Chapter 821 Case against Chen family (2)

Chapter 821 Case against Chen family (2)

Yang Qing gave it a few seconds before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Good morning, I will try to keep this as brief and clear as I can for all of you here, so please make sure to commit every word that I say to heart and I hope you have done so with the words my colleague Yu Gen has likely shared with you before coming here on how you should conduct yourself whilst here, and the procedures of this courtroom..."

Yang Qing took a brief pause as he eyed each and every single member present.

"My name is Yang Qing, and I am an outer palace court judge of the Order. I will be in charge of the deliberation and the passing of the sentence on all matters concerning the case put forth against you.

May the head of the Chen family, Chen Zian, please step forward.." Yang Qing said as he addressed the group.

"Greetings Judge Yang Qing, I am Chen Zian.." answered a middle-aged man walking forward to the center of the courtroom, the fidgety crowd summoning whatever strength they had to let him through.

The middle-aged man had on black robes with no adornments on it, but even plain, anyone could tell the robes were made of quality material. The robes looked to have been made of a gem-like silk which gave it a certain quality that made it seem like it was dancing with the lights of the courtroom.

That robe seemed to complement the air around the middle-aged man which was one of elegance and composure. One look at him and you could already tell, he was someone important. Unlike most of his group, he was one of the few who was composed in the courtroom, almost as if he was nothing but a spectator to the whole thing.

Once he was at the center, Chen Zian respectfully cupped his fists to Yang Qing in greeting and acknowledgment of where he was.

"Yu Gen has filled you in on why you are here?" asked Yang Qing.

"He has.." Chen Zian succinctly answered.

"Good, but for the sake of procedure, I will need to reiterate it..."?Yang Qing said as he brought his palms together.

"Good," Yang Qing said as he dispelled his pressure bringing a much-welcomed relief to the group.

"Now where were we?... Yes, certain members of the Chen family stand accused of using human cauldrons in the growth and nurturing of specific spiritual herbs, and the evidence also shows the Red Flaming Lotus Alchemy Pavilion to be involved in the matter..." Yang Qing paused slightly as his gaze lingered on Song Ba briefly, who did well to control himself, which was more out of fear with how pale he looked.

Once Yang Qing was sure there would be no interruption, he continued,

"I will give out the specifics of the matter which includes the collected evidence once I am done mentioning the charges..."

Chen Zian nodded in understanding.

"The second charge is your clan has been found to have deep ties with the Black Scorpion Gang, which records show to gave received a lot of support in funding and resources to help it grow to the level it is today.

While your clan backing a gang is none of the Order's business and should fall under the purview of your kingdom, it does fall under our purview when there are a lot of deaths of innocents.

Evidence shows your clan using the gang to murder, kidnap, and do all sorts of atrocities for you. Evidence shows the human cauldrons and pill slaves you have been using have been sourced by them.

This is but one of the things they have done for you. Just like the previous charge, I will be bringing up the specifics momentarily..

Your presence here, Clan Patriarch, is to bear witness to the charges against your members, and should you wish to speak on their behalf, as the clan patriarch, you will be allowed to do so, but if they wish to speak for themselves, they will be allowed that too, as is their right.

Is everything clear, Patriarch Chen Zian?"

"It is.."