Chapter 341: Not being jealous is mediocre

Observe the operating room.

Dr. Shept, chief of neurosurgery, and Dr. Burke, chief of cardiothoracic surgery, took the resident Dr. Bailey, anesthesiologist Dr. Taylor, trainees Adam and Christina to perform a combined resection of the giant tumor.

A group of doctors and nurses gathered under the searchlight, looking a little crowded.

The observation room upstairs was already full of doctors.

Alex folded his arms and looked at Adam and Christina waiting in the operating room downstairs uncomfortably.

This operation was originally his.

Because of a problem with his microphone, he has now been ruled out of the operation, and Dr. Burke has been punished not to enter the operating room for a week.


This was an accident, and he was not speaking badly about the patient face to face.

That's right!

He really doesn't think he has done anything wrong. If he blames it, he blames the microphone!

In the operating room.

The chief surgeon was Dr. Burke, who was in charge of lung surgery.

Such a huge tumor has severely compressed the patient's lungs, making her breathing difficult, and she is at risk of suffocation at any time.

After Dr. Burke has taken care of his lungs, Dr. Sheputt will perform spine surgery.

Because the nerves above are dense, the operation process needs to be very careful, so the operation time will be very long.

Christina is as excited and confident as Adam.

However, after eight hours.

"Attract more."

"Bring another bag of O negative blood!"

"Electrocauting these small bleeding points keeps my vision clear."

Orders came from Dr. Burke.

"Doctor Duncan, can you still hold it? You need to maintain absolute stability later."

Dr. Burke looked at Adam, who had been carrying the giant tumor.

"no problem."

Adam was steady and smiled confidently.

Dr. Burke nodded, then glanced at Christina, who could not hold on to the soy sauce for a long time, and sighed in his heart.

Christina pretended not to see Dr. Burke's eyes and dared not look at him.

The reason why she was able to enter the operating room was not that Dr. Burke chose her, but that she let Dr. Burke choose her.

Acting with Alex to please the patient and become the patient's bed doctor.

Christina passed the night clothes to Dr. Burke and asked Dr. Burke to pass the resident Dr. Bailey and directly asked Dr. Bailey to inform Christina that he was involved in the operation.

But unlike Bailey's serious boycott of Dr. Shept's favoritism to Meredith, Dr. Bailey knew about Christina's level.

Therefore, she had no objection, and did not think that Christina, who was very similar to her, would eventually embark on the evil path of Meredith.

At the beginning, Christina and Adam were holding the giant tumor together, and they were able to observe this breakthrough operation in the best surgical field of vision.

But as time goes by, even if Adam bears most of the weight, just to maintain the lifting posture for eight hours, Christina, an ordinary human body, cannot hold it.

Frequent twisting of the body, accidentally causing the giant tumor to move.

There is no way, Adam can only say that he is completely fine alone, and ask Christina to step away, and the province is not helpful.

"Great job, Doctor Duncan!"

Half an hour later, after Dr. Burke finished his lung surgery, he appreciated Adam's stabilization of the giant tumor without a trace of tremor, as if it were placed on a platform.

"Your body is as strong as the rumors! It seems that next time there is a similar operation, it is better to find you."

"Anytime, anywhere, I have no problem."

Adam smiled cooperatively.

Although it was a joke, Adam told the truth.

To be able to make Leonard's new opponent say these words is a great affirmation of Adam.

If Dr. Burke is willing to give Adam more opportunities in the future, then Adam's path to great medicine will be even smoother.

"Ha ha."

During the operation, he burst into laughter.

The main knife is joking, and other people naturally have to laugh with him. This is basic politeness, not to mention that this is inherently funny.

"There are five or six hours left."

Dr. Shept, who took over the position of the chief surgeon, was also convinced of Adam's physical strength. Putting down the depression of being robbed by Adam in the morning, he joked: "Dr. Duncan, are you sure you are okay?"

"no problem."

Adam smiled and said, "If I can't make it through, I will immediately let Dr. Yang carry it."

Christina heard the words and gave Adam a grateful look.

"Well, let's start, and finish it earlier, the patient's risk will be lower."

Dr. Sheppert announced the official start of spinal surgery.

"Look at this artery, my God, it's almost as thick as a thumb. Have you seen such a thick blood vessel?"


Everyone shook their heads.

"This thing needs a lot of blood."

Dr. Shept said while performing the operation, “10 units of blood are almost used up. Contact the blood bank immediately. We need more O-negative blood.”

Observation room upstairs.

"Damn Adam!"

Alex was busy outside. After returning, he saw Adam being praised by Dr. Burke and the audience laughed. Compared with him being reprimanded and punished by Dr. Burke, it was really dazzling.

Adam doesn't look down on him, he usually sees it in his eyes and knows it in his heart.

He used to disdain.

You can't look down on me, I still can't look down on you.

But now such a sharp contrast, it is simply a slap in the face, it seems to be telling him: Adam is indeed qualified to look down on you, but you can only endure it.

This makes him very angry with the ruffian character.

"How is it going?"

Meredith finished his work and walked into the observation room.

"Still like that."

Alex said indifferently.

"Are you really as superficial and indifferent as you look?"

Meredith looked at him carefully.

"Why, do you want to go out for a drink at night?"

Alex immediately turned his head to look at her: "Listen to the pain in my heart?"

"Does your method of picking up girls work?"

Meredith laughed.


Alex shrugged.

"It must be because of your looks."

Meredith looked away.

"You mean yes?"

Alex smiled scornfully.

"No, I have a boyfriend..."

Meredith refused, but his tone was too hesitant and still exposed something.

If Adam was there, he would definitely look at her boyfriend, Dr. Shept, Mr. Dream, with sympathy.

The operating room below.

Dr. Shept did not know that his girlfriend was casting a green shadow on him with Shuai Pi, and he was devoting himself to the operation.

At this time the isolation door of the operating room was opened.

Before he could wear the mask, Liz took the mask to his mouth and walked in.

"Our surgery is not over yet!"

The assistant Dr. Burke scolded.

"Mr. Harper, a heart surgery patient in Ward 2, I had to perform thoracotomy on him in the ward."

Liz clutched his mask and said anxiously.

"what have you done?"

Everyone looked over.


Alex in the observation room upstairs was even more stunned, because the bed doctor in ward 2 was him!

Adam has robbed him of the operation. Now even Liz dares to rob his patients. It's unbearable.