, in the corresponding position, extend the observation inside, observe whatever you want to observe, and compare the theories you have learned in the textbook. , Don't call me if it's okay, you know?"


Adam and the three hurriedly responded.

After Dr. Dais left, Iliad walked over with the endoscope and smiled: "Don't move, let's take a look at your beautiful inferior turbinate."

Adam smiled and sat there to let Iliad observe.

Anyway, I want to be a model, no one can hide.

What's more, this is learning, a very serious matter.

If it's all contortions, then don't study medicine at all.

Because modern clinical medicine is based on the structure of the human body, the first step in studying medicine is to study the human body. There are so many embarrassing things for men and women.

For example, when they learned gynecology, Adam and the others had to learn from the mannequin.

When Rose's ex-wife on Lace was about to give birth, Rose rushed to accompany him. While waiting, he picked up a duck-bill-like instrument, and the one was like a duck talking, playing with fun.

Until Carol reminded it what it was for, he was so scared that Rose threw it away.

It's so embarrassing.

But Adam and a group of people gathered around the mannequin, holding the duckbill one by one, following the professor's professor, stepping forward to observe.

What kind of atmosphere is that?

Therefore, one must have a professional attitude when studying medicine.

The more embarrassing you are, the more unnatural you are, indicating that you have thought a lot, and what you are thinking about is not professional, and it is easy to give the patient a bad feeling.

If you look ugly no matter how bad people think you are, they will sue you.

Of course, this kind of professional attitude also requires specialized learning and can only be cultivated after a long period of training.

At this stage, Adam is okay, Iliad and the others are not very good.

Especially when it was Adam's turn to hold the endoscope and observe them, they were very uncomfortable.

Just forget about the head, ears, and nose.

When checking the oral cavity, Iliad and Bianca's complexion turned red all at once, and Adam couldn't keep a professional attitude, and some distracting thoughts flashed in their minds.

Fortunately, Adam has been on the battlefield for a long time, as well as the acting skills. In order not to be embarrassed and to continue learning, he forcibly suppressed distracting thoughts, and checked their mouths one by one with an endoscope if nothing had happened.

With this buffer of time and enough professional attitude infection, Iliad and Bianca were finally brought into state by Adam.

And without distracting thoughts, these checks are actually normal and normal.

The three of them checked and discussed with each other, which was very profitable.

If possible, Adam would like to take the endoscope and go back and observe Chandler and the others as models.

After all, the more samples and the broader the knowledge, the better the learning effect.

It's a pity that these instruments are fixed in the outpatient clinic and it is impossible to bring you back.

As for the purchase?

This kind of small instrument is fine, but if it involves tens of millions of large instruments, can Adam buy them all just to learn?

It's not realistic at all.

So Adam was not prepared to use this method from the beginning, so he did whatever he wanted.

With his current level and reputation, as long as he has the opportunity, he can go up and practice the first time, and it is not too bad for this opportunity.

But because of this, Adam thought of Heather again, feeling a great pity in his heart.

If Heather is still there, there will be a professional model for him to observe in many inspections.

After all, there is still a big difference between a human body model and a real human body.

And Adam and the others will come into contact with real human bodies in the future, and they will use real human bodies to study at the beginning, and that is naturally the best.

As for Iliad and Bianca, even if they are professional, many things are not suitable for research and discussion together.

"Huh? Juno?"

Adam suddenly thought of Juno again, first he was happy, and then he thought of Karen, his face collapsed.

Juno is also a medical student. According to her personality, if Adam proposes to check and study each other, he will probably agree, but Karen who has been following it is hard to say.

Suddenly give Adam a knife if not sure.

just forget it.

"It seems that I need a new friend and a female friend who is not full of lovers Adam thought to himself: "All for learning! "

First of all, this person must conform to Adam's aesthetic.

After all, you don’t care about anything when you’re away from home, but you still have to insist on aesthetics.

Secondly, she must agree with his view of love.

This is more difficult.

Originally, Iliad and Bianca were both considered to be in line with Adam’s aesthetics, and they were classmates, and they were very suitable for deep learning together, but according to Adam’s observation, they both belonged to the kind of temperament with less experience and more authenticity.

Since Heather, Adam, who recognized himself, is the girl who wants to provoke the least now.

So I can only give up.


Who else?
