Chapter 805 Month quickly flies by (4)

Chapter 805 Month quickly flies by (4)

Once he was done with his rehabilitation list, the discussion between him and Ren Shu went full swing. The deeper the discussion went the more Yang Qing felt he had made the right choice in coming to Ren Shu for guidance, and the bonus of having Shao An there too who had some insights of his own to share.

The discussion went on for close to eight hours. By the time he left, it was close to dusk. He was grinning from ear to ear because of the fruits of that discussion. If before he only had a hazy string of ideas on what to do for Ma Yuan and his daughter for the one-year period that they were around, he now had a clear structured plan, and that plan left him buzzing as it one of it involved doing one of the things he loved, deciphering cultivation arts.

"Will I be able to come up with one that is at least at the orange grade before the year is up?" he excitedly muttered.

Ma Yuan's body was being transformed by the aura around his abode and the relationships and interconnections he had created there. Yang Qing was just borrowing that force to streamline the process. However, a complete and thorough transformation of his entire body and essence to adapt to his missing core and dantian would take time.

One year wasn't nearly enough time for that. Ma Yuan would have to continue with the regimen after he left Yang Qing's abode and without Yang Qing or his aura being there to guide the process for him, he would need alternative means and the best means Yang Qing could think of was a cultivation art that did precisely that. A cultivation art built on the subtle relationship between Ma Yuan and the grounds he worked. Only this way would, as he circulated the art, would his body eventually get transformed completely.

Yang Qing wasn't sure how long it would take, but he had a feeling it would take at least 100 years. The timeframe could lessen if the cultivation art was good. Other than the cultivation art, he would also have to find a medium to store his essence, since his essence was the glue that held everything together.

Yang Qing could feel his spirits stirring at the thought of creating a cultivation art. He had evolved a couple of cultivation arts over the years with his greatest work being the Brilliant ray fist art, which was a blue-grade art that he evolved from a low-tier orange-grade art. But building one from scratch was something he hadn't tried yet.New novel chapters are published at

"Should I just go back? I don't really need his help, do I?" he added as he spotted his grandfather who was yelling, with spittle flying over at the same time he still managed to mix in a crazy boisterous laugh in there when he saw their 'potion' change colors before he quickly switched to arguing some more.

Yang Qing resigned to the situation walked over long enough for his grandfather to notice his presence.

"Qing'er! Qing'er! Is that you? What are you doing here? When did you come back? Come here quick!! We have just created a new potion. It's able to help a mortal jump from a mortal body to the silver refining stage in two weeks. I am calling the silver phoenix potion.." his grandfather said with smugness evident in his tone that was soon cut short when the other old men within his group hurriedly interrupted.

"Who agreed on calling it that?! As one of the people who came up with the stabilizing part of the potion, I should be the one to name it. What silver phoenix potion. A name like that makes it sound like it's a potion for making the skin smoother. A potion like this needs something more domineering, like the spit of the dragon roar.."

"SPIT OF THE DRAGON ROAR?! Are you mad? Who would want to use a potion with a name like that? They would flee to the ends of the earth. It makes my skin crawl with disgust just thinking about it.."

"This is just the reaction I'd expect from a dainty person like yourself Ol' Yang Fen..."

"You, Ol' Chen, let's go to the combat arena. I'll turn you into that dragon spit you seem to like so much.."

"You think I'm afraid of you Ol' Fen. Maybe you might have a chance at rebirth from the beating I'm going to give you. Let's go.."