Chapter 812 Presence in the first case back

Chapter 812 Presence in the first case back

Yang Qing rubbed his eyes when he saw a blurry silhouette at the corner leading to his abode, that sort of resembled Lei Weiyuan's figure.

"What was in that wine for it to reproduce my worst fears.." Yang Qing said as he laughed bitterly.

"Don't worry Old fiend Lei, I know it's been a month since I did our curse-dispelling morning ritual, not to worry, starting today I will make sure to resume it in honest. The four-year tradition will be maintained.." he added as he bowed solemnly to what he assumed was a specter of Lei Weiyuan born out of his fear of the person, and the fact that he would probably see him today after not being in the courtroom for close to three months. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

Yang Qing went on to pat the shoulders of the 'specter' only to freeze halfway when he made solid contact with it. Whatever wine he had in his system was instantly evaporated as he shakily adjusted his gaze like he had just seen a ghost, meeting eye to eye with those silver eyes. Those silver eyes that always seemed to see through everything he did.

"Old Le.. Le...Lei, is that you?" he asked shakily.

"Glad to see you enjoyed your vacation well.." Lei Weiyuan said with a calm demeanor that always made Yang Qing feel like he was waiting for a guillotine to fall on him.

"Whhy are you like that?" Yang Qing hastily asked, fear being rapidly amplified and produced in every part of his body as he pointed to the silhouette of Lei Weiyuan which seemed to be made of mist which was why Yang Qing automatically assumed he was hallucinating in the first place.

"Oh, this? I was casually testing out a cultivation art Dean Zhu Lao came up with for reproducing imprints from a single thought in places we have not marked but have visited. I'm still not too familiar with it, hence the look.." Lei Weiyuan casually said.

"A thought imprint?" Yang Qing asked with widened eyes.

Imprints operated similarly to talismans except unlike talismans, they contained the spiritual will of the user, it was like a clone of the user, except an imprint contained a small fraction of the user's abilities, and they needed a medium as an anchor. The medium needed to be something that was at the monarch grade at least and if the medium got damaged, the imprint would disappear.

But from the way Lei Weiyuan described the thought imprint he was experimenting with, it did not seem to have a medium, with the only point of contact being places he had visited.

"The other is about your first case, it is the Red Maple Empire, right?"

"Mmh.." Yang Qing said with a nod as he lifted his head.

"With the son of Li Guiren, one of the founders of the Golden Bamboo Pavilion, when it comes to handling his judgment, Domain inner court judge Hou Dehui will be present in the courtroom as will Li Guiren and quite possibly the other two founders.

Whatever conclusions you come to, let not their presence or what they represent, influence you. We already have a lot of enemies, adding one more to the pile won't matter. So don't hold back on account of trying to reduce troubles for the Order.

Let your verdict be a pure unadulterated reflection of what you believe suits him. That is all, take care, and don't be late.."

"I won't and thank you, Supervisor Lei Weiyuan.." Yang Qing said as he cupped his fists in deep gratitude.

Just as Lei Weiyuan's imprint was about to dissipate, it froze as Lei Weiyuan's gaze fell on Yang Qing.

"Yees?" Yang Qing hesitantly asked.

"Earlier, as I was forming my imprint, I seem to have overheard you mention my name and a morning curse ritual.."

"Supervisor Lei, I don't want to keep you, I have tonnes to prepare since it's my first day back in a while. Forgive me for my poor manners.." Yang Qing hurriedly said as he quickly bowed and fled to his abode, praying Lei Weiyuan would not reproduce another imprint within his abode.

"He can't get in, right? I have never invited him here, but then again.." A scary thought flashed in his mind as Yang Qing powered all his isolation arrays in overdrive, expenditure of spirit stones be damned.