Chapter 108

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
Chapter 108

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 108: Saudi (2)

It wasn’t long before they entered the palace with the guards.

“I have something important to discuss, so please step back.”

“Your Majesty, it’s dangerous...”

“Oh, I trust Kim Minwoo, the Awakened here.”

At the frosty king’s shout, the guards reluctantly began to leave the room.

They were left alone in the room.

Abdullah, who licked his lips as if he was about to cry, said.

“...Is it really possible to awaken?”

“Of course, would I have flown all the way here to talk nonsense?”

He nodded.

He didn’t believe it, but he had no choice. If he was going to scam them, there would have

been no reason to come here in the first place.

“Let’s just cut to the chase. I guess Awakening means a lot to Your Majesty?”


Whether the Awakened side or the non-Awakened side is at an advantage. In today’s Saudi Arabia, the Awakened side has the advantage.

It’s not that they are suppressing the non-Awakened, but naturally, the side that is blessed by Allah would have more pride and power in their words, wouldn’t they?

In the case of a king, he doesn’t even have to fight directly, so it would be perfect if he were

to convert to a priest or something like that.

If he just shoots out a halo, he can increase the loyalty of his people.

The possibility of subtle deification and idolization. These would be very sweet elements for him as a king.

“I need a lot of money.”

“Money. Is it because of the skill book?”

“That too. I need to participate in the Sky Auction House as well.”

The king’s eyes widened at his words.

“...You already received an invitation?”

“Yes. My participation is confirmed.”

“That’s remarkable. Well, with your reputation and financial resources, it’s no surprise you would receive an invitation. So, how much is it?”

“100 trillion won. That’s the minimum.”

“...Are you joking, man?”

“Does it look like I’m joking?”

They stared at each other intently.

He seemed uncomfortable, squinting his eyes as he said.

“Heh, I guess it’s serious then.”

“It’s not that expensive, is it?”

His exact wealth was unknown. This was because Saudi law prohibited the disclosure of royal assets.

However, in this world setting, the total assets of the Saudi royal family were estimated to be around 3 quadrillion won.

100 trillion won was a lot, but...

‘It’s not an amount we can’t afford.’

If only he could awaken, the other side would take care of the money. They would not hesitate to use any means necessary.

“Care for a smoke?”

“Sure, why not.”


He lit a cigarette after picking one up.

“...If the people find out about this, there will be an uproar.”

“Is that so?”

‘Well, I suppose that’s true’

“If the king of a country decides to awaken and spends 100 trillion won, who would be happy about it?”

“Even if it’s his personal wealth, the story is the same.”

“If this becomes public knowledge, the fallout could be quite significant.”

But then...

“Then couldn’t we just keep it under wraps?”

There were plenty of ways to quietly close the deal.

“Heh, that’s true.”

“I had some business at the Blue House.”


Can I really Awaken?

Abdullah swallowed hard.

‘What kind of Awakening requirement is this...?’

He had thought that Donny was just a strong Awakened fighter, but it didn’t end there.

He had the ability to figure out Awakening requirements. It was hard to overstate how valuable this ability was in the era of Awakened people.

‘This is a truly terrifying ability.’

He couldn’t even imagine how high Donny’s potential was, even at this point. It was hard to imagine how far Kim Minwoo would go.

Their eyes met.

“Your Majesty’s Awakening requirement is...”

“What is it? Surely it’s not something like eating poop like that guy?”

“No, it’s not that.”

He looked at him slyly and said.

“You just need to get shot in the thigh.”


“You’ll Awaken if you get shot in the thigh.”

This was a fact that Abdullah, who had once been protected by users as an escort, had learned after being shot in a terrorist attack.

He would Awaken if he was shot in the thigh.

It was a crazy requirement, but it wasn’t that difficult.

‘It’s not that hard.’

It’s just the thigh, not the heart or the head.

And he could even cheat by using rubber bullets or something.

Was there no other requirement besides getting shot in a way that wasn’t even that dangerous?

The Park Siwoo expedition route would have been blocked a long time ago.

No matter how eager one is to awaken, they wouldn’t risk their life just because some stranger says so.

Even if it seems suspicious, the conditions must be tempting enough to prick one’s ears up a bit.

When the king was informed of this fact, he sighed with relief.

‘...It’s not as difficult as I thought.’

“Awakening is easy once you know the conditions.”

It’s just a matter of finding the right conditions. Since people have such diverse conditions, even with helpers for awakening, there were limits.

How could one even consider shooting the king to experiment with awakening?

Such conditions weren’t common at all.

“...So, if I get hit by a low-powered gun, does that mean my achievement rank will also decrease?”

“Well, yes, it would. But that’s not really important, is it?”


Whether it’s F-rank or B-rank achievement, from the king’s perspective, both were the same.

“Do you have any intention of achieving S-rank or something like that?”

“To achieve that, wouldn’t I need to be hit by dozens of bullets? I would have to go through quite an ordeal to reach that level...”

“Just getting hit won’t get you into that realm. For awakening in that rank you would need to get hit by a high-caliber bullet.”

Then, after a thorough treatment, the awakening is over.

It seems so simple.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Abdullah immediately stepped forward, as if in a hurry.

Perhaps he would entrust that mission secretly to a reliable guard.

‘He’ll handle it on his own.’

As if knowing, he walked in with a bright smile after a brief wait.

“Haha! I never thought I could solve this lifelong problem so easily! It’s beyond my wildest dreams!”

“Congratulations on your awakening.”

“Thank you, thank you! You are our Saudi hero!”

The king pats his shoulder with eyes that seem to drip with honey.

“Everything is according to Allah’s will.”

“As Allah wills. I will transfer the promised amount to you shortly.”

“Thank you.”

His assets had increased dramatically.

And if you add to that the pocket money of Siwoo and Seo Yerin.

‘The game is over.’

He could almost hear the laughter of the awakened ones who would be participating in the auction.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]