Chapter 859 Blood debt duel (4)

Chapter 859 Blood debt duel (4)

After informing the duo, Yang Qing walked over to Yu Gen pulling over a portion of the fog that he and Yu Gen used to sit on as it slowly rose a few hundred meters from the platform.

With a single command, the fog obscured the duo as Yang Qing fished out a jar of cloud mist wine and two cups, quickly pouring for both he and Yu Gen as they both inadvertently sighed at the mysteries of the fog around.

"Where did they even find such a thing? Every time I see it I am mesmerized like the first time I saw it.." Yang Qing said as his eyes glittered with endless wonder and curiosity when they fell on the fog around them.

Yu Gen who had the same reaction, answered,

"A world this big, filled with thousands upon thousands of mysterious objects and places like the Millionsfold Treasure Ocean, the Beast Churning Sea, the Celestial Ocean, or the green fog region.. It's not strange to find inexplicable things like the chaos fog of manifestation.

That being said, it is still one of the most wonderous ones I've come across. I can't believe such a fog with no sentience at all can weave countless dao as a seamster does a cloth. How many Daos do you think it knows?"

"Considering the chaos energy it is rumored to contain, probably thousands, otherwise how else would it create such flawless transformations.." Yang Qing said with an envious sigh as he had a tiny portion of the fog next to him transform into a brazier that burned with a gentle light blue flame which he used to cook some skewered cow tongues he had on hand.

The fog that surrounded them, just as Yu Gen had mentioned, was called the chaos fog of manifestation and it could be considered siblings with the mimicry chaos sky metal which was inlaid into the black medallion tower of the Order and became one of the foundational fabrics of its headquarters.

Both were rumored to have been birthed from the same source which Yang Qing guessed was why the Order had both in the first place. He just didn't know who brought them.

The mimicry chaos sky metal was what allowed movement into different floors and courtrooms of the Order, especially when it came to sensitive areas. It acted as a passageway but also as a barrier to those places.

The mimicry chaos sky metal had a unique ability that would cloak everything it touched with the power of the void and since the entire building was made of the metal, it meant in no simple terms that the entire headquarters was in the void.

But if the entire was in the void, how was it still visible in the real world? Yang Qing didn't exactly know how the mimicry chaos sky metal worked, but with the little understanding he got when he was told about it was the metal acted as a bridge and anchor to both worlds; the void world and the physical world, both sides would not be able to see or access the bridge without its say so.

The tower basically existed in limbo between two worlds which made the tower virtually untouchable by both worlds as one would have to seek the approval of the mimicry chaos skymetal first before gaining access to the tower.

Mysterious realms operated similarly to what the metal was doing, man-made ones, that is. For those types of realms, someone powerful would tear the fabric of space where it was weak, revealing the void world within then they would use several treasures. The bulk of the treasures in use were to ensure the void space was habitable and safe as void energy was cataclysmically destructive.

As for domain experts, he was under no illusions that they would be swimming in the same number of domain experts as they would palace realm experts.

Even with the fog's ability to manifest different Daos, the true test of the domain realm was surviving its tribulation. The fog would not be there to help them with it, but the palace realm was different. With sufficient preparation, one can survive it, and the bulk of that preparation was your understanding of the dao you were using to break through. Provided your understanding was good enough, the tribulation was nothing to fear. You could even bathe in it.

Provided the Chaos fog of manifestation was usable, it would have been perfect for deepening one's understanding by exposing them to different Daos. As a consequence, the Order would have been able to produce the palace realm a lot faster and in larger quantities than they currently did, and with more palace realm experts, more branches could be established,lessening the gaps between them, furthering enhancing the response and reach of the Order.

When it came to large organizations for example rank one and rank two, the soul formation experts and the domain expert were in charge of holding the helm, they rarely acted because of implications, but the main driving force of these forces were their palace realm experts. The more one had, the more avenues one had to expand and exert their influence, and for the Order that was something they desperately needed.

Yang Qing couldn't help but stare at the fog with a sense of grief, and resentment in his heart blaming the fog for being mercilessly and thoroughly exploited by the Order.

"Could it be the Order? Did they make you stingy?" wonderedYang Qing, using the same calming means he had learned over the years whenever he felt stifled and angry.

All his misfortunes, whether it made sense or not, blame the Order. It always brought him great relief to blame them or had the possibility of riling him up even further. It worked as a double-edged sword, but even with the risk, it was a habit he wasn't planning on giving up.


With Yang Qing preoccupied bemoaning and blaming the Order in his heart as he chewed on the crispy beef tongues, Chen Zholan and Chen Gutian had each chosen their weapon of choice.

It came as no surprise that they both went for swords, coming from a sword-cultivating clan, and further adding to their similarity, both their swords were single-handed long swords that were suffused with the wind element giving them the deep cyan glow that they had.

Both elders satisfied with their decisions walked to the center of the platform. Yang Qing seeing that they had made their choice, waved his hand, dispelling the rows of weapons leaving only a wide platform.

The atmosphere around the area instantly changed as it turned solemn. The elders who had their attention consumed by the chaos fog of manifestation, no longer gawked at it as they all focused their attention on the two people at the center of the platform.

Yang Qing floated to the center of the platform, his robes swaying with the gentle wind that blew around them.

"I won't waste a lot of words, so without any further ado let the blood duel begin!" he said as he used his right hand like a mallet and beat the air like a drum producing a loud gong sound in the process.

The instant he did, Chen Zholan, and Chen Gutian, without hesitation, or exchange of words, clashed swords.