Chapter 889 No different than slapping the emperor’s face

Chapter 889 No different than slapping the emperor's face

"Ding Xiaoli getting crippled took everyone by surprise, my father included.?With what he had done, most of us expected an immediate reaction from the store, after all, the whole commotion had happened just outside their door and the pillar Ding Xiaoli crashed through was theirs.

But no one came out.

At the time I couldn't understand why, and just naively assumed the reason they didn't react was that even they knew Ding Xiaoli's actions were unpardonable.

I thought they too had grown some conscience from the whole commotion. Xiaoli always behaved like a fiend, but never to the extent of what he did that day.

It was wishful thinking on my part that maybe the store had tacitly approved of my father's actions hence the lack of reaction on their part.

Because a few seconds later, one of the shop clerks of the store came out and picked up Ding Xiaoli's unconscious and crippled body and went back to the store.

Not once did he interact with my father, he didn't even spare a glance his way.

I remember feeling relieved when I saw that clerk walk back into the store..." Wu Mingli said with a bitter smile.

"I thought my father had got away with it, that the world was finally ready to accept just acts. How wrong I was.." Wu Mingli said as he shook his head.

"Back then I didn't know, but a few, especially the city guards and those well-informed, they knew why the store didn't react and it wasn't because they had grown a conscience as I had assumed.."

Wu Mingli's eyes laced with coldness and contempt fell on Duan Hu.

After he was done, I saw him handing Li Fei something and a few words as he escorted him back to his home. That was the last time I ever saw Li Fei or his family, because the next day, their house was empty save for the household items, but for the people who inhabited it, none of them were there.

Neither Li Fei, nor his sisters, nor their sick mother was there. And it wasn't just them, because his aunts and cousins did too. Come the next day not one of them could be seen. I can only hope that the reason for their disappearance was them running away, and the words my father left Li Fei with was telling him to run.."

Wu Mingli genuinely hoped that they run because if they did, then that meant his father's actions back then were not in vain.

"Though it's been 238 years since that incident, I doubt Li Fei is alive, but for his sisters, and the rest, I hope they had a better turn in their fates.."

Though Wu Mingli thought that, he couldn't fully believe in it. Has the world really ever been that fair?

When it came to Li Fei's family, his father was the one with the highest cultivation. Li Fie's father just like his father, was also a late-stage foundation establishment cultivator, with Li Fei's father being slightly higher at the tenth stage while his father's was at the eighth.

Having experienced the ruthlessness of the cultivation world over the past few hundred years,he knew a foundation establishment cultivator was just a stronger ant. They'd struggle to survive in that world just as much as a qi and or body refinement cultivator. A foundation establishment cultivator was just a little sturdier that was all.

The strongest person in Li Fei's family was his father, but his foundation establishment cultivation was insufficient to guarantee his family's life, if it was, would his wife have been denied treatment by the Greem General Dragon Store?

If he had been at the core formation realm, while the store would have not feared him, they would have afforded him the basic courtesy afforded to someone of that station.

A core formation cultivator could be considered a precious resource even within a high-ranking organization like the Golden Bamboo Pavilion, let alone one of their subsidiaries. The Green Dragon General Store would not have wanted to fall out with one easily just because of a mere sky-grade herb.

Were Li Fei's father a core formation expert, they would have likely reached an easy compromise, but he wasn't and because of it, things devolved as they did, to the point he was forced to risk his life along with his brother's to search for alternative means elsewhere.

If their father's strength could be considered trivial, what about Li Fei's? Or his sisters'?