Chapter 10

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
Chapter 10

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 10: Regret

Normally, the level of an Orc Guard is 250.

Just looking at their level stats, it means that all of their stats are 250.

On top of that, they are good at fighting, as befits Orcs who love to fight.

‘Even these guys.’

They were much stronger than the ordinary guards he knew.

There was a reason for that.

The Orc Hero who was chasing Cedric.

Probably, just as that guy is incredibly strong, these guys also have some kind of buff.

‘Level 300? It seems like that’s about right.’

He lightly deflected the flying glaive with his sword. He received it with much less force, then immediately swung his sword.

The Orc, his eyes wide, hurriedly raised one arm.


The sword lightly pierced the Orc’s collarbone.

A fountain of blood spurted out.


His stats had been greatly increased by doping.

However, his weapon was not good.

He had cut through the skin, but he had not been able to cut through the bone.

In the meantime, the glaive came crashing down.

He rolled on the ground, dropping his sword.

The guard, about to kick him in a fit of rage, staggered.

‘It wasn’t for nothing that I filled up my mana.’

The skeletons are summoned from the ground. The hands of the skeletons that rose up grabbed the guard’s legs tightly.


The guard, his eyes red with anger, stomped on the skeletons.

The skeletons, overwhelmed by the level difference, shattered helplessly.

However, there were many more skeletons being summoned.

[Opening the Subspace Ring (Intermediate)!]

The equipment that popped out of the ring was scattered all over the floor.

The skeletons quickly grabbed their weapons and rushed in from all sides.

Even though the level difference was overwhelming, they wouldn’t be able to deal much damage even with their weapons.

Still, it would sting all over.

They stabbed him all over.

In addition, the skeletons grabbed the hand holding the glaive and held on tenaciously.

Before he knew it, Minwoo was holding a hammer that he had taken out of his inventory.

‘Let’s see you block this.’

He swung the hammer down on the Orc’s face with all his might.

The Orc instinctively raised his arm.

The sword was already embedded in that arm.

The hammer smashed the sword down.


The sword pierced through and the Orc’s arm was cut off.

Normally, he would hold his severed arm and scream in pain, but this one-armed Orc was different.

Instead, his eyes turned red and he stepped forward, swinging his glaive.

He blocked the front with the hammer.


Sparks flew and he was pushed back.

‘That’s why Orcs are tough.’

They don’t stop even when they’re injured.

‘But, I like it better this way.’

Their actions are easier to read.

The skeletons were already stabbing the Orc’s back with their weapons.

Since he was completely defenseless, the damage would be considerable.

Even so, the Orc’s gaze was fixed only on him.

He deflected several attacks.


The one who rushes in battle loses.

Just like that Orc.

The Orc, who had charged like a bull, threw the glaive.

He twisted his face.

The glaive flew viciously, narrowly missing his head.

In the meantime, the Orc, with his arms spread wide, charged in with all his might.

It was a good decision.

He must have thought it would be difficult to fight with weapons. So he was probably going to try to grab him first.

‘But you see.......’

[Using Fear Gaze (F)!]

[Using Haste (F)!]

Just a split second.

The Orc flinched slightly at the gaze.

And then his own speed increased a little more.

That one split second difference decided the outcome. The gruesome claws missed him by a hair’s breadth.

He swung the hammer down on the Orc’s bewildered face. The blow was amplified by the inertia of his charge.

The Orc’s face was completely crushed.

‘I can read you like a book.’

You think I’ve only faced Orcs once or twice?

They’re a regular monster at the Gate.

And on top of that, Kim Minwoo is at his ‘best’ right now.

That terrible lack of talent is gone.

The skeletons swarmed over the Orc, who was crying pitifully. After a few attacks with their weapons, the Orc’s strength drained from his body.

[You have won the battle against an overwhelmingly powerful monster!]

[You have acquired the title, ‘Strong Hunter’!]

That was the moment.


[Orc Hero casts ‘Difference in Class (EX)’!]

[Overwhelming Presence!]

[Your soul is shaken greatly!]


The bodies of the undead around him collapsed in an instant.

The bodies of the Death Knights and Liches faded.

Cedric, who had been struggling against the Orc Hero, staggered violently.

The body of the Bone Dragon crashed to the ground.

It wasn’t just the undead who were impacted.


Kim Minwoo.

His heart was also racing like crazy. He was experiencing firsthand what it meant to have his soul shaken.

“This is insane....”

He couldn’t muster any strength in his body.

It was a skill that truly deserved to be called a difference in class.

“After the Dragon Lord, it’s the second time.”

A being using an EX-level skill.

Was there any connection?



He staggered and looked at the Orc Hero in front of him.

In a battlefield that repeats for eternity in his regrets, he doesn’t even remember how many times he has fought that monster.

The result was always the same.

He ends up defeated.

The spear in his hand trembled.

He was once a knight.

A common tale.

Betrayed and died.

Became undead for revenge.

Death Lord.

As one of the four generals under him, he roamed the continent.

He had no enemies for a lifetime.

Until they appeared.

And thought he had dodged it.

But then,


A fountain of blood erupted from his chest.

Even though he could see it, he couldn’t avoid it at that speed.

He felt a searing pain.

[Armor destroyed!]

His sternum was sliced clean off.

It was fortunate that his heart was not pierced.

He barely managed to stay on his feet.

The hero, seeing this, tilted his head.

An insignificant bug.

He had tried to kill him.

But he didn’t die.


It felt like he was being tickled with feathers.

The skeletons were holding onto his body.


With a single kick, they were all turned to dust.

In the meantime, Kim Minwoo hurriedly poured a potion on his chest.

The bleeding barely stopped.

His eyes met the hero’s.

The hero’s eyes became slightly serious.


He spoke.

Strangely enough, he could understand what the hero was saying.


A single Orc Guard tossed his weapon to him.

―Pick it up.

This guy.

He was a real man.

He grabbed the glaive instead of his broken sword. He wouldn’t be able to receive the additional effects because it was level-restricted, but he should be grateful that he could use it as a weapon.

―Here it comes.

The glaive approached in an instant.

The trajectory was such that his body would be split in two.

‘Here I go.’

He twisted his body with all his might.


The arm without the sword was severed.

In exchange, he cut off the bastard’s forearm....


The glaive hitting the hero’s forearm sounded like it collided with steel.

Oh no...

The plan was to give him a bone and take some flesh, but the difference in stats seemed too severe.


His eyes met the hero’s.

Fortunately, the hero asked a question instead of attacking.


The orc asked with a puzzled face, as if wondering why he was struggling so hard.

What a kind guy.

He decided to repay the hero’s kindness a little.

“I’m protecting something. Do you need a reason?”


The hero smiled, as if he understood.

The hero’s yellow teeth gleamed.



Minwoo’s body flew far away from the hero’s kick.

[Orc Hero Mutakta uses ‘Strike of Destruction’!]

[You have suffered massive damage!]

[All equipment is destroyed!]

He hurriedly summoned skeletons at the landing point.


Even then, his body was slammed into the ground with a tremendous impact.


His chest, hit by the kick, was crushed. Blood trickled from his missing arm.

His body didn’t even twitch.


His vision started to blur.


[You’ve suffered a fatal injury!]

[‘Indomitable Soul’ effect is activated!]

[The effect of ‘Indomitable Spirit’ is activated!]

[Soul points are decreasing!]

[Soul points (46/50)]

[Soul points (42/50)]

[Soul points (38/50)]

‘Am I... dying?’

It certainly seemed so.

When that reaches 0, it’ll definitely be dull.

Each moment felt agonizingly slow.

Before he knew it, the hero was approaching him, his glaive at his throat.

―Good. Warrior. Me. Mutakta. You. Name.

[Soul points (34/50)]

His lips quivered.

Jo... Joa.

[Soul points (30/50)]

―Joa. Remember.

[Soul points (26/50)]

Well, thanks.

The glaive approached.



[Soul points (22/50)]

Just before it touched him...


A familiar spear deflected the glaive.

‘This bastard... .’

[Soul points (18/50)]


He finally took off his heavy armor.

―...Don’t touch him anymore.

[Soul points (14/50)]

The world turned gray.

In the frozen moment, a message appeared.

[Perfect escape condition!]

[Cedric has overcome his regrets!]

[He has obtained the heart of a legion commander of the Death Lord, once known as the Dragon Knight!]

[Cedric will now fight for you!]

[The power of the Death Lord, Summon Cedric (SSS), is activated!]

[You have acquired the titles, ‘Master of the Dragon Knight’, ‘Acknowledged by Mutakta’, ‘The One Who Stops Eternity’!]

[The Battlefield of Eternity fades away slowly.]

[You’ve left the battlefield.]

‘Ha, did I have to go through all this trouble?’

‘Originally, I just wanted to play around a bit.’

Can’t be helped.

‘You’re screwed once I summon you, really.’

He firmly made up his mind.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]